


(2013-12-03 08:41:31) 下一个








  《推背图》与其它预言书(如:记录朱元璋和刘伯温之间对话的《烧饼歌》都有个特色,就是解释的空间弹往相 当大,后人可以根据已经发生的历史,对相关的文字和图形,做出合乎己意的批注,因此往往予人所言灵验的印象(图二)。因而每个朝代都把《推背图》列为禁 书,但这并不是当政者相信预言的正确性,而是怕谣言四传,人心浮动,有危及政权的可能。





  1994年8月魏茨滕 (D. Witztum;物理教授)、芮普斯(D. Rips;数学教授)及罗森柏格 (Y. Rosenberg;专长为计算)在卡斯(R. E. Kass;Carnegie University 统计系教授及系主任)所主编的期刊《Statistical Science》中发表了一篇名为〈圣经创世记里的等距字母序列〉 (Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis) 的论文。这篇文章利用统计的方法证明:《圣经》隐藏了许多讯息,而这些讯息是有意安排的,绝非文字排列偶然造成的。而「圣经是否藏有密码」的这场论战也正 式展开。

  《Statistical Science》是 Institute of Mathematical Statistics 的机关期刊之一,与《The Annals of Statistics》、《The Annals of Probability》和《The Annals of Applied Probability》都是一流的国际期刊,当中所刊登的每一篇文章,都经过很严格的审查,因此结论相当可靠。


  什么叫做「等距字母序列」(equidistant letter sequence,简称 ELS) 1 ?物理学家汤玛斯 (David Thomas) 以英王钦定版 (King James Version) 的〈创世记〉第三十一章第二十八节为例子:

  And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters?
Thou hast now done foolishly in so doing.



  然后从「daughters」的 r开始,跳过三个字母,来到「thou」的 o;再跳过等距三个字母,来到「hast」的 s,依此类推。结果得到 ROSWELL(罗兹威尔)这个字。

  如果从「thou」的 u开始,跳过十一个字母,得到 f;再跳过等距十一个字母,得到 o。结果, UFO(不明飞行物)和 ROSWELL便同时隐藏在这一段话中了。某些人可能因此推断,《圣经》早已预示,外星人将降临在美国新墨西哥州罗兹威尔镇的沙漠。

  这个例子很有趣,可是-《圣经》当初是用希伯来文写成的 3 ,而非英文。如果要探究《圣经》是否真的藏有讯息,魏茨滕等认为应该回到《圣经》最原始的书写版本,因此采用了以希伯来文撰写的〈创世记〉。而他们做的第 一件事,就是像刚刚一样,把空格拿掉、排成一个总共有 78,064个字的长字符串,叫作 G

begin{displaymath}            G=g_1cdotscdots g_r            end{displaymath}

其中 g1代表第一个字,而 gr就是第78,064字。接着他们定义什么是「等距字母序列」:首先取个整数 d,叫「跃距」(skip),在前面汤玛斯的例子里,第一个 d是 4,第二个 d是 12;再来是取字的长度 k,刚才的例子里,第一个 k=7,第二个 k=3。把这些整理如下:

begin{displaymath}            g_ng_{n+d}cdotscdots g_{n+(k-1)d}            end{displaymath}

begin{displaymath}            1leq n,mbox{,}, n+(k-1)dleq r, ,            end{displaymath}

  其中,gn是起点(start), n可以是小于 r的任意整数,长度 k、跃距 d也没有特别的限制;至于形成的字是否有意义,则是另外一回事。这样就能构成所有的等距字母序列了。

  等距字母序列是一位叫魏斯曼德(Weissmandel)的犹太教士(rabbi,音译拉比,故简称犹太教士为拉比)发现的,也有可能是更早的拉比,把羊皮纸卷在柱子上读时,偶然间发现直读或斜读的字符串,有时有特殊意义,而这种字符串都是 ELS。

  不过魏茨滕如何从 ELS找出一个非比寻常的隐藏讯息呢?为此他们做了一个实验,从《以色列伟人百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Great Man in Israel),找出三十二位拉比,记下他们的名字 xi(这本书所记载的拉比生活在 9到 18世纪末,离〈创世记〉所写的时代,已经有好几千年了),及其出生死亡日期 yi。由于希伯来文里没有阿拉伯数字,都是用字母来表示数目的。所以刚刚的字符串,也可以用来表示这些日期。接着对这个二维的字符串( xiyi),定义一个距离 c( xiyi) (定义的方法过于细节,不在此详述,有兴趣的人可以去看看相关的论文)。结果发现,等距字母序列的数据库里,每个拉比的名字,跟他出生月日的距离非常接 近,就像先前看到的 ROSWELL跟 UFO也是非常接近(其实就在同一行里);因此他们觉得其中必定有特别的意义,绝不是靠运气、巧合得来的。而这个想法正是最有意思的地方!首先要确认的一 件事就是:这些人名、出生日期是否可以弄混?因为如果弄混了,可是对定义出来的距离远近,并没有太大差别的话,就表示结果是偶然发生的;如果有显着差别的 话,就表示这不是纯靠运气就能解释的现象了。因此他们便利用统计检验的方法,看看这样的配对究竟是不是「纯属偶然」。


  说到这里,必须先介绍一点简单的统计概念。在统计里,处理「偶然」这一类的问题,就是要确认 它是不是一个随机的配对,而对应的统计方法就叫做「随机检定」(random Test)。一般在做统计检定时,都会先设定一个虚拟假设(null hypothesis),也就是一个想将它推翻掉的假设。在这个问题里的虚拟假设,就是「名字和出生日期是随机出现的,没有特殊安排」。这是一个基本假 设,用术语来说就是配对的各种排列方法,机率都是一样的。这时它就变成一个统计检定的问题,必须检定出是应该拒绝或是接受这个虚拟假设。


begin{displaymath}            P_1(pi)=sum_{i=m}^N left(            begin{array}{c}            N \            i \            end{array}right)            (frac{1}{5})^i(frac{4}{5})^{N-i} , ,            end{displaymath}

begin{displaymath}            P_2(pi)=zsum_{i=0}^{N-1} (-1)^i(log x)^i/mbox{i}!            end{displaymath}


