
转帖,团结起来一致行动,no to paul fong

(2014-03-22 08:11:17) 下一个
发信人: nanobug (nanobug), 信区: SanFrancisco 标 题: 80-20 呼吁罢选Paul Fong 和 Leland Yee 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 21 15:18:19 2014, 美东) Email from 80-20 (3/21) (自己翻译的中文版) ================================================================== Q: Who killed SCA 5? 问:是谁终结了SCA 5? A: YOU DID. The AsAms in CA, especially the ChAms, did. 答:是*你*,加州的亚裔,尤其是华裔,终结了SCA 5。 The pro-Democratic newspapers would have you believe that SCA 5 was killed by the 3 ChAm senators, who have repented, or the Democratic leadership. 那些亲民主党的报纸一个劲地想让你相信是民主党大佬 或是那三个反悔的华裔参议员“封杀”了SCA 5。 The die-hard Republicans will have you believe that the Republican leadership helped killed SCA 5. 那些共和党的死忠们肯定也想让你相信是共和党大佬显了神通。 The truth is that YOU Killed SCA 5, because both parties were forced by the reality of the upcoming elections to help the AsAm community kill SCA 5 - 请记住,是*你*终结了SCA 5,因为两党都基于即将到来的 选举形势,不得不出手帮助亚裔社区结束SCA 5。 Ds want to avoid a disaster during the next elections & Rs want to defeat a few incumbent Ds. 民主党试图避免 (因失去亚裔选民)选举残败;而共和党 也想(借箸亚裔选民)把几个民主党现任拉下马。 Q: What can we conclude? 问:我们学到了什么? A: We have the POWER to defend ourselves, when we work together & follow good political advice. The politicians are weak before a united and well-led AsAm community. 答:只要我们步调一致,采用恰当的政治策略,我们完全可以 捍卫我们自己的利益。在一个团结一致,头脑清醒的亚裔 社区面前,政客就忽悠不下去了。 Q: How do we consolidate our SELF empowerment? 问:那么我们怎么巩固自强自立的成果? A: 4 easy key steps: 答:简单四步: (1) We must REGISTER to vote and actually vote. See a list of orgs.*which have joined 80-20 for a great campaign to register more voters. (一) 我们一定要注册,而且一定要投票。已经有好些组织 和80-20携手推进选民注册运动。 (2) We need to pass a strong message to all AsAm politicians who have been negligent in defending our rightful interests. So 80-20 recommends UN-electing (二) 我们要严历教训那些对我们正当利益置若罔闻的亚裔政客。 80-20 呼吁罢选以下两位议员-- (a) Paul Fong who'll be term limited out as an Assemblyman and will be running for City Council 1 in San Jose, and (a) Paul Fong -- 他的众议员届满,今年竞选San Jose市议员。 (b) Leland Yee who is also term limited out as a Senator and will be running for Secretary of State of CA. (b) Leland Yee --他的参议员届满,今年竞选加州州务卿。 Ted Lieu has helped 80-20 stop SCA 5 in many ways. He also stated publicly: "I will vote against SCA 5 if and when it comes back to the Senate and any amendment in any form that continues to seek race conscious admissions." We recommend that you give him due consideration in his Congressional campaign. Ted Lieu在80-20终结SCA 5的过程中帮了忙。他也公开声明: “如果SCA 5打回参院,我一定投反对票,而且我也会反对任 何把种族因素加入招生标准的修改方案。“我们建议可以支持 他竞选联邦众议员。 Carol Liu's attitude in SCA 5 is very questionable, but she is NOT running this year. Carol Liu 态度一直有问题,但她今年没有选票压力。 (3) Respect all communities of all races. (三) 希望大家保持对其他种族社区的尊重。 (4) Don't blame Sen. Hermandez for proposing SCA 5. He is working for the interests of his constituents as an elected official should. If all AsAm elected officials will be as dutiful to AsAm interest as Sen. Hermandez is to Hispanics' interests, AsAms will be doing great. (四)对于提出SCA 5的Hermandez参议员,他做为议员为自己的 选民谋取利益,实在是无可非议。如果亚裔民选官员都象他维护 西裔利益那样维护亚裔利益,我们还用愁吗? Q: Does defeating SCA 5 benefit AsAms nationally? 问:打败SCA 5对全美亚裔有什么好处? A: Yes! See how the international & national media now show respect to AsAms, and to 80-20 Initiatives. In the last 3 days, SB Woo, Pres. of 80-20 Initiative has 8 interview requests. 答:自然有好处。看看现在那些国际,全美的媒体都刮目相看,开始尊重 亚裔和80-20。过去三天我就接受了八家媒体的采访 (见下表)。 Click on the blue words to see the articles. 1. Economist, a weekly paper published in London, England 2. Southern California Public Radio 3. LA Times 4. San Francisco Chronicle 5. Sacramento Bee 6. The Nation 7. California Magazine, UC Berkeley Alumni Quarterly 8. PasAdena Star-News 9. 80-20 was also mentioned in a blog. TOGETHER, we shall overcome. 团结就是力量! Respectfully, S. B. Woo, a volunteer President, 80-20 National Asian Am. Political Action Committee 80-20主席,志愿者,吴仙标敬上。 80-20有幸与以下组织合作共同推进选民注册。 * 80-20 is honored to be working with these orgs to register AsAms: Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA) CivilRights WeChat and Weibo Group San Diego Asian American for Equality (SDAAFE) Chinese United League Join this great campaign, if you are not afraid of work. 只要肯干,就请加入我们的行列吧!
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