Bitter orange juice (or substitute: 1/4 cup each grapefruit juice, orange juice, lime juice and white distilled vinegar)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper, ground
1/4 teaspoon
allspice, or pimienta gorda, ground
1/2 teaspoon Kosher or sea salt, or more to taste (I add more... but I am keen on salt)
1 large red onion, or 2 cups, thinly sliced (cortada en pluma)
banana pepper, roasted, broiled or charred (may substitute for Jalapeño)
2 bay leaves
Place the bitter orange (or its substitute or plain vinegar) in a mixing bowl along with the black pepper, allspice and salt. Mix well. Incorporate the red onions and bay leaves.
Char or broil the banana pepper. Incorporate to the onion mix.
Toss well and let the mix pickle at room temperature anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours, cover and refrigerate. It will keep in the refrigerator in great shape for 2 weeks.
鳄梨和棕榈芯沙拉Avocado & Hearts Of Palm Chop Chop Salad

Ensalada de Aguacate y Palmitos
Serves 4 to 6
3 ripe Hass
avocados, or about 2 pounds, pulp cut into large chunks
14 oz hearts of palm, or about 1 1/3 cups, drained, rinsed and thickly sliced
1 cup corn kernels, from 2 large freshly cooked ears of corn or thawed and cooked from frozen
1 tbsp red onion, chopped
6 oz cherry tomatoes, or about 1 cup, whole or halved according to your preference
3 tbsp pumpkin seeds
Vinaigrette dressing:
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lime juice
1/4 tsp dried oregano
3/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
In a bowl, gently mix the avocado chunks, hearts of palm, corn kernels, cherry tomatoes and red onion with the vinaigrette. Sprinkle with the toasted pumpkin seeds and serve.
Black Beans

In a medium saucepan, combine beans, onion, and garlic, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Season with cilantro, cayenne, and salt. Simmer for 5 minutes, and serve.
Mexican Baked Fish

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease one 8x12 inch baking dish.
Rinse fish fillets under cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Lay fillets side by side in the prepared baking dish. Pour the salsa over the top, and sprinkle evenly with the shredded cheese. Top with the crushed corn chips.
Bake, uncovered, in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, or until fish is opaque and flakes with a fork. Serve topped with sliced avocado and sour cream.
Green Beans With Orange And Pistachios
1/4 cup chopped white onion
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 pound green beans
1/2 tsp kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp pistachios, toasted
1. Add the onion in a heated large skillet, cook until soft. Stir in the garlic and cook for 1 min. Toss in the green beans, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, and cook until beans begin to soften, 5 to 6 minutes.
2. Pour in the orange juice and vinegar and cook for another 6 to 8 minutes, or until the beans are thoroughly cooked and the sauce is slightly thickened.
3. Transfer the beans to a serving platter, sprinkle with the toasted pistachios, toss, and serve.
绿酱汤Pozole Verde

当当当,当晚的头牌就是这道绿酱汤。汤汤水水的一锅,鲜美温暖,可口又暖心。真要多谢私房苏姐姐的武功秘籍。客人个个都添了2nd helping,直夸这道汤鲜香又顺口,还要还要,让厨娘开心得嘴都笑歪了。
2 LB猪肉,我特别买的pork butt
2 QT鸡汤,
1 tsp海盐,
1个白洋葱, 切碎,
罐头的水发玉米Hominy (pozole), 一瓶
Trader Joe’s买的绿酱(salsa verde), 一瓶,
cumin powder, 1 tsp
coriander powder, 1 tsp
配料, Toppings:
牛油果, Avocado,切丁,
香菜, Cilantro, 切碎,
白洋葱,White onion,切丝,
樱桃小萝卜, Radish, 切片,
包菜, Cabbage切丝,
牛至, oregano
青柠, Lime wedges, 挤汁
tortilla strips
猪肉切小块, 放大厚锅里, 加鸡汤, 海盐, 洋葱, 蒜, 烧开后用小火, 慢炖1小时, 倒入Hominy,加入cumin, coriander,再炖半小时, 倒入绿酱, 再炖30分钟,加盐, 胡椒调味。最后客人自行加入各种topping。
酸辣甜鸡Chicken With Tamarind, Apricots And Chipotle Sauce

这道也是最初从苏姐姐的武功秘籍看来的,原作者就是Pati Jinich。细嫩柔软,而且无敌香--酥烂的鸡肉酸甜微辣,还有杏子果味,是老公当天的最爱,说这道菜入口就如"party in my mouth",很有火花很好吃。
1 whole chicken cut into pieces, plus two more pieces of your choice, with skin and bones
1 teaspoon kosher or sea salt, or more to taste
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground, or to taste
1/2 cup safflower or corn oil
4 cups water
1/2 pound dried apricots, about 3/4 cup, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons apricot preserves
3/4 cup
tamarind concentrate, can be store bought or substitute with 3 tablespoons tamarind paste mixed with 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup boiling water
to prepare
Thoroughly rinse chicken pieces with cold water and pat dry. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
In a deep extended skillet, heat oil over medium heat until it is hot but not smoking. Add chicken pieces in one layer, bring heat to medium-low, and slowly brown the chicken pieces for one hour. Turn them over every once in a while, so they will brown evenly on all sides.
Pour water over the chicken, raise the heat to medium-high, and bring it to a simmer. Incorporate the apricots, apricot preserve, tamarind concentrate, chipotle sauce and salt and stir, and keep it at a medium simmer for 35 to 40 minutes more. You may need to bring down the heat to medium.
The sauce should have thickened considerably as to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Taste for salt and heat and add more salt or chipotle sauce to your liking.
辣巧克力酱燉鸡 Chicken Mole Poblano

虽然样子其貌不扬,Mole Poblano可是经典墨西哥国菜--巧克力酱燉鸡。Mole的起源也有一个很可爱的故事。发明这道菜的竟然是Puebla修道院的修女。传说西班牙殖民早期,大主教要到修道院参访,贫穷的修女们没有什么好料,只好祷告,把仅有的一点辣椒,巧克力,坚果,和香料熬制成酱汁,淋在火鸡上,没想到被主教大赞。只是那个酱实在太繁复了,我用的是名厨Rick Bayless的Mole Poblano酱,whole foods有卖。把鸡肉用平底锅煎香,放入酱汁,小火焖个30分钟,最后洒上芝麻就大功告成。虽然偷懒,但这道温润香浓的特色菜是当晚两位客人的首选呢,超爱。
为了配合当天的墨西哥主题,买来的Tres Leches蛋糕,也是whole foods的,很柔润细致,奶香十足。