其中$z=prod_{i=1}^{32} c(x_i,y_{pi (i)})$m=#{ i: $c(x_i,y_{pi (i)})leq 0.2$}。

  式子中的 π是从 { 1, …, 32}对应到自身的一个「一对一函数」。( $pi (1)$, …, $pi (32)$)就是把( 1, …, 32)的数字重新编排位置的一种排列(permutation)。假如我们把第 i个拉比的生日,换成第 $pi (i)$个拉比的生日,那么距离就会由 c(xiyi)变成 c( xi$y_{pi (i)}$)。 N则是所有可能的配对,即 N=32!。统计量 p1p2的统计意义,大致可理解成是{ xi }和 { $y_{pi (i)}$}相近的一种指针。当{ xi }和 { $y_{pi (i)}$}整体来说很接近时, $P_j(pi)$就会很小。

  现在我们看到的配对是( xiyi),对应的排列是等同(identity)排列 $pi_0$$pi_0$i送到 $pi_0(i)$=i,因此我们观测到的检定统计量就是 $P_j(pi_0)$。要评断虚拟假设是否合理,可以考虑 p值:

begin{displaymath}            p_j=char93 {pi :P_j(pi)leq P_j(pi_0)}/32!            end{displaymath}

  在虚拟假设下,由于每个 π(配对)的机会都一样,有32个( xiyi),因此总共有32阶乘的配对, 用符号表示就是 32!,也就是有 32 ×31 ×…×1这么多个可能性。接着看看,统计量$P(pi)$比观测到的统计量$P(pi_0)$小的那些配对占多少比率,这个比率就是我们所谓的 p值。 p值描述的是在虚拟假设下,检定统计量会等于实际观测到的值那么极端或更极端的比率。在没有特殊安排下,每个 π的机会都一样,因此$P_j(pi_0)$应该不会过于极端,所以 p值不应太小, p值愈小,虚拟假设成立的机会也就愈小。但是多小才叫做小呢?一般统计里取的数值是0.05,也就是说,当 p小于0.05时,就不接受这个虚拟假设了。在这种状况下,统计学家便说,这个检定是「显着的」(significant)。

  而在前面的《圣经》例子中,求取相关的 p值 是一项相当困难的计算,因为 32!是个相当庞大的数值。而第三位作者罗森柏格,主要是负责做计算,他设计了一个如何计算这些检定统计量的方法。这些检定虽然叫做「随机检定」,但是因 为它牵涉到排列,所以也有人称它为「排列检定」(permutation test)。而除非检定可以化成比较简单的式子,否则所有的排列检定的计算都是很费时的事,因此都是交由计算器来算的。他算出的结果:

p1=5 x 10-4=0.0005
begin{displaymath}p_2cong 5times 10^{-6}=0.000005end{displaymath}


  这些数字都远小于0.05,因此从统计的观点来看,检定显着,虚拟假设是无法接受的。所以他们下了一个结论, ELS这些字母的互相靠近,并不是因为一时「好运」所产生的。


  这些讨论到目前为止都是很学术性的,不过我们的故事才刚刚开始哩!事实上,这篇文章早在 1987年就送到《美国科学院会志》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 去发表了,其中一位经手的是 Persi Diaconis。 Diaconis 年轻时是位有名的魔术师,现在则是哈佛大学的统计学家。他在更早的时候(1986年),就跟三位作者联系过,有可能就是作者在文章中提到的,建议他们做对 照实验的科学家。

  在生物相关的研究里,常常要做对照实验。举个简单的例子来说,感冒吃药会痊愈,但是也 有人不吃药也会好,那要如何验证药是不是真的有效?通常会找两组感冒的人,一组吃药,一组没有吃药,或是为了避免心理因素的影响,而给他们吃并不含药效的 「安慰剂」,然后做比对,看看有吃药的是不是比较好。而这 个建议也要求他们去找一个「安慰剂」,于是他们就找了《战争与和平》当对照本。这本书是俄国文豪托尔斯泰写的,有希伯来文的翻译本,但因为原来是用俄文写 的,因此可以当做「安慰剂」。 对照本取的是书最前面,字数跟〈创世记〉一样的部分。结果发现,对照本在相同的检定下,并不显着,也就是说它的 p 值大于0.05。而这相对加强了「ELS 的相近,并不是一时好运」的结论-然而美国科学院的会志还是拒绝了这篇投稿,于是他们就改投到《Statistical Science》。

   《Statistical Science》找了三位审稿人,一般而言审稿人都是两位,不过这个题目太奇怪了!令人非常困惑,特别是〈创世记〉的创作距今隔了三千多年,其间都没有提 到别的事情,到现在才发现它跟近代的事物有关,这不是非常奇怪的事情吗?所以还是小心为上!于是这些审稿人自己也去重新分析,看看作者的统计方法合理吗? 然后再检查他们的计算。最后的结论是,虽然有一点出入,不过效果依然存在。也就是说,显着性跟没显着性,依然不变。因此《Statistical Science》的主编卡斯就接受了这篇文章,并且在编辑前言说,这就留给读者当作是一个挑战性的谜题,希望读者能够去解决。而这个谜题一直到下个事件发 生前,全世界好象都不太感兴趣。不过站在作者的立场来说,既然1994年到1997年间,都没有人发表任何评论,他们自然会认为文章的想法以及结论已经是 被接受了。这就是我们的序幕,也就是故事的开始。


  故事第二景,「圣经密码」出现。如果稍微注意一下,刚刚那些作者的结论是很中性的,只是说 ELS 的靠近,不是因为运气好而产生的;但是它并没有告诉我们,到底是由什么产生的。由于作者具有宗教的背景,是传统的犹太教徒,当然心里想的是一种宗教的结 论。可是在统计学上,在虚拟假设不被接受的情况下,要是另一个假设(对立假设),如果没有写清楚的话,那么虚拟假设纵使不对,但到底什么是对的,仍然不是 很确定。因此,「归之于上帝」也只是其中一种讲法而已。不过,对宗教信仰者来说,在他写下这样的文章时,暗地里恐怕早就有那样的对立假设存在了吧!


  接着下一个故事就要跳到1997年5月28日,《纽约时报》(New York Times) 登了一幅全页广告,广告是宣传一本书,书名叫做《The Bible Code》,也就是《圣经密码》。这一本书的作者叫卓思宁 (Michael Drosnin),是《华盛顿邮报》和《华尔街日报》的前记者,他花了五年的功夫调查,然后自己做实验写成这本书。这本书的广告以及书的内容大致是这样 的:三千年来,《圣经》的密码隐藏未解,现在已经被计算机解开来了,而且可以预示一切末来。作者卓思宁说,根据这个密码显示,以色列总理拉宾的名字和暗杀 连在一起;而且事实上,他在1994年9月就写过一封信给拉宾,告诉他这个可能性,可是拉宾没有理会他,而后在1995年1月,拉宾就死于刺客之下。这是 这本书中最轰动的一件事,而且作者是迫不及待、开宗明义的,在第一章里就提到这件事,因为这是他自己亲身经历过的事件,是由他自己解出密码、预知的大事。

  除此之外,这个广告以及这本书反复提到,揭示密码的方法是经过期刊认可的,特别是有同侪审核的期刊所认 可的。事实上,卓思宁也求教于不少数学家,而他表示每位数学家都觉得,这一切的确证明了密码存在。不过卓思宁更厉害的一点是,说完〈创世记〉里藏有密码, 能够预告人类的命运后,接着又说在〈摩西五经〉(也就是旧约的前五卷:〈创世记〉、〈出埃及记〉、〈利未记〉、〈民数记〉跟〈申命记〉)中,他都发现藏有 圣经密码,当中传达的讯息除了拉宾被刺杀外,还包括美国肯尼迪和林肯两位总统,以及印度总理甘地遇刺的事件,日本神户、美国旧金山的大地震、世界末日与广 岛原子弹轰炸等,种种过去与未来发生的大事件。

  而这几卷经文其实可以说是犹太民族的史记,〈创世记〉记载了上帝造人、亚当与夏娃,以及诺亚方舟的故 事;〈出埃及记〉描述早期犹太人定居埃及,和摩西如何与埃及法老斗争,然后带领人民离开埃及的经历;〈利未记〉是摩西到西奈沙漠的途中,以色列部落利未人 如何支持他清教的经过;〈民数记〉记述以色列人在西奈沙漠漂泊和初到巴勒斯坦的生活史;〈申命记〉则记载摩西如何将政权传给约书亚的事。而许多人可能对 〈申命记〉特别感兴趣,因为媒体过去一直传说,我们的李前总统是摩西,而陈水扁总统是约书亚,这个典故就在〈申命记〉里。


  再回到圣经密码里,更令人惊讶的是,卓思宁除了〈摩西五经〉外,在旧约的〈以赛亚书〉内,也 找到密码。一个众所皆知的现象是,一旦有人对一个现象做推广,大家也都会跟着做推广。因此呢,信奉基督教的人也在找,看看新约里是不是也藏了密码。结果, 不但是信仰犹太教或基督教的人在找「圣经密码」,连信奉回教的人也在找,整件事情一下子就宣扬开来了,尤其是在《纽约时报》刊登的整版广告,加上这些怂人 听闻、预知兴亡的词句,其中的新闻价值非常高。因此 CNN、《纽约时报》、《时报杂志》(Time Magazine)、《新闻周刊》(News Week)都特别介绍,接着连一般的「脱口秀」,如 Today Show及 Oprah show也都出现了相关话题。而一旦在美国造成这么大的轰动后,很多种语言的翻译本也就跟着出现了。台湾的《圣经密码》就是由杜默先生翻译的。

   除了多种语言的畅销书以外,「圣经密码」的相关产品很快也随着出现了。首先是有关别的隐藏讯息,以及新的密码的书,接着是电视记录片,连电影也有拍摄的 计画,此外如果你想「自己」解密码的话,也有商业的软件提供。有兴趣的话,还可以上网站,键入「Bible Code」去搜寻,很快就有一大串相关的项目条列出来了,其中包括各种论战、宗教团体的解说 …等,显然「圣经密码」这件事情已经造成全世界轰动。



  数学家于是翻出了拉姆西 (Ramsey) 定理,这个定理的完整叙述相当拘泥形式,抽象难懂,幸好有位有名的数学家艾狄胥 (Paul Erdös) 4 ,喜欢用所谓的「宴会问题」来解释。所谓的「宴会问题」是说,一个宴会里如果有六个人,是不是一定会存在三个人彼此之间互相认识,或彼此之间一个也不认识 的现象?这个答案是肯定的。彼此认识或完全不认识都是结构 (pattern),当人数愈来愈多的时候,许多奇奇怪怪的结构就会跟着出现。就像繁星满布的夜空,会看到许许多多的星座一样。因此这个定理给我们的教 训,正如美国数学家默慈金 (Theodore S. Motzkin) 所说的:「完全的无秩序是不可能的。」但是这只是观念上的启发,说明像〈创世记〉那样字数庞大的著作,存在密码是有可能的:不过针对原来的问题,这并没有 证明太多事情,不见得是我们要的答案。

  另外一方面,芮普斯-原来论文的三个作者之一,希伯来大学 (Hebrew University) 的数学教授,由于一些未说明的原因,认为未来事件不可能预测,而且认为卓思宁有些译解的密码在统计上的意义不显着,也就是说,对应的 p 值没有小于0.05。卓思宁在写圣经密码的时候,前前后后访问了芮普斯好几次,没想到在面对批评时,他们彼此意见在第一步,就不完全一致。

   接着有许多人发现,卓思宁用的方法和等距字母序列那篇论文的方法相比,相当不严密。不少人(例如我们一开始就提到的汤玛斯)用相同的方法,很容易发现到 处都藏有密码,就如英王钦定版的《圣经》里,可以找到 UFO 一样,这下子整个怀疑都出来了。而卓思宁面对这些批评,又是如何响应的呢?在《新闻周刊》的一次访问里,他说:「假如我的批评者 ,能够在《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)里,找到某位总理被刺杀的密码讯息,那么我就会相信他们。」这对批评者来说,是个挑战!而这场战争到这个时候,已经是相当白热化了。

  澳洲国立大学(Australia National University)的一位计算器教授马凯(Brendan McKay),就接受这个挑战,找到了底下印度总理甘地被刺的「讯息」(图三),并且把它放在自己的网站上。


