MIT学者Lex Fridman:Tesla AI Day Highlights等
文章来源: 蓝调2021-08-20 20:54:13


特斯拉从不花钱做广告,但每一次类似的介绍推广,各大媒体都报道。其中,ELON MUSK明言招人:,感兴趣的朋友们看看。




1. Tesla AI Day Highlights | Lex Fridman

A quick video on the main innovations presented at Tesla AI day.


0:00 - Overview

1:16 - Neural network architecture

4:55 - Data and annotation

6:44 - Autopilot & DOJO

8:28 - Summary: 3 key ideas

9:55 - Tesla Bot

Lex Fridman的个人网站:

他曾经访谈过 Elon MuskJack Dorsey等,在自动驾驶上与elon musk有不同见解,倾向于激光雷达使用。


2. Tesla AI Day完整视频 Complete Timestamps

Complete Timestamps:
0:38:00 FSD Demo
0:47:09 Introduction by Elon Musk
0:48:44 Vision
1:12:58 Planning & Control
Training Data:
1:24:23 Manual Labeling
1:27:57 Auto Labeling
1:34:52 Simulation
1:42:09 Scaling Data Generation
Running it in the Car:
1:43:07 AI Compiler & Scheduling
Fast Iteration (Project Dojo):
1:44:13 Tools & Evaluations
1:45:02 Neural Network Training Cluster
End of Presentation
2:05:07 What's next for AI? (Tesla Bot)
2:12:56 Team Q&A


3. 城里的中文介绍: