

Empathy & Sympathy

(2021-10-10 07:07:52) 下一个

最近公司人事部培训员工Empathy,看了标题挺纳闷的,同情有什么好学的? 看完50分钟的视频,再查了下字典。发现自己把Empathy Sympathy混为一谈了。今天与大家分享。


  1. denoting feelings. 表示感觉。 比如telepathy - 心灵感应
  2. denoting disorder in a particular part of the body. 表示身体某一部位的不正常。比如neuropathy - 神经错乱。


  1. Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another(理解和同感他人的能力).
  2. Sympathy - feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune(怜悯之心)。understanding between people; common feeling(同情)。

后来再看一遍培训视频的小片段。一个人掉进井里,Sympathy的站在井台说:"那个人好可怜哦!" Empathy的找到梯子,爬下去,再和他一起爬上来。

这两个词都有同情的意思。但Empathy没有walk away from the problem。

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林凡_圣路易 回复 悄悄话 COGNITIVE Train to rethink how you listen and acknowledge your biases
. understand how the other person is feeling with the mood elevator
. active listening. Paraphrase – repeat what they say in different words. Pause and reflect before responding

EMOTIONAL Train to feel what the other person is feeling
. Ask questions. Can you tell me more? Give me an example?
. Acknowledge. Thank them for sharing. Repeat how they are feeling

COMPASSION Train by taking a walk in the other person's shoes
. Stay curious. Take a walk in the other person's shoes
. Seek out new perspectives. Have a coffee chat witha coworker
林凡_圣路易 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 你客气了。很喜欢你的文章。
laopika 回复 悄悄话 学习了!