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One of my day

(2006-10-23 18:11:54) 下一个

The weather was awful. It snowed heavily on late Oct. People could not stop complaining the weird weather. The meteorologist said it was blizzard. I doubted. It seemed not that bad. American people like overstating. But we did encounter snow, rain and hail with strong wind today.

When I had lunch at , Dan, an American student, walked in and yawned: “I really want to go to bed now. The weather makes me feel blue.” “Me too” I replied. “But besides, I also want to eat hot pot (steamboat) with friends”. Then I started to tell him about hot pot. “Hot pot is my favorite and very popular in China, especially in the winter. Usually people setup a hot pot in the center of the dining table. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and cooked at the table. Typical hot pot ingredients include thinly sliced meat and potato, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, shrimp and other seafood, tofu and finally dumplings or noodle. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. As for liquors, beer, Chinese liquor or even wine are all suitable. Hot pot has been modified in different part of China and added different provincial characteristics. Personally, I prefer spicy hot pot, like Sichuan style. In fact, people like hot pot not only because of its deliciousness but also the atmosphere of being with family and friends. I have not seen anybody who doesn’t like hot pot yet.” Dan looked at me admiringly. “Pity Americans. You don’t have this culture.” I thought with complacent smile.

After lunch, I started to prepared my presentation on Thursday. It was a piece of cake for me. Friend called and asked me if I’d like to go home early today. Sure, why not. Who’d like to work late in this bad weather. On the way to her building, I bought two cups of hot coffee. “See, this is American culture.” I argued for American people in my mind. “Can you distinguish different flavours? I bet you have not tasted five different flavours” Oh, Gosh. “Every culture has bright sides and dark sides, ok?” I told myself. “I’d better walk carefully in case I would fall off on the ground as a punishment. I don’t want to waste my coffee. They really smell good.” I smiled to myself, “If passer knew it, he would laugh at me and spank me without any mercy.”

Finally I went back home with cold wet feet because my shoes were not thick enough to protect my feet from melting snow. After a hot shower, I felt better. “Now, let’s see if there is any interesting post in blog.” Ha, not bad. I found two good posts. One was about playing piano at age of 33, the other was about Chinese people’s behavior in this country.

The first one was a very encouraging essay. The girl’s writing skills in English is excellent. Her essays showed she is smart and thoughtful. She started her piano lessons at age of 33. I bet a lot of girls in China would be freaked out because they would think they are too old to learn new skills and would like to sacrifice themselves for their family at their 30s. It is understandable to spend much time on their family issues. However, I will never agree that middle 30s means old and no chance to learn. Whenever people stop learning, they would lose their charming and attraction. Pursuing new things is human nature. Nobody likes facing the same you day and night, year by year. One would argue that even if I learn something new, I probably would not have any chance to use it effectively. Well, people can not use every piece of knowledge in their work. However, people will definetly benefit from what they learn. Even being a full-time house wife, better education is still helpful. Never thinking that handling a family is an easy thing to do. On the conturary, it may be the hardest and the most complicated thing in the world. Well-educated females would be good assistances to their husbands, good teachers and guardian to their kids, good audiences and supporters to their friends. Their knowledge would not be wasted. On one hand, the husbands, kids and friends would appreciate them. On the other hand, they would enjoy refreshing and re-energizing themselves. People need to try different things to see how far they can go, how much potential has not been fully developed. So never late to learn and never late to try. For me, I am not good at writing at all, especially in English. Writing was always a headache for me. However, I am trying now. Sometimes I did want to quit. Sometimes I did feel frustrated when I read other people’s blogs. Then I would tell myself to keep trying as long as I could feel my improvement. No pains no gains. It is like jogging on treadmill. I usually feel nothing during the first 10 minutes. Then I have to encourage mysefl to hang in there during the second 10 minutes. Whe getting into the third 10 minutes, I feel I can jog longer. Even stupid has stupid’s deed. I am not that stupid though.

The second essay I read was about Chinese people’s behavior in Western countries. It is not rare. People should learn western cultures and etiquettes while living in a foreign country. It is important because one’s manner representates Chinese people, Chinese community not only individual. American media does no good for their people to know China. So Chinese people living here are examples. Seems a big topic.


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