
慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心, 报得三春晖。


(2009-06-30 09:43:32) 下一个






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当日冲之路 回复 悄悄话


炼狱中去检验的 ........
anahiyiyi 回复 悄悄话 我要问楼主:
5135 回复 悄悄话 回复悠悠寸草心的评论:
You are so wonderful. You really have a big heart. And, you open my view.

Thank you. Take care, my dear.
悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复5135的评论:





5135 回复 悄悄话 回复悠悠寸草心的评论:
Thank you to allow me share the view with you.

Yes, 不被他们的想法所左右, not only for this thing, this shall be applied all the things you deal with in your daily personal life, in your professional career.

With the open mind and open view, you have your principles and make judgment on you own.

I can tell the golden value you have, I do hope your husband to figure it out soon.

Please also allow me to say below:

After reviewing the event you and your husband experienced, you should take a good and real look of your husband and yourself (who he is, who you are) and educate your husband and yourself at the same time.

Regarding to the 3rd person, she has nothing to do with you. Your husband should handle all the her issues and not let any of those issues bug you, your kids and your family life if you are a good educator and he is a good "student". He shall have all actions and reactions to protect the family.

In another words, if your husband fails to handle those issues as you expect, you shall think more and ......

Take care, my dear.
悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复5135的评论:



悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复沙滩小贝壳的评论:是的,时间会证明一切。谢谢你的祝福!
5135 回复 悄悄话 回复悠悠寸草心的评论:
Yes, I know that you not only have 同情心, but also know 爱. You are a such wonderful girl. You have my full respect from my heart.

I agree that 真爱在每个人心中的定义是不一样的,当局者和旁观者的看法也不一样. You may have your own explanation and definition of "true love". Mine is a little bit different. In my view, there is only one true love, which is (only) with 真心, 阳光,健康,责任,人格, 道德, and in day and day your life (生活) .

If 他们生活在一起了,"真爱" becomes "后悔", for me, this is not a true love. No matter what the explanation people can have.

OK, I am not arguing here, my heart is going out to you. I try to let you see a different point and open a wider view. Maybe, I am a "旁观者", it is easy to say 'anything'. Please don't take me wrong.

However, I still try to pass this point to you: don't take their words, no matter what they said to you about the true love they have. They don't know what they are talking about.

I do hope that it would not take too long for your husband to recognize the gold value you have.

Take care.
沙滩小贝壳 回复 悄悄话 我相信,如果你对丈夫真正的爱情比那第三者更多,你的丈夫早晚会明白的。时间会证明一切。比批评人更有用的是投入更多的爱。

悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复5135的评论:



5135 回复 悄悄话 回复悠悠寸草心的评论:

I don't think that they know what they are talking about. They just make up their imagination and dream as it is "他们之间是真爱". And, you shall not take what they saying too.

Life is life, never say “真爱”until you really know what 真爱 means to your in your day and day life.

Please don’t take what they told you. Without 人格, they are nothing. Whatever they mean about “爱” is nothing too.

For you, please don't think too much. Drop down your bottom line as a person with your 人格, be a better yourself. You will have the ture love.

Take care.
悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复5135的评论:


5135 回复 悄悄话 Why I feel that you made the simple things complicated, and at the same time you simplified complicate things.

What is real love? The real love includes all you stated: 真心, 没有功利, 阳光,健康,责任的。This is a real love of a person with人格魅力 and 道德的.

If I did not mistake you, you tried to indicate that there is ‘love’ between your husband and that lady and both of them told you that is a real love. They do 真心的相爱.

If you mean that, then I have to say you are wrong.

They may think that they really love each other. But, they don’t. That is just their imagination. If you really let them be together, see what happened. Life is life. There is only one real love. To have a real love, you have to understand what it means to your real daily life.

I wish you understand what I am trying to say here.

Take care.
月荷 回复 悄悄话 情感在青春期也许会不受任何控制,但成年以后,人是能够在适当的时候刹车的。假如心里有一个道德底线,不应该为所欲为,特别是情感问题。成年人的情感,特别是网上的情感,是培养起来的。若不是放任自己,不会走过那条界。一个人如果认识到自己的失误,则应该痛下决心,堂堂正正地做人。藕断丝连,优柔寡断只会更深地伤害所有相关的人。
雨夜听琴 回复 悄悄话 不是“真爱”,是“畸爱”。
悠悠寸草心 回复 悄悄话 回复月荷的评论:

月荷 回复 悄悄话 I don't know if "love" is based on burting other people and hurting kids, how can you still call it "love"?!?!?!?!?!?!
What is wrong with this world?