文章来源: 笨狼2019-10-25 08:04:18
We’ve reconvened “the Quad” – the security talks between Japan, Australia, India and the Untied States that had been dormant for nine years. This will prove very important in the efforts ahead, ensuring that China retains only its proper place in the world.
【翻译】我们四虎国(美国接纳日本倡导用以遏制中国的印太战略(Indo-Pacific Strategy)【注2】联络的四核心国:美日印澳)要让中国回到它“应有的”位子
对彭斯的演讲,《外交政策》杂志如此总结(5 Takeaways From Mike Pence’s Hawkish China Speech):“副总统说话不含糊”
1. Linking Hong Kong and trade talks
2. China is becoming a great cudgel in the culture wars
3. Settling the great “decoupling” debate
4. Emphasizing the intellectual property theft debate
5. The political meddling bugaboo
不过美国私下的闲话是彭斯骂美篮和耐克比骂中国更狠。美中之间意识形态的争执既不可避免,十几年之内也不会有定论,所以这方面还是很斗下去,至于中国缺乏自由,大家也都知道,中国掺乎美国内政,中国更担心颜色革命,谁也说不过谁。所以这些都无关紧要,关键的,是彭斯其实在核心问题上退了下来:《路透社the United States does not seek confrontation or to “de-couple” from its main economic rival
Pence said the United States is “not seeking to contain China’s development.” “We want a constructive relationship with China’s leaders,” he said, calling on Beijing to “seize this unique moment in history to start anew by ending the trade practices that have taken advantage of the American people for far too long.”
