Elon Musk: Tesla 的周产达到7000辆!
文章来源: 蓝调2018-07-01 22:02:40



Elon Musk 四月起,睡在工厂的沙发上,星夜督产;28日在车间里度过47岁的生日;巨型帐篷里生产汽车的创世之举,这一切,终于获得回报!

tesla的产量在过去的一周达到7000辆,其中5000辆model 3达到目标,余下是model s和model x。

tesla从不为汽车销售做广告,靠技术实力赢得市场。记得几年前看他的tesla工厂介绍,强调reputation first。





Image result for tesla, elon musk




From: Elon Musk

To: Everybody

Subj. 7000

Jul. 1, 12:37 PM

We did it!! What an incredible job by an amazing team. Couldn’t be more proud to work with you. It is an honor.

The level of dedication and creativity was mind-blowing. We either found a way or, by will and inventiveness, created entirely new solutions that were thought impossible.

Intense in tents. Transporting entire production lines across the world in massive cargo planes. Whatever. It worked.

Not only did we factory gate over 5000 Model 3’s, but we also achieved the S & X production target for a combined 7000 vehicle week!

What’s more, with the widespread productivity gains throughout Tesla and the new production lines spooling up, we are on track to reach 6k/week for Model 3 next month.

I think we just became a real car company …

Thank you for your hard work and dedication,
