The most beautiful rose
文章来源: noworry2015-04-17 09:20:08
The most beautiful rose that I’ve ever seen, and I would love you, my friends, to smell the sweet rose perfume, too.  Last evening, my little daughter of eight years old wrote “Roses” in less than twenty minutes, which amazed me.  My two little kids often do something surprising my wife and me.   We are so blessed to have such wonderful kids.
Roses sing like a bell that rings.
Falling roses rings in the Spring.
The doorbell goes ding dong in the wind.
Roses smell like a breezzzzzzzz!
The smell of the perfume roses make you go to sleep.
The pedals on the roses fly like sparking butterflies.
The roses sparkle like a crystal.
The roses smell like perfume but it looks like a sparkling crystal.
By XXX NoWorry