图三中直行的 IGANDHI,第一个 I 是他的名字 Indira 的缩写,按着是甘地 (Gandhi)。按着横行是 the bloody deed。死亡的契约,预示着甘地是会被杀的。事实上,马凯不但找到一位总理 ,他还在《白鲸记》找到 Abraham Lincoln(林肯)、拉宾、肯尼迪…等名人被刺杀的讯息,用的是跟卓思宁一样的方法。哇!这下子麻烦了,似乎到处都藏有密码,是不是生活周遭都布满天 机,等着我们用计算机去解读呢?这位马凯是个很有趣的人,他说,基督教徒也一直在寻找密码,不过他们想找的是有关耶稣基督降临的讯息;那么是不是我们也来 试试看!而这回他用的是〈但以理书〉,因为卓思宁在《圣经密码》中提到这是一本「封印之书」,预告着「弥赛亚来临的日子」,而耶稣向来都被视为是弥赛亚 的。马凯依照魏茨滕等人的方法,考虑了一些关键词词,像 son of god,去进行分析,结果发现耶稣跟 son of man 较靠近。这下子耶稣由「神之子」变成「人之子」,整个论战也跟着变得混沌、局势不明了。圣经真的藏有密码吗?(3)



  事情演变到此,卓思宁似乎略居下风,但是这件事并没有完全解决,原因在于对原先魏茨滕等人的 那一篇〈圣经创世记里的等距字母序列〉并没有直接的推翻。因为这三个人的确很用心在设计他们的实验,而且很仔细地做统计分析;而他们也认为卓思宁有些地方 太宽松,做了一些统计不显着的结果。因此想反驳他们,一定要提得出道理,说明他们的作法到底有那里出了问题,否则光是用那些图表的方式或是拉姆西定理,恐 怕还是没有办法让人心服口服;更何况芮普斯也一直表示,只有〈创世记〉里有圣经密码,想反驳这一点,也势必要回归到原先的这一篇文章来。

  而经过同侪审核的期刊文章,还是要由期刊文章,而且最好是由同一期刊的文章来反驳,比较有公信力与说服 力。1998年马凯与两位希伯来大学的学者,巴希蕾(Bar-Hillel)及巴纳丹(Bar-Natan),首先在一通俗性的统计期刊 《Chance》,针对魏茨滕等的文章做全面的反驳,里面没有太多技术性(统计)的探讨,但是描述了整个事件的来龙去脉,攻击言辞猛烈,并且宣称在《战争 与和平》的希伯来文版,也可以发现密码,这跟魏茨滕等人的论文结果相反。接着在1999年,马凯等三人再加上希伯来大学的数学教授卡莱(Kalai),在 《Statistical Science》发表了一篇学术文章:〈解决圣经密码的疑惑〉(Solving the Bible Code Puzzle),为《Chance》的文章提供了统计学上的依据。他们在这篇文章中表示,魏茨滕等人在1994年发表的那一篇文章有相当严重的缺陷,特别 是实验的设计和数据的收集。有什么问题呢?这时就要回过头来看看,统计里对实验设计有哪些要求。


  统计学中讨论实验设计时,通常都会提到:找寻最佳生产配方的工业实验设计,以及找寻新药的药 物试验设计。关于后者,由于过去几十年来对临床实验新药的经验,学界和医界已经订立了相当严格的标准,这些标准的规范,都写在议定书 (protocol) 里。首先要知道,做医学实验,或药厂试验新药前,一定要先写议定书,而且必须在议定书批准后才能开始进行。通常议定书里必须写明实验的目的是什么,整个的 设计是什么,又要如何执行。以下所列的十四个项目,是波克 (S.J. Pocok) 在《临床试验》(Clinical Trials) 中列举的:

(1)背景与一般目的(Background and general aims)。


(2)特殊目的(Specific objectives)。

(3)选取病人的标准(Patient selection criteria)。

(4)疗程(Treatment schedules)。

(5)评估的方法(Methods of patient evaluation)。

(6)试验设计(Trial design)。

(7)病人的注册及随机分配(Registration and randomization of patients)。

(8)病人的同意(Patient consent)。

(9)研究需要的数量(Required size of study)。

(10)试验进展的监控(Monitoring of trial progress)。

(11)表格与数据的处理(Forms and data handling)。

(12)协议的偏离(Protocol deviations)。

(13)统计分析的规画(Plans for statistical analysis)。

(14)行政责任(Administrative responsibilities)。



   其次的几项与病人的处理有关,其中病人的选取对应到论文里拉比的选取。而魏茨滕等人是用什么标准来选取这些拉比的?这牵涉到许多事情,包括拉比名字的拼 法,如何依此去估算出前面所提到的距离,其中的细节留待后面再叙。在医学实验里,如果选取的病人一开始就很虚弱,且并发症不少的话,那么即使药再灵,效应 恐怕都不会很好;但是如果病人的病症很轻微,看来很强壮的话,那么「药到病除」和「不药而愈」的情况都有可能。因此病人和拉比的选取,会直接影响所有的分 析结果。

  再来是讨论试验的设计,而这关系到之后要如何做实验。例如魏茨滕是透过配对,以及对照实验的方法来进行的。对照实验是一种比较 实验,除了处理因素(如药效或上帝预示)外,其它可能会影响实验结果的因素都必须控制得完全一样。所以魏茨滕等人利用《战争与和平》做对照实验时,采用希 伯来文版,而且将字数选得一样多,就是这个目的。另外。有人可能听过「双盲设计」(double blind design),主要是说,如果要实验两种可能的药物时(当然包括安慰剂),那么除了病人本身不知道他吃的是什么药,免得心理作用之外,连医生也不知道病 人服用的是不是安慰剂,以免医生因为知道病人「有吃药」的前题,而使诊断不自觉的倾向有效的判断,认为病人会因此变得比较好。因此双盲(或者叫双瞒)的主 要目的,也是要求在实验的过程中,尽可能避开人为的偏见。而在对病人次序的编排上,譬如单数吃药,双数吃安慰剂等,也有可能产生这种不自觉的偏见 5 ,所以有必要弄乱吃药者的编排(随机化),使其不是顺着一个固定的模式进行。由于随机的安排,病人有可能因此没吃药。所以必须让病人事先同意整个过程。

   还有,这样的实验到底需要多少病人,也是一个很有趣的问题。例如。魏茨滕的实验选了三十二个拉比,这样够不够?少一点是否也能证明相同的结论?或者为了 周全,必须把整个百科全书里的人都选进来?这点很值得思考,表格和数据处理看起来不起眼,其实非常重要。例如许多表格常要填写出生年、月、日,而论文中拉 比的资料只有出生的月和日,并不包括年,处理这样的资料时就要特别小心。此外,万一实验与议定书有所偏差时,例如应该进来的病人没有进来,需要的样本少一 个时怎么办?诸如此类的事情,在议定书里都要表示清楚。



  了解实验设计后,再回过头来看看马凯他们的批评:第一、魏茨滕等人所用的统计方法,如果一小 部分的数据稍微变动一下,就会很敏感。第二、最大的麻烦出在拉比的称呼,以及它的拼法如何选择上。以我们的现任总统为例,可以称呼他陈水扁,陈总统水扁, 陈水扁先生或是阿扁,甚至还有种种别名,到底要选哪一个?在西方社会里,还有缩写的问题哩!

