社区居民互助的一种形式:Time Exchange
文章来源: 蓝调2020-06-28 21:40:21

有的也叫time share,timebank。社区居民互相帮助,利用各自特长,解决家庭所需。不需要钱,但付出的是时间。在各自需要的时候,相互交换。

美国的民间组织,解决很多实际的问题,非常有意思。下面这段视频,是在网上看到的加州long beach的一段介绍。


Timebanking is a kind of money. Give one hour of service to another, and receive one time credit.

For one person to earn a time credit, however, someone else has to agree to give it. Timebanking happens when a network or circle of members have agreed that they will give and receive credits for services that other members provide. Those networks are called “timebanks.”