
Putin and Ukraine

(2014-03-30 13:56:40) 下一个

Putin and Ukraine
by Lostalley

What caused Ukraine crisis is a both spontaneous and manipulated mass movement spun out of control with snowballing momentum few foresaw but many predicted. The world- war-trigger scenarios (Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in WWI and Occupation of Sudetenland in WWII) do not seem far-fetching considering what US has been doing since 911 in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, former Soviet Union republics and West Pacific vis-a-vis China. Big earthquakes often appear to arrive abruptly but the inevitable accumulatively looks for the right crack to break out. The chance of a major war between West and Russia can't be ruled out precisely for the reason that conventional wisdom believes the opposite. 


US State Department, heavily manipulated by Neocons, instigated and exploited Ukraine situation in both criminal intent and manner, against America's national interests and American people's will, underestimating Russia's resolve and emboldened by US successful secession of "War on Terror,"  to the logical consequence--resistance from a cornered Russia. Obama should take some blame too, not because of his willful goal to undermine Russia, but because of his lack of leadership resulted from ill-advice and little control on Neocons who exert disproportional clout on US foreign policy-making. The hopeful sign is that Obama now realized the sabotage from Neocons for their Fifth Column function to derail US-Russia joint effort to stabilize Syria and Iran to only help Israel. His decision to steadfastly rule out military confrontation with Russia over Crimea indicates he now resumes his leadership in fending off pressure from Neocons and their cronies in Congress, media and the executive branch, and a fool like John McCain. 


Putin's astute assessment and swift action on Ukraine crisis, regardless of the consequences, are emblematic of a vindictive leader of conviction, courage and vision. His place in the 21st Century is sealed. By comparison western leaders, especially Americans, are derisory, timorous, and vacuous. 

Bethesda, Maryland


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