  魏茨滕实验所分 析的拉比,是根据一位名叫 Havlin的教授所准备的名单。但是另一位研究拉比的学者 M. Cohen却说,这种取法是没有科学根据的,完全是不一致的,而且是一个随意选取的结果。他同时也准备了一分名单。不过更好玩的是,另一位学者认为,这两 分名单「一样令人讶异!」由此看来,光是名字这一部分,仔细推敲就产生很大的问题了,更何况犹太人对日、月还有各种不同的讲法,就如同我们有一月、正月和 元月等讲法。所以在议定书里,诸如此类的规定就要事先制订好,否则就有很大的伸缩空间;一旦有了伸缩空间,解释就多,往往就无法控制了。但也有可能殊途同 归,达到相同的结果。

  因此,下一步要问的就是,假如真有这样的自由度可以发挥的话,它所产生的后果是什么?马凯等人依照上述的自由度,应用在《战争与和平》的版本上,把那些拉比的名字稍微变动一下, 得到的数据结果却是 p <0.05。换句话说,《战争与和平》从没有显着的结果,变成有显着结果。

   再来,就〈创世纪〉的实验来说,它原先的方法为什么是对的?是不是它的自由发挥得太过度了呢?马凯等人认为是的。而且他们还测试了很多小小的变动,譬如 把出生的年分加进去、用别的称呼等,结果发现大部份的结果都变弱了,有些变得不太显着,有些甚至已经不显着了。种种现象,似乎指向作者对数据的选择,有固 定的偏好,像是去挑捡一些特别的拉比,才得到这样的结果。马凯甚至表示,魏茨滕他们其实作了一些「调整」(tuning)。这种现象的另一种说法是「直觉 的统计期望」。意思是说,当你知道一个现象的理论结果是什么的时候,做出来的实验结果往往就会是如此;因为有了这样的心理倾向,就会产生了一些自觉或不自 觉的「调整」行为。所以受到这样心理影响的实验报告,就会过于完美,必须特别小心这样的结果是不是真的。

  这一类的事件在统计界也发生过,其中最有名的,就是统计学家兼遗传学家费雪(Fisher)对孟德尔 (Mendel)碗豆实验的数据所产生的怀疑。费雪甚至表示,当初孟德尔可能为了理论,调整了数据;原始的数据,不应该那么漂亮。不过还好,最后孟德尔的 理论是对的。这表示,即使数据真的是制造出来的。结果也不见得是错的;但是实验的结果那么好,总会令人怀疑这些数据是被动过手脚的。因此调整的另外一个讲 法,就叫「动手脚」。不过费雪的怀疑是有其理论基础的,因为这样完美的结果表示,它的结果是不允许抽样带来的合理误差。事实上,每个样本都会对应一个统计 量,通常不同样本的统计量,彼此并不完全相同。就像用望远镜去量测天空中某个星球的距离,量测次数一多时,即使再怎么努力调整仪器,结果多少都会有一些起 伏的。这种起伏就是抽样误差造成的,也有人归因于广义的噪声 (noise)。真正的度量难免会掺杂着噪音,而有噪音的数据,其所对应的定 p 值就不应该太小。而魏茨滕的 p 值小到 10-6(百万分之一),因而让人对于其数据的取得产生一些疑问。


  最后,马凯等人又从历史的角度,再度批评了一番。由于目前这个《圣经》的版本,并不是一天定 下来的,它与《孟子》、《老子》这些书一样,都是源远流传的,创作始于两、三千年前。以1947到1951年间,在死海的西北端发现的《死海古卷》来说, 那是一个写在羊皮上,相当古老的的《圣经》原文,很可能是目前所知最古老的《圣经》书籍。书里的〈以赛亚书〉相当完整,还有很多〈创世记〉的片段,但大都 是残卷。后来的《圣经》版本很可能是根据这些残卷再修正的,因此,经文如果有密码,这个密码也不可能从最原始的版本流传至今。因为经文在流传的过程,难免 会经过删减和插增, 如果先前定义的跃距 d 很小的话,选出的 ELS不变的机会就很大,密码就不会被删掉;可是如果 d 很大的话,只要中间删掉一个字母,就不再是一个完整的 ELS。例如,卓思宁在找出拉宾被剌这个密码时用的 d =4,772,在间隔这么长的字符串中,要保证没有被插入或删除实在很难。所以从文献流传的观点来看,也没办法保证密码不是后天造成的。

   最后马凯他们下了两个结论。首先,他们认为这篇文章不是故意找一个检定方法来配合数据的。也就是说,并不是数据已经在那边,然后再故意找一个方法将推论 做得很好。举例来说,如果要用平均值(方法),来代表王永庆先生与笔者的财富状况(数据),那么笔者当然就会显得很有钱,可是那个平均值一定不能代表笔者 的收入,这个方法只是故意要造成笔者很有钱的结论。这就是所谓的,用方法来配合数据,虽然数据是客观的,方法却是为了产生特定的效果而制定的。马凯他们表 示,目前这篇文章并不是这样的,它是透过拉比的选取,因而调整了数据来配合这个检定的。就像是前述王永庆和笔者的例子,把王永庆换成一位比他穷一点的人, 再用一位比笔者富有一点的人来取代笔者,使两者间的收入差异不大,这时用平均值来做代表,自然就合乎统计的道理了。

  第二个结论则是全篇文章的总结。他们认为并没有证据显示,有办法从 ELS找到密码。拉比的名字跟生日这些配对的安排相近与否,纯属机运。主编卡斯也对此做了响应,他在马凯等人的文章之前是这么介绍的 :「…正如他们所下的结论,这个谜题的确像是解决了。」《Statistical Science》似乎有意为这场论战谱上休止符,而不想再争辩下去了。


