文章来源: europe2008-06-29 15:34:37
红颜真命薄:国际名模纽约坠楼自杀 还不满21岁(组图)

来自哈萨克的国际知名模特儿科尔苏诺娃(Ruslana Korshunova)28日下午被纽约警方发现疑似跳楼身亡,1987年7月2日出生的科舒诺娃,还没满21岁,曾担任国际知名品牌的代言人,事业如日中天,可说是明日之星;为何会跳楼自杀?令外界百思不得其解,而认识她的好友则强调她没有自杀的理由。 

  有着一头美丽长发的科尔苏诺娃,以及令人印象深刻的绿色眼睛,曾替NINA RICCI拍摄的香水广告,影片中的她艳惊四座,令人印象深刻。








Reports: Model dies in apparent NYC suicide dive

3 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) — A European Vogue cover model fell to her death from her Manhattan apartment building Saturday in an apparent suicide, published reports said.

Ruslana Korshunova, 20, died around 2:30 p.m. in a fall from a building on Water Street, in Manhattan\'s Financial District, The New York Post, the Daily News and Newsday reported. The newspapers cited unnamed officials and police.

Police said the fall was under investigation. Korushnova\'s New York agency and a spokeswoman for medical examiners did not immediately return telephone messages.

Originally from the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan, the almond-eyed, flowing-haired Korshunova appeared in advertisements and on runways for such designers as Marc Jacobs, Nina Ricci and DKNY. British Vogue hailed her as a face to be excited about in 2005.

Her break came when modeling booker Debbie Jones noticed her while perusing an in-flight magazine article about Korushnova\'s hometown of Almaty, according to the Vogue report.

She looked like something out of a fairytale! Jones told the magazine. We had to find her and we searched high and low until we did!

More at http://vngallery.blogspot.com/2006/09/ruslana-korshunova.html