

(2015-01-21 20:11:43) 下一个

从这种意义上来说,癌症只是机体免疫系统功能低下的表现形式,表现在肝是肝癌,表现在肺是肺癌,在胃是胃癌。真正的病是免疫系统 (Immune system) 出了毛病,需要治疗的不是癌症本身,而是机体的免疫状态,只有机体的免疫状态被调整到正常水平,癌症才能康复,否则,任何只针对癌症本身的治疗都只能是治标而不治本。





灵芝 灵芝味甘苦、性平,归、脾经;http://www.cnkang.com/zyzy/zhuanti/lingzhi/  具有养心安神,补益气,滋肝健脾的功效;可增强人体的免疫力,这是因为灵芝含有抗癌效能的多糖体,此外,还含有丰富的锗元素。锗能加速身体的新陈代谢,延缓细胞的衰老,能通过诱导renti产生干扰素而发挥其抗癌作用。



3,  胡萝卜:胡萝卜中含有丰富的胡萝卜素,其中的β-胡萝卜素有明显的提高机体免疫力,抑制肿瘤的发生和发展的作用,并且还可降低肿瘤患者接受放化疗时的毒副反应;








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琬玥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'autumnsun' 的评论 :

Continue from yesterday, and talking about Vit B12, remember a young guy in his 30th came to clinic with unstoppable bleeding per rectum. He's so slim and pale, and blood work show pancytopenia- the count for red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are all low, and VitB12 level is undetectable in his serum. He has been on strict veg diet for over ten years. B12 can rarely be acquired from the plant. Vit B12 is needed for DNA formation, No DNA, No cells. all the blood cells, esp white blood cells , the main fighters of the immune system, cannot generate and function properly with B12 deficiency. Now thinking of Mr. steve Job, also a vegatarian, his tumor spread quickly within 9 months with this celebrity favorite veg diet. Overall, ur choice of ur diet decide the strength of ur immune system, and the ultimately ur health.

天人一体,法于阴阳,和于术数,饮食有节,起居有常,不妄劳作,春生夏长, 秋收冬藏. 阴平阳秘,精神乃治. For stage 4 cancer patient, usu. immune function is in bad shape. I recommend 好的中医中药调理以扶正immune function。

I'll work aggressively with my doctor to find the best regiman for my own, depending on the type of tumor, patological type and staging. Some tumor can be cured by resection, why not surgery?
化疗,放疗---Routinely, people think chemo is very cytotoxic. That is Traditional chemo agents, that is to say they act by killing cells that divide rapidly. This results in the most common side-effects of chemotherapy: myelosuppression (decreased production of blood cells, hence also immunosuppression), mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract), and alopecia (hair loss).
However, Some newer anticancer drugs (for example, various monoclonal antibodies) are not indiscriminately cytotoxic, but rather target proteins that are abnormally expressed in cancer cells. Such treatments are often referred to as targeted therapy (as distinct from traditional chemotherapy). Recently, my little patient Alex has extreme bone pain and cannot even stand to bare his own weight. PET scan show right leg lytic bone lesion with brain and multiple bones mets. The pain of cancer invading bone is unbearable. Everytime, when we check him, he always squeeze some smiles to cover his pain. His cancer is positive for CD30 and ALK-1 protein expression. Fortunetely, there are 2 separate clinical trials of monoclonal antibody to treat cancer with these 2 proteins expression. With one week's anti-CD30 and anti-ALK therapy, PET show clear of cancer and the little Alex can run happily in the floor now. However, not every cancer patent is so lucky to have tareted therapy reagents. One of my favorate attending got colon cancer with one positive lymph node. So far, only traditional chemo can be applied for her cancer type. She was on top of the every side effect of the chemo agents she used. Once she felt the side effect like symptoms, she will actively talk with her oncologist to stop or lower the dose. Make sure her body can tolerate the chemo during the entire cycle. She was cancer free with the surgery and chemo. 我崇尚名中医陆维民大夫的肿瘤整体治疗方案--‘攻,破,行, 养'. 重在 ‘行, 养' 去扶正提升机体免疫功能。在身体能承受情况下,尽量去‘攻,破’ kill cancer cells, that is surgery, chemo and radiation therapy.