  读者如果学过计算器或是统计学,最近一定听过一个名词。叫做 data mining,也就是到 data 里去采矿,因此有人将它翻译成「信息探勘」 6

  要采什么矿呢?就是在一个庞大的数据里,找出它的规律性来。例如,如果对超市里进、出帐的项目 了解清楚的话,就会知道哪些产品,在什么季节,顾客会比较需要,然后就可以在适当的时间,多进一些这方面的产品;同时从这些庞大的数据里,了解顾客消费的 规律性,就能企画出有效率的行销手法,这些就是信息探勘的意义。可是,信息探勘处理的数据通常是相当庞大的,而且绝对比一般应用时碰到的例子项目来得多, 数量来得大。尤其是像银行一天的进出,笔数相当惊人,因此不用计算器处理不行。于是就有很多软件公司,看准这点商机,开始贩售整套信息探勘的软件包,这时 候要特别小心。

  以「圣经密码」的例子来说,它虽然有一个相当庞大的数据,却也有办法找到一个很像很有规律性 的东西来,但是不是真的有那样的规律性呢?则是值得深思的。所以当各位忙着「探勘」时,不妨学习它的正面意义,不过同时也要小心,你所采到的是金沙呢?还 是石头呢?是不是该找位统计学家问问看呢?

1.Michael Dorsnin著,杜默翻译(1997),《圣经密码》,大块文化出版公司。


2.David S. Moore著,郑惟厚翻译(1999),《统计,让数字说话!》天下远见出版公司。

3.Bruce Schechter著,曾蕙兰翻译(1999),《不只一点疯狂-天才数学家艾狄胥传奇》,先觉出版社。

4.Simon Singh著,刘燕芬翻译(2000),《码书》,台湾商务出版。

5.Bar-Hillel, M. Bar-Natan, D. and McKay, B.D. (1998). Torah codes: Puzzle and solution. Chance 11, 13-19.

6.Kass, R.(1994). Editor's remark on "Equidistant letters sequences in the Book of Genesis". Statist. Sci. 9, 306.

7.Kass, R.(1999). Introdution to "Solving the Bible Code Puzzle" by Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel and Gil Kalai. Statist. Sci. 14, 149.

8.Kittel, B. P., Hoffer, V. and Wright, R.A.(1989). Biblical Hebrew: A Text and Workbook. Yale University Press, New Haven.

9.McKay, B. Bar-Natan, D. Bar-Hillel, M. and Kalai, G.(1999). Solving the Bible code puzzle. Statist. Sci. 14, 150-173.

10.Pocock. S.J.(1984) Clinical Trials: a practical approach. 1984, Wiley & Sons, N.Y.

11.Witztum, D. Rips, E. and Rosenberg, Y.(1994). Equidistant Letters sequences in the Book of Genesis. Statist. Sci. 9, 429-439.

ELS Bible Codes --
God's Signature



Everyone is very skeptical when they first hear about the Bible Codes.  I was, and so was every one of the leading researchers.

Every Christian's initial attitude is:

"If it were true, it would be great, but it sounds like a 'dream come true'.  How come nobody ever found these things before?  This sounds like one of those cases where a bunch of Christians will jump on the band wagon, then it will be disproven, and everybody will be saying 'Christians are superstitious fools.  Remember how they were all running around claiming there were codes hidden in the Bible?'"



If you are Christian, think of what you already believe: The God that created everything took on a human body, lived among men, and let Himself be whipped and crucified by the Romans until His human body died.  ON THE THIRD DAY HE AROSE FROM THE DEAD, IN A RECREATED, PHYSICAL, RESURRECTED BODY.  He appeared to hundreds over the next 40 days and then ascended into Heaven. He will come back and judge every person who has ever lived.  Why did He let Himself be beaten and killed?  He took the punishment for sinners -- people who hate Him.  He did this because He loves us and doesn't want to have to punish anyone! Anyone who believes He did this and who sincerely repents of their sins and then earnestly tries to follow God's commandments, will be credited with the sin punishment that Jesus endured and will receive eternal life.  (See Major Christian Doctrines and the Apostles' Creed.)

Would God put hidden codes that only the final generation before His return could find?  The skeptical generation, the only one with computers?   Isaiah 55:8, NIV "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

In reading about the Bible Codes, as with everything on this site, I simply ask that you keep an open mind and check out the evidence for yourself.  However, unlike the rest of this site, this page has very little information, from a field that, until about 1995, was researched by only about 10 people worldwide, all non-Christians.  This page presents about a "thimbleful" of ice and tells you it really did come from an iceberg!

The next time you are in a major bookstore or a Christian bookstore, check out the books by Grant Jeffrey or Yacov Rambsel.  You don't even have to buy one -- just flip through one.  Their books show the Hebrew text, the spelling of the words in Hebrew, etc. Unlike English, Hebrew is fairly phonetic.  If you really want to know for yourself, you can look at the Hebrew alphabet (listed in their books) and sound out the words, and then look at the Hebrew text and count off the letters.  I particularly recommend Grant Jeffrey's book cited below for this.  It has the letters marked.  (I haven't put examples on the site because there are no standard Hebrew fonts that display the same on every browser.)





Suppose that research ultimately proves there are no "codes" in the Bible.  Christian beliefs are based on eyewitnesstestimony, fulfilledprophecy, investigations and other evidence, not on the Bible Codes.  Although the Bible Codes agree with and support the historical teachings of Christianity, not one Christian doctrine or teaching was developed on the basis of Bible Codes.



In late 1999, Trinity Broadcasting Network released a movie titled The Omega Code starring Michael York, Casper Van Dien, Michael Ironside and Catherine Oxenberg.  This is a work of fiction that tracks biblical end-time prophecy to a moderate degree.

The main goal of the movie's producers and distributors was to make it clear to the Hollywood film industry that "Christians" are a demographic group for consumer marketing purposes and that if Hollywood produces Christian-theme and Christian-value films there will be a market for such products. (Webmaster's personal comment: I don't recommend the movie. Unless you are well-versed in end-time prophecy large sections will make no sense at all.)

