大学毕业第一份工作第一个老板是伊朗人。老板两道浓眉,名字超难念-- Kiaei,四个母音连在一起,念起来呲牙咧嘴的。个性爽朗热情的老板常请我们去他家爬梯,亲自烧烤波斯烤肉,滋滋作响,特别香。大家吃吃喝喝,笑谈中也渐渐得知一些老板的故事。他原本依靠一份政府奖学金来波士顿读大学,谁料到半途伊朗发生革命,美伊关系陷入谷底,奖学金也中断,逼得他改行开计程车,半工半读,百般辛苦才完成学业。后来我回学校读硕士,老板也搬到外州,渐渐就断了联系。但因为喜欢伊朗美食,我和老公常光顾伊朗餐馆,女儿很小就对酥嫩的小羊腿情有独钟,弟弟却偏好一味香浓的核桃石榴燉鸡。
去年我家旁边新搬来了一家伊朗邻居,爸爸是工程师,妈妈是大学教授,一对如花似玉的双胞胎女儿Neeki, Neeku和我家弟弟同班。几次play date,我和邻居妈妈很投缘,成了好朋友。伊朗是一个神秘的国度,伟大的文明古国,但也常跟恐怖分子,宗教狂热主义联系在一起。我忍不住好奇,常问邻居妈妈一些弱智问题--每个女生都必须带头巾,捂得严严实实?真的都没地方卖酒吗?连扑克牌都不让玩?有一天临睡前,弟弟纠结地告诉我,这两朵姐妹花他都喜欢,"One is prettier, the other is nicer. What should I do?" 老妈心下一凛,回头战战兢兢问邻居,未来的女婿必须是穆斯林吗?邻居妈妈惊讶地说,“不用不用,我们自己都不信。”
两本书都是作者Marjane Satrapi的自传,漫画形式,黑白的简洁画风,内容真挚而深刻,平易可亲又扣人心弦。
“Nothing's worse than saying goodbye. It's a little like dying.”
“We can only feel sorry for ourselves when our misfortunes are still supportable. Once this limit is crossed, the only way to bear the unbearable is to laugh at it.”
I wanted to forget everything, to make my past disappear, but my unconscious caught up with me.
The harder I tried to assimilate, the more I had the feeling that I was distancing myself from my culture, betraying my parents and my origins, that I was playing a game by somebody else's rules.
I finally understood what my grandmother meant. If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
I had survived a war that had distanced me from my country and my parents, and it's a banal story of love that almost carried me away.
“The regime had understood that one person leaving her house while asking herself:
Are my trousers long enough?'
Is my veil in place?'
Can my make-up be seen?'
Are they going to whip me?'
No longer asks herself:
Where is my freedom of thought?'
Where is my freedom of speech?'
My life, is it livable?'
What's going on in the political prisons?”
My calamity could be summarized in one sentence: I was nothing. I was a westerner in Iran, an Iranian in the west. I had no identity. I didn't even know any more why I was living.
“When we're afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection. Our fear paralyzes us. Besides, fear has always been the driving force behind all dictators' repression.”
“Life is too short to be lived badly.”
Freedom had a price.
Marjane智慧的外婆:You'll meet a lot of jerks in life. If they hurt you, remember it's because they're stupid. Don't react to their cruelty. There's nothing worse than bitterness and revenge. Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.