文章来源: 彩烟游士2019-02-02 06:25:48



我放下肩上的锄头,走上前去,一把握住川普的手,用中国口音很浓重的美式英语对川普说:“Fancy meeting you in our rustic small village, Mr. President!”

“How are you doing? What do you think of my wall on our southern border with Mexico?”川普微笑着和我打招呼,并征询我对建墙的看法。

“I am against building a wall that stretches the whole US-Mexico border. The money for the wall can be used a lot more wisely elsewhere to beef up border security. However, I believe you can have some strategic locations identified along the border and have segments of wall built on these key locations.”我对川普道出了我对建墙的看法。

“Makes a lot of sense!”川普觉得我说得有些道理,继续问我:“If I were to be remembered by future generations of Americans as one of the greatest presidents, what would be the single thing I should do?”

“Flip a birdie at the vampiric interest groups in both the Democratic and Republican Parties! Completely revamp the U.S. immigration system. It should be a system based on merit and need. We want a country that will again become the magnet for the world’s top talents. As a president, you can make America great gain by building a great immigration system, not by building a wall.”我斗胆给川普提出了自己的看法。

“That is what I call great common sense! Beautiful!”川普好像赞同我的意见。接着,川普冷不然冒出一句:“No collusion!”

“I know! I know! It is a witch hunt!”我赶忙回答。



出了饭店,我看到两个很大的人群。左边是川粉,右边是川黑。川粉们头戴小红帽,帽上绣有“MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”字样。川黑们则举着各种反川普的牌子,口中高喊:“Lock him up! Lock him up!”