No researchers have reported finding series of phrases about end-time events, as depicted in the movie.  The examples given in the beginning about the Princess Diana codes and similar keyword groups are true. However, the various 'Omega Code' phrases are pure fiction, solely for dramatic purposes. The movie's producers have never claimed otherwise.



Thanks to the advent of modern computers, Biblical scholars have finally been able to find irrefutable proof that the Bible is directly inspired by God -- not just in a general way, but each individual letter of each word.  This proof consists of thousands of words hidden in codes.

Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Explained

These hidden words generally are encoded as Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) codes.  For instance, take the first sentence of the preceding paragraph and count every fifth letter, and see what we get:

ThankS to thE adveNt of ModerN compUters BibliCal scHolarS have FinalLy beeN able To finD irreFutabLe proOf thaT the BIble iS direCtly iNspirEd by GOd not Just iN a genEral wAy but Each iNdiviDual lEtter Of eacH word.


See any words in the chosen letters?  Any groups of related words, such as: "his name is Timothy", McVeigh, Murrah, Building, slaughter, Oklahoma, America and the exact day of the month and time of the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building?

In the original Hebrew texts of the Old Testament and the Greek texts of the New Testament there are such word groups -- thousands of them!  And they describe events that occurred hundreds, sometimes thousands of years after the texts were written!

The codes about the Oklahoma bombing are in the Book of Genesis, written by Moses THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO !!!

Many books have been written on this phenomenon since about 1995.  They are available at most major bookstores.

It is important to realize that serious researchers do not consider just two or three possibly related words to be a 'Code'.  Numerous Code examples have been found with 40-70 related terms!

A few  words about Drosnan's book The Bible Codes

Journalist Michael Drosnan is unanimously credited as the person who brought Bible Codes research to the attention of the general public in his bestselling book The Bible Codes. However, all serious researchers agree that Drosnan's book has serious flaws. Drosnan did not discover the phenomenon; He is not a Bible scholar, he is not familiar with computer programming or statistical analysis and he is not well-versed in Hebrew -- He learned Hebrew solely for the purpose of learning about the Bible Codes.  In a number of instances he simply mistranslated Hebrew words.  No serious researcher bases any claims about Bible Codes on Drosnan's book.  Several major Bible Codes researchers have issued public statements declaring Drosnan's work faulty in both its methodology and some of its conclusions.  Several of those statements are available on the Internet.

ELS Bible Codes can be found manually.

It is important to realize that finding and verifying Bible Codes isn't a computer trick -- the sets of codes described below are detailed in Jeffrey, Grant R. The Handwriting of God. Toronto, Ontario: Frontier Research Publications, Inc. 1997.  The codes in Isaiah were discovered manually, by Bible codes researcher and author Yacov Rambsel.  All Bible codes can be confirmed manually by anyone who has an English-Hebrew Interlinear Bible.

Jeffrey's book includes the Hebrew text for Isaiah, with dozens of examples.  



Name Begins Word Ltr Interval
Yeshua Shmi
("Jesus is my
53:10 11 4 -20
Nazarene 53:6 11 3 47
Messiah 53:11 1 1 -42
Shiloh 53:12 21 4 19
Passover 53:10 13 3 -62
Galilee 53:7 1 2 -32
Herod 53:6 4 1 -29
Caesar 53:11 7 4 -194
The Evil
Roman City
53:9 13 2 -7
(high priest)
52:15 7 3 41
(high priest)
53:3 6 5 -45
Mary 53:11 1 1 -23
Mary 53:10 7 3 6
Mary 53:9 13 3 44
The Disciples 53:12 2 3 -55
Peter 53:10 11 5 -14
Matthew 53:8 12 1 -295
John 53:10 11 4 -28
Andrew 53:4 11 1 -48
Philip 53:5 10 3 -133
Thomas 53:2 8 1 35
James 52:2 9 3 -34
James 52:2 3 4 -20
Simon 52:14 2 1 47
Thaddeus 53:12 9 1 -50
Matthias 53:5 7 4 -11
Let Him Be
53:8 6 2 15
His Cross 53:6 2 2 -8
Pierce 52:10 15 3 -92
Lamp of
the Lord
53:5 5 7 20
His Signature 52:7 8 4 49
Bread 53:12 2 3 26
Wine 53:5 11 2 210
From Zion 52:14 6 1 45
Moriah 52:7 4 5 153
Obed 53:7 3 2 -19
Jesse 52:9 3 1 -19
Seed 52:15 2 2 -19
Water 52:7 9 1 -19
Levites 53:3 3 6 19
From the
52:12 12 2 -19
Joseph 53:2 1 2 210

These names include all the significant people involved in the life and ministry of Jesus.  Obed and Jesse are ancestors of Jesus.


Name Begins Word Ltr Interval Ends Word Ltr
Yeshua 30:16 19 1 12 30:18 1 2
Nazarene 30:16 15 3 8 30:16 20 4
Messiah 30:13 12 3 60 30:18 3 2
Shiloh 30:14 7 1 40 30:16 12 2
Passover 30:9 7 4 -9 30:10 1 3
Galilee 29:19 7 3 -39 29:21 8 3
Mary 30:15 7 2 60 30:18 11 1
Mary 30:16 13 1 61 30:20 8 2
Mary 30:17 5 3 92 30:23 14 2
Peter 30:16 2 2 32 30:17 1 2
Matthew 30:20 8 2 20 30:21 6 2
John 29:19 9 1 14 29:20 12 2
Andrew 29:27 15 4 115 29:36 7 4
Philip 29:24 9 4 50 29:27 4 5
Thomas 30:18 14 4 11 30:19 7 2
James 30:7 6 2 -59 30:10 14 5
Simon 29:19 7 3 -39 29:21 8 3
Nathanael 30:4 8 2 -100 30:12 8 2
Judas 29:13 9 2 24 29:15 2 1
Thaddaeus 30:16 2 2 32 30:17 1 2
Matthias 30:20 8 2 20 30:21 6 2
Let Him Be
30:20 1 1 8 30:20 8 1

Exodus 30:16 Receive the atonement money from the Israelites and use it for the service of the Tent of Meeting. It will be a memorial for the Israelites before the LORD, making atonement for your lives.


"Why does the name Mary appear three times and the name James appear twice?"

John 19:25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother [Mary], his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

Matthew 10:2-4 [2] These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; [3] Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; [4] Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Any detective and any lawyer will tell you that it's the details that reveal whether someone really knows what happened.

