DeepMind 招人:
文章来源: 蓝调2023-01-16 12:28:36


Assistant, Team of VP of Research & Technology  Operations London, UK
Bioethicist, Ethics and Society Ethics And Society London, UK
Employee Relations Lead  Operations London, UK
International Public Policy Manager Ethics And Society London, UK
Laboratory Scientist, Genomics, DeepMind Science Lab at The Francis Crick Institute (Fixed Term Contract) Science London, UK
Network Engineer Operations London, UK
Organisational Development Lead (Fixed Term Contract) Operations London, UK
Process Management Associate Operations London, UK
Request for Services - Expert AI Tutor Research London, UK
Research Engineer for Large Models Engineering London, UK
Research Scientist Research London, UK
Security Operations Manager, Global Security Operations London, UK
Senior Software Engineer, Large Scale Infrastructure, Platform Engineering London, UK
Software Engineer for Large Models Engineering London, UK
Software Engineer, Compilers, Platform Engineering London, UK
Software Engineer, Large Scale Infrastructure, Platform Engineering London, UK