
秋天含蓄蕴藉, 饱历了春的繁盛、夏的热情,不再追逐浮华与赞誉,愿静静地、悄悄地融入一片淡淡的秋光之中。秋天很美,美在一份清澈。。。

Should It Matter

(2006-06-16 19:20:14) 下一个


I look at you
Please don't walk away
I see you're about to
There is just something I'd really like to say
So please don't walk away
I know that you're there
Still you pretend you're not
Yes I know it hurts
I have also felt the pain

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

It's been a year
A memory from my past
I know what I did wrong
I wish to change
Just to make it last
But I guess it's been too long
Easy to move on
To forget about it all
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

If you got to know me again
Maybe then - maybe then
We could see what we should do
But that's all up to you
I'll be waiting for you

So should it matter
What I do or what I've done
As long as in my heart
You're still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can
I hear you say it
But I don't think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

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阅读 ()评论 (5)
天蝎蝴蝶梦 回复 悄悄话 如果只是两个跳舞的影子就好了,留些遐想的余地。
多伦多的秋天 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,liming,一个人贴没意思,形影孤单的,如果你贴的话,我一定贴。
liming 回复 悄悄话 哈哈哈,这个妹妹真聪明,和我想得一样,衷心的希望他长得不像秋哥,呵呵,秋哥是不是把你的照片贴出来,让我们看看像不像。我想你一定会比他帅多了,呵呵!
多伦多的秋天 回复 悄悄话 伤心啊,没有夸夸我贴的相片。一个妹妹说,男主角不够靓。仔细看了看,的确,西服不合身,领带搭配得也不好。只是希望,如果他长得不像我该多好啊。哈哈。
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