"Can Bible Codes be used to predict the future?"

One of the major proofs that the Bible is indeed the word of God is prophecy.  Bible Codes are pretty much limited to prophecies -- no new moral principles, parables, etc. have been discovered in the Bible Codes.  Hence, it seems fairly obvious that we can use Bible Codes to predict the future.

However, this is one instance where something that seems obviously true is actually false. Unlike prophetic passages in the Bible, Bible Codes can not be used to make long-term predictions, for several reasons:

  1. The information is not neatly placed in a single, obvious location, such as a single paragraph.

  2. The information is too specific to be useful beforehand.  Who ever even heard of Timothy McVeigh before he bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma?

  3. Random words can be found in any text in any language if you try enough combinations. What makes the Bible Codes unique is that only in the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament can a lot of words related to a single event be found in close proximity. Until an event has occurred or is about to occur (e.g., an upcoming presidential election), there is no way to tell what words are related to the event.

  4. The information is in "keyword" format, not sentences.  Until an event has or is about to occur, there is no way to tell related keywords from random words.

  5. Keywords relating to various unrelated events may exist in the same location.

Point 5 is particularly important.  In many instances, the same letter may be part of several different Bible Code words.  In other words, the exact same yod could be the first letter of Yeshua (Jesus) coded at 10-letter intervals, the first letter of Yochanan (John), coded at 60-letter intervals, the third letter of Miryam (Mary) spelled backwards (i.e., left to right) at 200-letter intervals, the first letter of Yisrael (Israel) spelled backwards at 15-letter intervals, and the first letter of Yahweh (Jehovah) spelled backward at 270-letter intervals.  Yeshua might have four words related to it but not related to Yisrael, and Yisrael might have three words related to it but not to Yeshua.  Since the other coded words are all in the same vicinity, how could you tell decades or centuries beforehand which coded words were related to Yeshua, which were related to Yisrael, which to Miryam, etc.?

Sometimes, Bible Codes can be used to get some information about near future events.

Sometimes, the Bible Codes can be used to get some information about events shortly before they occur, but near-term predictions can also be made by natural means such as analyzing historical trends, polls, etc.


"Are there any Bible Codes in the New Testament?"

In late 1998-early 1999 several writers stated on various television shows that they were preparing books about codes found in the Greek New Testament. However, as of August 2001, no such books have appeared.

Grant Jeffrey has published a book in which he claims to have found a few Greek codes. However, in an e-mail to me, Roy A. Reinhold, code researcher and webmaster of a major Bible Codes site, has indicated that the few "codes" Jeffrey claims are not "statistically significant". Furthermore, after extensive efforts with no success, Reinhold and several other researchers have stopped looking for codes in the Greek New Testament and are looking for codes in the ancient Aramaic New Testament texts. Aramaic is a Semitic language related to Hebrew and Arabic and was the language Jesus and his disciples spoke. A number of scholars believe that the New Testament was written in Aramaic and translated into Greek. If found, the presence of Codes in the Aramaic would prove this.

However, it is important to understand that even in the Old Testament there are other types of codes in addition to ELS codes. However, this area has not been well-researched, and most people interested in Bible Codes limit their research to ELS codes. It is entirely possible that something other than ELS codes will be found in the New Testament.  After all, significant amounts of research have only been going on for five years.

"What about translations?"

To those who insist on "King James Only" (and others) ... sorry ... to date, Bible Codes have only been found in the original language texts.

"Are there Bible Codes in the Apocrypha?"

There are no Bible Codes in the Apocrypha!  Until the mid-1500's, neither Jews, nor Protestants, nor Roman Catholics considered any of the Apocrypha to be divinely inspired.  In the mid-1500's, the Catholic Church added the Apocrypha to the Catholic canon in an effort to find 'scriptural' arguments against Protestant teachings.

The books of Tobit and the Maccabees have been checked.  They contain no codes.

"Are there Bible Codes in other religious books such as the Koran or the Book of Mormon?"

I am not aware of any research specifically on the Arabic version of the Koran.  However, since the Moslem Koran directly contradicts the Jewish and Christian Bibles on numerous fundamental doctrines, it is fairly clear they can't both be divinely inspired.  See The Falsity of Islam and the Moslem/Muslim Koran.

I am not aware of any research on the Book of Mormon.  However, regarding the Book of Mormon, there are numerous problems, e.g.: (a) it contradicts the Bible.  See The Falsity of Mormonism and the Book of Mormon. (b) Joseph Smith Jr. claimed the Book of Mormon is a summary and adaptation of materials he translated which were written on ancient gold plates in a language called "Reformed Egyptian" (which Egyptologists have never heard of!).

"What about other, secular books?"

Codes have only been found in the Hebrew Old Testament and, some claim, the Greek New Testament. Studies have been done with a Hebrew translation of "Crime and Punishment" and with other Hebrew-language religious literature from the Old Testament period.  Only the Hebrew OT and (possibly) the Greek NT work!

Bible ELS Codes are unique in two ways.

  1. Supernatural Complexity: Hiding that much coded information of any type in any 'surface text' is far beyond the capabilities of any existing computer and any computer technology that can reasonably be envisioned.  Just putting that much information in the text would require supernatural abilities.

  2. Prophetic: All the encoded information is prophetic.  All the information describes specific events that had not occurred at the time the particular book was written.

"Is there anything in the Bible about 'equidistant letter sequences'?"

As Jeffrey describes at page 119-120 in his Handwriting book (op. cit.), at a January 1997 conference at Tyndale Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, in response to a question, Jeffrey had his computer search for the Hebrew word for "equidistant".  He found the Hebrew phrase "equidistant letter sequence" (shalav a'ot) encoded in the Hebrew text in each book Genesis through Deuteronomy.

The Holy Spirit signed the Bible -- EACH LETTER OF IT !!!

2 Timothy 3:16-17  [16] All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, [17] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Peter 1:20-21 [20] Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. [21] For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

It is critical that no one underestimate the importance of the Bible Codes -- GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT SIGNED THE BIBLE -- EACH AND EVERY LETTER OF IT.  THE BIBLE CODES ARE THE SIGNATURE OF GOD!

Bible Codes researcher Yacov Rambsel found encoded the term me'chatimo, Hebrew for "His Signature"

(c) 1998, 2001 by Rick Reinckens

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