新春到了,大家动手做个吉祥中国结 啊
文章来源: hancca2017-03-15 13:26:07

中国结是一种中国民间艺术,古称络子,历史悠久,并影响到周边国家的装饰艺术如日本结、朝鲜结。中國結是用線,繩編結的手工藝品,在中國民族手工藝中佔有重要的地位。中國結的結字中带有“吉”字并和“絲”相连,寓意着吉祥,好運,长寿,平安,健康等等。2017 新春来临之际欢迎大家和我们一起度过一个欢快亲自动手制作中国结的下午,汉协会将提供一切材料:

Come join us for a fun-filled afternoon to unravel the Chinese knots! With Spring nearly upon us, learn basic knot variations and try our hands at making your very own cherry flower knot. The more adventurous will also have the opportunity to tie a know into the Chinese character for Spring (春)

时间/Time: 3/25/2017 (星期六/Saturday) 下午/1:30pm- 4pm

1:30 pm to 2pm: 简单小食品,新朋老友小叙

2pm-3:30: 陈稚和大家动手做中国吉祥结

3-4pm: 来宾分享拍卖自己产品/作品(汉协会收取10%拍卖价,会员除外)


CCA 办公室/CCA office in Manhattan

675 3rd Ave, Suite#2400

New York, NY 10017

主持人/host: 陈稚/Jenny Chen

费用/Admission: $25 (会员免费,参加协会十五次活动,送汉服一套/Members are free  and you will receive a set of Hanfu for Free if you attend CCA events for no less 15 times)

联系方式/Contact info:

邮箱/email: jl@hancca.com

微信/wechat: julia6565

网站web: hancca.org



