

What you see may not be what you are made to believe

(2011-03-30 20:41:43) 下一个

-- After watching movie "Agora"

There is perhaps some sentimental against Christian
But there just might be how the history came through
With the darkness of the Middle Ages, could you imagine
what was really going on around 1600 years ago?
Even in 21 century, cruelty is too obvious
in violences, murders and wars
For the good cause and righteous behalf, taking someone else's lives?
The bullshit whoever could come up with the glorious crown to put on
I might have to forgive Mao, only 1500 years from the 4th century
to provoke the mob as primitive and as destructive as they could be
Because the world is still not preventing human from being slaughtered
and you see the fighting and killing all over
with only the more powerful and devasting blasts human could advance
fight for everything, fight for nothing
for fruitless believes to forgive only thereafter

Sigh and celebrate whoever's God could ever
weaven such a mix of tragedies and splenders

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nuts000 回复 悄悄话 是啊,很多人都忘了宗教的纷争和残忍,早期的互相排挤尤甚。现在也难说不被少数人利用
心神不宁 回复 悄悄话 挺好的感悟,有人类就会有战争,有屠杀,....人的本性决定的.:((