【九月荷花朵朵香】旗袍秀 (Qi Pao Fashion Show)
文章来源: 天玉之2023-09-17 09:30:29


Last Saturday, the Chinese Association Dance Team has demonstrated their beauty and elegance at the city’s third Culture Festival. The exquisite, graceful Chinese costume style swept the downtown city center. As they walked on the boulevard, applauses and compliments arised from the standing audience on the side of the road. Proud of our Chinese culture… I was standing in the second to last position~~










细雨后的荷塘 风飘来阵阵清香


在水中伸展 婀娜开放



手握油纸伞 梦一般



轻轻地 她们走了 正如轻轻地来

她们轻轻地转身 招手





* 昨天本州华协舞蹈队的美女们,风姿绰约展示在城里文化节上,温柔美丽的中国风 席卷了市中心。。。我站在倒数第二个 ~~


This was the music we followed as we walked.

我们踩着这个音乐走秀,很美的音乐,《梦里水乡》,你们可以边欣赏音乐,边看照片 ~~



