
我是基督徒啊 :给您科普1个逻辑错误

(2006-03-08 18:47:58) 下一个
基督徒们传教常用的手段,就是宣传“世界上有那么多人信基督教,好多欧美上流国家呢,瞧人家繁荣昌盛富裕幸福,这就证明基督教是一番的;这么好的东东,你为神马不信呢?" 听起来挺有道理,其实大谬也. 这里面呢,包含着一个明显的逻辑错误,叫Argumentum ad Populum,用明白点的英文说呢,就是 Appeal to popularity 或 Appeal to majority, 中文的确切翻译偶不太清楚,大概是叫“诉诸流行谬误”8. 具体定义如下: A proposition is held to be true because it is widely held to be true or is held to be true by some (usually upper crust) sector of the population. http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/pop.htm 简单点说呢,人都希望得到别人的认同和接受,也即所谓的从众心理。同时呢,或多或少的,大家都会有一点崇拜名人的心理。 这种论证的手段呢,其实就是利用了人性的弱点来令听者接受其结论。常见的应用,就是典型的广告/传教语言“所有XXXX的人都选择XXXX,你也应当作出正确的选择。” XXXX 可以随便换成娃哈哈,脑白金,福寿膏或基督教,反正总有人上当就是了...同理呢,所谓“商品代言人” 和基督教拉“名人”作见证,也是同出一辙... 这个逻辑错误有时也叫 Appeal to Emotion, 就是引导人以感性认同来替代理性思考。您说的那神马“open heart”, 从本质上可以归为此类. 所以,不如下回您干脆说...只要不用脑子,任何人都可以接受基督教... ---------------- It is not A pattern 文章来源: 我是基督徒啊 于 2004-07-29 17:36:28 There is still lot of unreached people or they don't want open their heart to accept Gosple. They live just similar like what they did in China. We cannot say that they will not receive the Gosple forever. But it is not a pattern. In fact, what is meaning of "yang" religion by definition? Christianity is not from America, not from Europe. It is started from the Middle East. For Roman and Greek it is "yang" religion; for French and German it is "yang" religion; for English and American it is a "yang" religion; for African and Asian it is "yang" religion. For everybody except isralian it is a "yang" religion. Now, lot of counties are accept Chris in some degree. WHY NOT CHINESE?????
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