Ray Dalio儿子16岁创建的非盈利组织
文章来源: 蓝调2020-10-03 16:18:33

Ray Dalio是桥水基金创始人,他的儿子Matt Dalio曾多次去中国,并在那里读书。

16岁那年,他创建了China Care Foundation,帮助中国孤儿院的孩子们。

Matt Dalio在Linkedin上的介绍:

I discovered my passion for building organizations of consequence when I founded the China Care Foundation at the age of 16 to offer orphaned children a brighter future. China Care has since raised over $14 million to provide surgeries, foster placements and adoptions for thousands of special needs children, as well as spawning dozens of campus clubs.

Merged China Care with One Sky, ensuring long-run sustainability


1. China Care Foundation网页


2. One Sky:


3. Ray Dalio讲述儿子在中国的经历
