


(2021-12-09 04:57:22) 下一个

去年由民主党背后操盘,黑人充当炮灰的殃及全美国的打砸抢烧的黑命贵运动,导致美国警察队伍被妖魔化,Law and Order变成了白人至上的代名词。结果可想而知,拜登的民主党政府上台后,美国的犯罪率飙升,而一向遵纪守法逆来顺受的华裔与亚裔,更成了黑命贵抢劫与杀戮的对象。。。



这个最近闹得沸沸扬扬,在加州华人中激起公粪的47 号提案,用一句话概括,就是:


加州的犯罪分子们可谓喜大普奔,而普通老百姓则惶惶不可终日。最可怜的,当属small business owners。一方面,遇受疫情的沉重打击,成千上万的小商店小企业纷纷倒闭。另一方面,那些在疫情打击下勉强存活,拼命维持生计的小企业主小店主们,还要遭受不做不死的民主党政客的双重打击:47号提案!这个提案给了黑穆西光天化日之下随意偷盗抢劫的自由。只要金额不超过$950,就不用蹲监狱。换句话说,既使被抓获,也会立马释放。




sign this petition to STOP prop 47 !!!!

TO: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom



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爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'HenryCharles' 的评论 :
(1): 在加州,偷盗$950以下是有刑期的 (up to six months in county jail): 在黑命贵运动的淫威下,有刑期有用吗?黑穆西犯法,敢抓吗?即使抓了,还不是立马放出来

(2): Prop 47 2014年通过时,在民主党共和党都有人支持的:2014年的时候,美国的种族矛盾有这麽严重吗?欧巴马的族裔政治,是美国现在如此撕裂的元凶

(3): 加州的财产犯罪从Prop 47 在2014年通过以来一直是下降的。(比起2000年来,下降了32%):奉劝您去查一查黑命贵运动之后的犯罪率,看看是增加了,还是减少了。
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 物极必反,that's the beauty of democracy
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '戟枫' 的评论 : 在黑命贵运动的淫威下,现在连抓也不敢抓了
HenryCharles 回复 悄悄话 回复 '爪四哥' 的评论 :

俺引用的是数据,是专业机构(不止一个)研究调查了整体性,宏观的大局 - 加州全州长期性的驱势 - 得到的结果。

您引用的是一个人在网路 Moveon.org 上贴的她自己"感觉",没有严谨的数字或政策分析。只是片面的,个人性的,道听途说的宣称。这个"宣称"和"现实"(reality) 有着很大的距离。

(1): 在加州,偷盗$950以下是有刑期的 (up to six months in county jail)。
(2): Prop 47 2014年通过时,在民主党共和党都有人支持的。
(3): 加州的财产犯罪从Prop 47 在2014年通过以来一直是下降的。(比起2000年来,下降了32%)。

laopika 回复 悄悄话 怪不得经常看到有人搬离加州,原来不是无法无天,是法律在犯罪面前苍白无力。
戟枫 回复 悄悄话 我仔细查看了各个州的轻罪标准,德州虽然是2500
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '五彩缤纷北极光' 的评论 : 美国的种族政治的越演越烈,与犹太权贵在美国越来越处于统治地位,同步前进....细思极恐
五彩缤纷北极光 回复 悄悄话 网上看到一篇文章 ”中产阶层,为什么最脆弱又最重要 “https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/B6fKPbt4rClYw5ze9G4tlg
五彩缤纷北极光 回复 悄悄话 上层社会为什么对黑人这么好?网上看到一篇文章 ”中产阶层,为什么最脆弱又最重要 “,摘录小部分,推荐大家去看,





爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'HenryCharles' 的评论 : Since the passing of AB109 and Prop 47, the community of San Pedro, Rancho Palos Verdes, Harbor City, Wilmington and other communities in California have experience an explosive increase in criminal activity including violent crime such as carjackings and property crimes including home burglaries . On April 2nd 2015, at least half a dozen homes were hit in one single day, followed a couple of days later by a violent carjacking from an elementary school.

Police officers are arresting the same individuals over and over again since they are able to generally get back on the street the same night for drug offenses and property crimes under $950. Criminals using dangerous drugs such as methamphetamines and heroin now face little or no repercussions from law enforcement officers. Unfortunately these same criminals that use drugs and commit "petty theft" crimes are the same criminals that commit violent acts and home burglaries.

It's no coincidence that since the passing of passing of AB109 and Prop 47 almost all of the LAPD's 21 divisions have seen an increase in "Part 1" crimes. Shootings alone have increased by a whopping 30% citywide. And I would bet that these career criminals are the reason behind a 300% increase in petty theft in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes alone.

This was posted by a LAPD Senior Lead Officer who patrols skid row:
Prop 47... I hate to say I told you so but:

Over the last several years I have witnessed so much irresponsibility from people we seek leadership from. We have chosen idealism over our safety. We have chosen to be test subjects in social experiments over common sense.

We fall for titles at the ballot box, instead of weighing the realities of human nature.

For example. Prop 47 was dubbed the "Safe neighborhoods and schools act". Put that on any ballot and most people will vote for it without thinking.

But can anyone tell me how releasing inmates who could care less about your safety or property with no jobs, and no real mandate to get rehabilitated into the streets is supposed to make neighborhoods and schools safe?

