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(2018-05-22 09:17:44) 下一个

Manager clarifies Jet Li's health situation after photo sparks concern from fans
Celebrity 33 minutes ago
In 2013, Jet Li revealed he was suffering from hyperthyroidism and a heart condition, as well as the effects of lingering injuries from a life of doing stunts and action movies. A recent photo of 55-year-old Li caused fans to fear for the worst, but Li's manager says it's just a bad photo taken out of context and that Li is doing well.      

So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from "hyperthyroidism and spinal problems" and this is him now ??????:

236 replies 2,842 retweets 2,078 likes

I am a fan of Jet Li. He is battling a thyroid disorder according to . Get well soon ????????

147 replies 963 retweets 3,480 likes

Recent Picture Of Jet Li The pic was posted by a fan who posed with the action star during a recent visit to Tibet. It shows Jet looking frail and nearly bald. He revealed back in 2013 he suffers from hyperthyroidism and a heart condition.

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Very sad to hear that Jet Li is suffering from hyperthyroidism and spinal problems, and has had to retire from movies as a result.

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After a photo sparked concern over Jet Li's health yesterday, his manager wants everyone to know that "Jet is completely fine. There's nothing wrong with him."

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“He has hyperthyroidism that he’s been dealing with for almost 10 years. It’s nothing life-threatening and he’s dealing with it,” Chasman told the Washington Post, adding that he has spoken with Li’s assistant." He's not sick, and it's bad lighting.

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'I'm in pain but I'm not in a wheelchair yet' - martial arts superstar Jet Li has been plagued by injuries since his teenage days

1 reply 30 retweets 66 likes

Jet Li developed spinal issues and they worsened throughout the filming of "Hero" (2002), "Cradle 2 The Grave" (2003), "Unleashed (Danny The Dog)" (2005), "Fearless" (2006) & really got bad after "The Warlords" & "War" were filmed in 2007. Jet Li pushed through it for years

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That picture is mostly lighting and posture playing tricks. It is Jet Li but he doesnt really look THAT old. These are recent images of Li. He has lost his hair but doesnt "really" look 80

1 reply 14 retweets 48 likes

Hope Jet Li gets and stays well. Had no idea about his condition till now. Take this moment to appreciate people who suffer for their art (notice, THEY suffer, not make others suffer. HUGE difference). HERO is one of my favorite movies of all time. Man is an icon.

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