文章来源: 天玉之2021-06-11 04:25:12











园中的三棵六月莓树 浆果缤纷




浆果在六月的第二个星期 如期而至,


惹人格外欢喜。莓子由浅红变为深紫 没过多久




每日清晨 在花园散步

顺手捋一把 将一捧莓子一并放进嘴里

甜甜软软的 果汁从唇齿间一下子溢出来




鸟声也日渐浓密 红衣主教鸟 蓝松鸟 黄鹂。。。


像是从远处飞来 参加六月莓盛宴

每次看到我 它们都会一阵叽喳啁啾 仿佛抱怨说


“可是,谁种的树呢?” 我反问道




鸟儿在树的高枝上吃 我在低枝上摘食。





世间多少事 可以如此简单 平和 美好

快乐 因果实在期待中来临

彼此各得所喜 且心怀善意


那些平淡无味的日子 似乎也变得甜美如莓起来










                         By Tian Yu Zhi



June finally arrived,so did the colorful berries

From the three Juneberry trees in the garden 


After the trees have experienced autumn, winter, and spring,

As well as rain, snow, severe cold, hail, and wind storms,

The berries arrived on schedule in the second week of June

As delightful as receiving a surprise birthday blessing

From an old friend of long silence 

The berries changed color from light red to dark purple, soon after

The whole tree was covered with clusters of purple grapes like stars



When strolling in the garden every morning

I strip some berries from the leaves, and 

Put a handful in my mouth

The sweet and tender juice overflows

Between my lips and teeth, with the warm taste  of the Sun

Such is the flavor of June that I miss 


Bird sounds also became denser day by day

Red cardinals, bluejays, and yellow siskin…

I even saw a pheasant, with illuminating, colourful feathers

Attended the June Berry Bird Feast from afar 

Whenever the birds saw me,  they chirped loudly,  as if complaining 

“Here she comes again! She eats a big bowl of berries every day. 

How about leaving some for us...”

"But, who planted the trees?" I retorted


Quickly, they adapted to my existence

Birds eat on the higher branches of a tree, while

I pick berries from  the lower branches

The warm summer wind blows softly. 

Under the blue sky and the scorching Sun,

Only the birds and I eat berries quietly 


Many things could be as simple, peaceful, and beautiful

As this. Happy at this moment,

Only because fruits have arrived as hoped for 

We all got what we desired, and showed kindness to each other 

Each summer, to have such moments to look forward to

Even those ordinary dull days

Seem to become as sweet as the juneberries