God bless u and ur loved ones,

琬玥 回复 悄悄话 谢谢诸位光临。因工作学习忙,回复迟了,望海涵,

Agree ‘症与病之间没有绝对的界限’。就象‘寒极生热,热极生寒’。症与病可随免疫功能的强弱而转化。症重而病,病缓而症。 Mr. Steve Job was diagnosed of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 during a CT scan and other tests. Unlike pancreatic ductal carcinoma, with neuroendocrine tumor “if you catch it early, there is a real potential for cure,” says cancer surgeon Joseph Kim of City of Hope. Doctors urged him to have an operation to remove the tumor and he will be cured, but Mr. Jobs put it off and instead tried a vegan diet, juices, herbs, acupuncture and 静坐禅修. Nine months later, the tumor had grown and spread to his entire liver, that is the example of 症重而病 . Only then did he agree to surgery, the liver transplant and wipple procedure extend his life to 2011, but still cannot save him from the wide spread tumor. The immune system's normal function need quite a lot high quality proteins and Vitamins, like B12. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products, generally not present in plant foods. strict veg diet cannot provide enough nutrients for the immune system to function normally. appropriate amount of High quality organic meat and diary products are recommended for the normal immune function. (本人饮食养生浅见,见仁见智)。

Cancer cell derives from normal cells. They do look like normal cells, but there are still difference b/w them. The immune systerm can identify the difference and kill the cancer cells and ignore the normal cells. The human body’s first line of defense against cancer is the natural killer (NK) cell, second line is lymphocytes,esp. cytotoxic T cells. NK cells and T cells are white blood cells that actively scan the body for abnormal cells, destroying them before they can develop into actual cancers. Some cancer cells, however, evade destruction by engaging some specific receptor, such as the NK cell’s killer inhibitory receptor (KIR). By triggering this “master-off switch,” rogue cancer cells can evade destruction and form tumors. Therefore, there is a trade-off b/w ur immune systerm and cencer cells, which can outsmart the other. When we are young and the immune systerm is sharp, we are less likely to grow the cancer. U may dispute some kids have cancers. Those kids usu. had inborn immune error like DeGeorge Syn with no thymus ( T cell organ), no T cells to fight cancer cells.

回复'vycnd' &'Springdale'
U 2 sounds like one person, and i agree with ur points.
添加剂,色素,防腐剂 contain toxins, which are like 双刃剑,can cause DNA replication and repair errors like mutation, also compromise our immune system. 事实上,免疫系统的功能本身是很强的,添加剂等毒素会致使免疫系统的功能逐渐下降。用食物增强immune function and avoid 添加剂,色素,防腐剂 相得益彰, 并无矛盾吧。


I understand it really really hard. The love and surpport from families are critical. The inspiring story from other cancer survivors and the knowledge on how to win this battle all can help.
Here is a psychotherapy trial link in Toronto for cancer Patients. Hope it canbe helpful to ur friends.

Too late, I'll type more TMW.
琬玥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'needtime' 的评论 :

问好 Needtime, agree with ur comment. 谢谢光临
autumnsun 回复 悄悄话 对癌症,对癌症发病原因,对得癌以后应有何种心态分析得头头是道的文章看得太多了,或许是旁观者清吧。不知作者如得了癌(不好意思,只是假定)会如何乐观,会如何去增强免疫力?会不会也去开刀,化疗,放疗?
琬玥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'menmei' 的评论 :
Hi my old friend,
SO nice to see u. U really refine my point to a higher level, and I am quite innocent in spiritual part of life. Thx for the link, will read it when I can slow down.
Take care and best wishes to u & ur families.
menmei 回复 悄悄话 From spiritual perspective, the disease like cancer is an indication of something wrong in a person's life. The person needs to slow down, review his/her life, and make adjustment, then move forward again according to "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying": http://www.amazon.com/Tibetan-Book-Living-Dying-International/dp/0062508342.
yfz9465 回复 悄悄话 症与病之间没有绝对的界限。癌症属于自性异变,与免疫系统有很大关系。
needtime 回复 悄悄话 希望很良好,现实很骨感啊!

除了个别例外, 人们随着年龄增加,肌体功能是越来越弱的。 现象是癌症患者随着年龄增加,人数多起来!
springdale 回复 悄悄话 回复 'vycnd' 的评论 :
richard6000 回复 悄悄话 回复 '峰杏' 的评论 : 你说的是个大问题,这是普遍的解释。医生也是这么说,这是主流的说法。但有一个奇怪的现象,有很多癌,在人体质好的时候能HOLD很常时间,但体质弱,感冒,化疗导致体弱时,便迅速发展。又好像和免疫有关系。
vycnd 回复 悄悄话 别总是考虑吃什么对身体有好处,
峰杏 回复 悄悄话 好像不久前看过一篇文章,大意是由于癌细胞不是外来入侵者,是自身基因突变而形成的,故自身的免疫系统无法探测,识别出癌细胞的存在,这也是目前治愈癌症的难题。若照你所说倘若调整好机体的免疫系统,癌细胞是会被免疫系统发现,并消灭的?还请赐教。谢谢。