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(2009-10-13 18:16:35) 下一个
标题:Have you seen a license better than this "8BB88B8" !? 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2009-04-07被查看:15次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹
Today, I saw an interesting license plate which reads 8BB88B8! Wonder who has it, a Chinese?
标题:Notes to American Accent _ 1 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2009-04-05被查看:120次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

I listened to American Accent lecture.  Here are some tips from the course:

1) "tt" is pronounced as "d". E.g. better, butter

2) Emphasize nouns when you start a conversation.  And then emphasize the new information such as the verb in the following sentences:

e.g., Dogs eat bones.  They search for bones.

3) The negative part of a sentence should not be emphasized.  An exception is "cannot".

So:  You can swim.  You cannot ski.

标题:If you are bored, try this ... 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:随笔小记创建于:2009-03-29被查看:108次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

This is for people who want new experience.

Have you used a mirror before?  Of course!  Then you must know this: if you raise your right hand, "you" in the mirror raise the "left" hand.

How about a snapshot from your computer?  It is the opposite of the mirror!  You are watching a "twin" you.  If you raise your right hand, the "twin" you also raise the right hand.

Now, try to adjust your pose while taking a snapshot of yourself.


Isn't it fun?

标题:New Year, New Life 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2009-01-26被查看:24次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

It was so great to celebrate the New Year with friends!  And ... I did!

标题:Chestnuts 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-11-26被查看:27次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

Yesterday, while shopping for grocery, I saw some "huge" chestnuts for sale - reminded me of many chestnuts stories ...  O.K. bought some, though it was more expensive than other nuts.  Here is a quick way to get rid of the shell and skin:

cut a cross on each chestnut on the tip;

put them in the oven,

15 minutes later ...

Cannot wait to put them in the mounth ... Yummy! 

标题:Recent observation - Jiaoyou8.com etc. 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-11-15被查看:134次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

I have checked some websites like Jiaoyou8.com.  Now and then I read some very wise stuff, including thoughts on life, on work, on people, on relationship etc. 

Relationship is we all interested in.  Many are very serious about it, so they put down their thoughts on it, their expectation about it, and the way they think they'll play the role.  I believed that having thoughts is better than not having any thoughts.  After a while, I still believe this.  But, I believe strongly that spending time together is the most important thing!  Without that, you never know who the other person is, what's the other person's attitude to life, to work, to relationship!

When things were written, they were from the person's heart.  But more importantly, get to know the person in real life!  That's how your life together would be!

标题:why? 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-11-14被查看:25次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹

Why some people who are very nice to anyone would be so harsh on people close to them?  The justification is that the person has expectation on you, so they are entitled to be mad at you.  What's your opinion?  Do you take the same attitude towards people close to you (family member, bf, gf, good friend etc.)?

标题:Things are going well 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-10-01被查看:47次评论(0)  文件夹:默认文件夹
I haven't written anything for a while, which may be a good thing.  It means that I'm busy.  I have a lot of things going on.  I tried golfing during summer - I was not very good at it but I had fun.  I went to a baseball game (Brewers vs. Cubs).  I travelled to 3 states for various reasons.  I workout regularly.  I put efforts on my job.  I'm making progress everyday!
标题:The opening ceremony of the Olympics 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-08-09被查看:65次评论(0)  文件夹:old

The ceremony was stunning, amazing, breathtaking ...  I don't even know how to describe it!  Believe a lot of people are as proud as I am!

However, there are some problems with it.  To name a few:

We invented printing etc. in ancient times but what's the representative of our morden times?  The song of the Olympics is too slow and short.  It will have a hard time to become a popular song.  I was not at the stadiumbut I wonder: what were people thinking while watching Li Ning walking around the stadium for more than 3 minutes? ...

标题:I just found out I had 网友留言, you may have too 字体 [ ]   颜色[绿 ]
分类:其它创建于:2008-07-26被查看:184次评论(0)  文件夹:old

I'm curious what my homepage looks like when someone else clicks my ID.  I used the "search by ID" function.  And here it goes - surprise!  I saw a message from a "friend" and the message was in April!  This message never shows up on my homepage while I log in during all these months.  I could have one more friend but I missed it.  The "friend" stopped logging in in May. 

Check your ID from time to time as a "friend", and you may get some nice and warm messages!

Have you left a message for someone here?  Leave the message as a reply to a diary.

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