

Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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A Bookworm Named Water

(2023-08-01 14:19:07) 下一个

she is not water
but a bookworm named water

her food

her drink

her power

she is shuier
a bookworm named water

P.S. This little fun poem was inspired by one of my blog friends' web ID: shuier, which is the Chinese phonetic alphabet for 水儿 (water).

相关链接:A Book on Why Nations Fail - 博客 | 文学城 (

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CBA7 回复 悄悄话 回复 'LYJiang' 的评论 : 谢谢小江雅临留言,萍水相逢,友谊长存,后会有期!

CBA7 回复 悄悄话 回复 'renqiulan' 的评论 : "when we are water, no one can dry up our drips", that's so true and touching ... Water makes tears when people are touched by the words full of water power, that's how I feel about your comments. Thank you 秋兰君, take care.

LYJiang 回复 悄悄话 一杯水,一首诗。点滴心头,长记心中。小西保重!
renqiulan 回复 悄悄话 Every word in your poem is a drip. Speaking of which, when we are water, no one can dry up our drips, if you know what I mean. Farewell 小西!
CBA7 回复 悄悄话 回复 'shuier' 的评论 : 水儿,you're so humble and so kind, thank you.

Happy Wednesday, Happy everyday!

shuier 回复 悄悄话 回复 'CBA7' 的评论 :

Good morning, 小西! I owe my musings to your muse. I am a grateful reader of your poetry.

Have a nice Wednesday!

CBA7 回复 悄悄话 回复 'shuier' 的评论 : WOW, shuier, I see the water power flowing non-stop between your poetic lines: soft and strong, pure and beautiful, true and powerful!

Thank you for your nice comment, kind words and encouragement.


shuier 回复 悄悄话 投桃报李。



shuier 回复 悄悄话 Here I am, a bookworm going by the name of Water. Water, when mixed with all impossible dreams, will turn into wine on which I am now drunk.

Yes, books are my soul food.

Yes, books are the light of my life.

Yes, Your poem touches me deep inside.

Yes, between the lines of your poem I am flowing like a river.

Yes, flowing non-stop, no river can be the same river twice.

Yes, flowing non-stop, I am water that is changing the face of the earth.

Be water that is adept at finding a way forward.

Water knows gravity well. That's why water is a ground-breaking force.


Plain language gets your message across, and you have a nice message for everyone while everyone is unique. That's the power of your poetry.