The measure did exactly what I thought it would. Put neighborhoods and schools in these neighborhoods in danger. Crime is up all over this state.

Here is the thing. I would have voted for 47 if the mechanisms were in place when they got out to house, employ, and educate them. Instead and as always, they released them first and said "Oh we will fix it later".

I actually agree with making mere possession a misdemeanor, but a misdemeanor with some teeth at least. But I am seeing drug dealers qualifying for 47, as courts are finding loopholes to help get felony drug sales charges reduced.

There is zero incentive now for addicts or dealers to stop their crimes or seek help. Drug usage and dealing are not victimless crimes as the people who created the laws would have you believe.

Dysfunctional users will resort to violence and property crimes to support their habits. Drug dealers use violence as a means to control their operation, protect territories, and intimidate communities from trying to stop them.

This has always been the case, but somehow we still voted for this flawed law as if these criminals would magically stop committing crimes if we released them and just slapped them on the wrist enough times until they get tired of getting their wrist slapped.

Prop 47 and AB109 was not about saving money at all. It was simply a political movement that was packaged in a certain way to get you to vote for it and it worked. It prayed on your heart by using the usual tactics of "saving kids" and "Giving people chances" But what they really have done is place kids and adults in danger to satisfy a world view.

This must be reversed. I'm not against giving people second chances. If you know me, you know that's what I am all about. But with every noble concept, you must use your head and common sense to get it done.

The safety of the people of this state should never be sacrificed or be a part of some idealistic experiment.

I do hope some of the people being released turn their lives around. But based on what I have seen in 20 years of police work, many career criminals won't stop because they chose criminality as a career.

The community within the City of Los Angeles and other communities within California are not going to stand for it. We ask our state legislators to address the repercussions of both of these laws and work with both the community and law enforcement to make modifications necessary to keep criminals off our streets. Reverse the effects of Prop 47 and AB109 now!
HenryCharles 回复 悄悄话 此文完全胡说一通。

(1): "抢劫偷盗$950以下,不用蹲监狱"

那有这种事情了?$950以下是 misdemeanor 没错,可不是无罪。刑期是:up to six months in county jail, 罚款no more than $1,000。


(2):Prop 47 是2014年通过的。那时候是民党共党都有支持者。

着名的推手之一,有名的共和党人士 - 前共和党国会议长和川粉Newt Gingrich 先生,他当初鼓吹大家投赞成票的文章还在呢!看看:
"Californians should take advantage of the opportunity and vote yes on Proposition 47."

(3): 加州的财产犯罪从Prop 47 在2014年通过以来一直是下降的。

研究显示:加州在2020年的property crime下降了9%。

"California’s 9% drop in the property crime rate in 2020 is just slightly greater than the nationwide decline of 8%. While California’s property crime rate is now significantly below what it was in 2000, down by 32%, this is less than the nationwide drop of about 50%. "

还:UC Irvine犯罪学教授研究比较了犯罪数据,发现Proposition 47根本没有增加犯罪。研究如下:
(见:https://thecrimereport.org/2018/03/09/cas-proposition-47-didnt-cause-crime-rise-study/ )
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cwang28' 的评论 : 同意,握爪!
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'samo' 的评论 : 同意,劳动改造是最佳手段。但在美国是不可能执行的。美国国会刚刚把新疆劳改农场定义为种族灭绝
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '汗滴米高' 的评论 : 同意,物极必反,老百姓迟早会用选票说话
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'smeagolrocks' 的评论 : 物极必反
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '西岸-影' 的评论 : 这里说的可不是流浪汉,而是被民主党福利制度豢养的大批的黑命贵与西裔犯罪集团
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '枪迷球迷' 的评论 : 握手!
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '笑薇.' 的评论 : 黑命贵合法偷窃抢劫,从此有了法律保证
爪四哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 '一个没有惊艳的老树' 的评论 : 极左与极右得势的社会,是中产阶级的噩梦
cwang28 回复 悄悄话 不作不死 物极必反
samo 回复 悄悄话 建立电子监狱,罪犯带电子脚铐一个月,店里安装识别装置,进门就哔哔响。要不就象新加坡,处鞭刑,照片示重。
samo 回复 悄悄话 没钱关他们进监狱就罚他们做社区劳动,清扫垃圾一个星期。
汗滴米高 回复 悄悄话 其实民主党,共和党都是一回事儿。 谁主导加州,长期看来都改变不了什么。 加州的问题,只是美国全国问题的一个爆发点。
没有办法解决,只能顺其自然,让局势更烂一些,这样加州人才能再次公投,把烂人关在监狱里面。 这也意味着高税收。(警察的费用可不便宜)
smeagolrocks 回复 悄悄话 California is a toilet that doesn’t flush
西岸-影 回复 悄悄话 那么怎么办呢?这事情并非民主党单独行为,而是加州公投的结果,原因也不难理解,财政无法承担。

枪迷球迷 回复 悄悄话 笑薇. 发表评论于 2021-12-09 07:00:56
笑薇. 回复 悄悄话 许多州都有1000美元以下的是轻罪的规定,只是加州把它定为法律了。
一个没有惊艳的老树 回复 悄悄话 真想喊口号:打倒现今的名猪档!