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The blue sound of vinyl 通俗点的

(2018-06-25 08:05:38) 下一个

The blue sound of vinyl


I have many a turntable, 

but only one syncs silently with my feel.

I have many a record of vinyl,

but only one sings softly her appeal.  


I have many a fantasy,

but only one I wish come real and true. 

I have many a fallacy,

but only one I wish to revoke and undo. 


When she parted me on a rainy day

I said to my invisible DJ,

I don’t know what goes wrong,

I don’t know why days become long.


Oh, when night plays my turntable,

I see her face shining again,

in the blue sound of vinyl. 


Oh, when the past plays my turntable,

I hear my heart chiming pain,

in the blue sound of vinyl.

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阅读 ()评论 (4)
颤音 回复 悄悄话 回复 '寒山月' 的评论 : 真的没懂为啥给他 :-) 歌词比他好的应该还有很多, 我最喜欢 Paul Simon 当然太小资, 没有情怀, 没有政治
寒山月 回复 悄悄话 回复 '颤音' 的评论 : Bob Dylan 还得诺贝尔奖呢。
颤音 回复 悄悄话 谢谢寒山月, 俺本想写得更诗一些, 不过写着写着, 感觉就变了, 像歌词了 :-)
寒山月 回复 悄悄话 很象歌词,可以送到这些song lyric writing 网站去试试。比如这个:http://www.nashvillesongservice.com/contest.php
