
木石有约,不负前盟; 红尘万丈,不枉此生.
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(2005-10-31 10:35:27) 下一个


2005-10-23 20:01:53



个人推崇“文章本天成,妙手偶得之”: 喜闻音律,但不拘泥于音律. 乐见典故,但不拘泥于典故. 无论新体旧体,喜见:动情,立意,有感,清新飘逸,自然流露,自成一格,也或雅俗共赏. 海纳百川,有容为大.



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sympathy1 回复 悄悄话 Your poetry is too powerful for anyone to overlook, including me who have no knowledge of poetry at all. I'm convinced that you have a very deep understanding of human feelings. Could you kindly give me advice on what can I do in a situation as you described?

May I ask what makes a person insist on waiting for the love that has past? Why cann't she/he find other better new love in her/his life?

I used to think no one is indispensable for another person. I left my loved one three years ago because of many reasons. Mainly, I cannot endure a love suspected by others around us. At the time I thought probably I was wrong to love someone who had already a family and could not left the family unattended.

Surely I also wanted to make my own adventure and pursue my professional future, once I realized that I can never love my loved one in a candid manner.

So, I forced myself to cut off all the contact in the hope that we would forget each other in good time and change the focus of our lives. I can't tell you how much difficult it was.

I told myself many times that I am not going to care anything about this person anymore. After I read your poetry accidentally, I thought I might be doing something wrong. I would like you to give me some advice on what can I do to reduce the hurt that I have brought to my friend? I did not want to hurt this person too much. If you think I deserve your kind advice, I would be so grateful. This is the first time I've ever talked with someone through the web. I hope I can manage to communicate with you on this topic. Please accept my deep respect to you.
