文章来源: 天玉之2020-10-30 07:58:21









我的鹦鹉 青山和绿水 



为我伴奏  呼应特定的高音音符

当我走过客厅走廊  它们呼唤


1/8 磅重的身躯,与我的拳头一样重


我走近 它们眨着清亮的小眼睛 歪着头

看我 抬起一只小爪 问候

小时候吃过的麻雀 ——






这里可以听到它们的伴奏 ~~


This is Mozart’s C major Sonata K 545, andante. I played it twice, about one minute each time. Each time on the same measure, about 53”, the parakeet let out bursts of sounds with interesting patterns. It seems to me that the bird understood Mozart and believed that was the place it should join me with its staccato chirrups, and made sure that he had the last note ????




再附一首 月亮代表我的心 ~~