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一个可能的原因可能是额外的钙质在动脉建立,但是,这尚未得到证实。 (咨询你的医生,如果你把补充钙质,一些研究表明,钙可以保护心脏。)
许多研究表明,心脏病患者,至少一周后停止阿司匹林治疗或其他非类固醇消炎药(NSAIDs)在心脏病发作的风险增加。 “如果你有心脏疾病的风险,并要停止服用阿司匹林,医生的监督下逐步这样做,”马修索伦蒂诺,医学博士,在芝加哥大学的心脏病专家警告说。
9 Surprising Heart Attack Risks Health.com
Low Good Cholesterol
A study of nearly 7,000 people led by a researcher at
If you are diagnosed with flu or another respiratory tract infection, your odds of having a heart attack are five times higher during the three days after diagnosis than it would be otherwise. The reason: Infections can bring on an inflammatory response, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke. A flu vaccine may help protect against infection-induced heart stress.
A study of elderly patients in
Exposure to heavy traffic—whether you're traveling by car, bike, or public transit—may double your risk of a heart attack, according to a German study. Another earlier study found that death from cardiopulmonary causes was nearly twice as high among people living close to a major road.
One possible reason could be that extra calcium builds up in the arteries, however this has not yet been confirmed. (Consult your doctor if you take supplemental calcium; some research has suggested that calcium could protect the heart.)
Stopping Aspirin
Numerous studies have shown that heart patients are at an increased risk of heart attack for at least a week after stopping aspirin therapy or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). "If you have or are at risk for heart disease and want to stop taking aspirin, do so gradually and under the supervision of a doctor," warns Matthew Sorrentino, MD, a cardiologist at the
Hormone treatment for prostate cancer can increase the likelihood of sudden death from heart attack, according to a 2006 observational study by researchers at
"In certain patients, psoriasis is a risk factor for heart attack comparable to diabetes," says Joel M. Gelfand, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at the
Relationship Issues
A negative relationship with your significant other can be bad for your heart, literally. According to a study by epidemiologists at University College London, relationship problems can up your risk of having a heart attack by 34%.