



(2013-10-03 23:33:37) 下一个




(这是我第一次在1999年发表的一篇文章的更新。最近我收到了一些电子邮件, 质疑我在题为“啊,你这小信的 ”的 研究报告里面所表达的观点。每个邮件都用关于保罗的“肉中刺”的误解,来支持这样一种理论,即当我们祈求时,上帝有时拒绝医治我们。可悲的是,这种误解在今天基督徒中间很常见。我已经更新和扩展了这篇文章,来回应这些问题。祝福。





这种解释的“教训”是 ,即使是伟大的保罗,当他祈求时也有不被医治的时候;主实际上给他这种病,以帮助他克服他的骄傲。我们被告知,上帝给我们的疾病(不幸也会),以帮助我们克服我们的罪。如果为了这一目的主给我们这些疾病,我们不应该祈求得到医治。如果我们祈求了,但没有得到医治,这是因为主在与教育我们。所有这一切都被包含在天父的爱里,他是为我们好,好让我们战胜自己的私欲。

那么这个观点错在哪呢?尽管主在十字架上处理我们的罪的问题,祂现在看我们是没有任何缺陷的(林后5:21 ,而且它也危险地接近东方的因果报应观念,上下文让这个观点变得很可笑,而且这个翻译也是有缺陷的。


试想一下,你是宇宙的创造者。源自你无限的爱,你已经用你儿子的生命来把你创造的生命从罪的捆绑里赎回来,你已经花费大功夫招募一个人到处告诉别人,他们可以得救。你想让这个人证明,你的大能远远超越所有的异教神,所以你把他直接带到你的宝座前,并让他看到其他人从来没有看见过的,好让他说话带有权柄。(林后12:2-4 )你给他能力,使他能医治他们的疾病(徒19:11-12 ,甚至把一些人从死里复活(徒20:7-12


现在,让我们来学习看这段经文真的说什么。刺这个词的字面意思是带尖的木桩,并回想士师记第二章,当时以色列人未能按神所吩咐的,清除应允之地上以前的居民(申20:16-18 。因为他们不服从祂,耶和华的天使宣布,这些人将成为肉体上反对以色列人,和精神上分散他们的注意力的永久敌人。然后,祂造出了“刺在身体两侧”知道说法 ,象征着他们的身体和精神上的敌对势力。从那天起,这些人给上帝的子民造成了令人难以置信的身体伤害。


在这两个词有一个明确的含义,即物理攻击。所以保罗的肉中刺的真实故事跟这个意思是一样。保罗每到一处,都遭受身体虐待。可以从哥林多后书 11:23-26看看他的描述







但在午夜,有人听到他们唱赞美诗,然后监狱的门被破开,他们被释放。他们去了狱卒的家,狱卒帮他们洗身并给他们喂饭。他见了这些神迹后,他和他的全家那晚上都信神得救。第二天早晨,当他们被正式释放后,在未得到如何治疗,也有没有时间康复,甚至没有一个晚上的睡眠,他们却走了30英里路到安菲波利。(徒16:22-40 )主已经治好了他们。???

但在利斯特拉发生的更早的事件也许是最有戏剧性。一群愤怒的来自安提阿和以哥念的犹太人,一直跟随保罗到利斯特。当他们赶上了他,他们又拿起石头打他。(徒14:19-20 )请记住,乱石打死是犹太人的死刑方法。它包括绑住一个人,有时把他埋在土里到腰部,然后朝他的头部和上身投掷石块,直到他死去。




在征服应许之地时,神本来可以简单地杀死以色列的敌人,而祂却要求以色列去出击,并预先告诉他们,他们将取得胜利。他们遭受的唯一的失败,是当他们违背神的时候,但只要他们认错,神还是赐给他们胜利。 (约书亚7-8

耶稣说,在这个世界上,我们将有试练,但我们可以放心,因为他已经战胜了这个世界。 (约翰福音16:33 )他的意思是,他可能不会选择救你脱离你在这个世界所面临的试炼,但在你经历这些试炼时,祂永远不会离开你,也不丢弃你。只要有机会,他会奇迹般地使你得胜,以此彰显他的荣耀。保罗比我们能行更大的神迹,唯一的原因是他有更大的信心。他有更大的信心的唯一原因,是因为他打更大的战役。 (细拉) 10-18-08

My Grace is Sufficient For You

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

(This is an update of an article I first published in 1999.  I’ve received several eMails lately questioning the views I expressed in my study entitled “O You Of Little Faith.”  In each of them a misinterpretation of Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was used to support the theory that God sometimes refuses to heal us when we ask.   Sadly, this misinterpretation is all too common among Christians today.  I’ve updated and expanded the article and offer it in response to these questions.  Be blessed.)

My Grace Is Sufficient For You

For years the Lord has been done a terrible disservice over the issue of Paul’s complaint about the thorn in his flesh, and it’s time to set the record straight. If you’ve been taught that “My Grace is sufficient for you” was the Lord’s excuse for not healing Paul, then pay close attention. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then get ready for a great example of how folks distort the meaning of scripture either to satisfy their pre-conceived notions or justify their lack of faith.

To get the context, let’s read Paul’s words from 2 Corinthians 12:7-9.

To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Before we look at the problem, let’s review the popular interpretation. According to some, Paul’s eyesight was permanently damaged when he was blinded on the Damascus Road. Supposedly, this caused a disease of the eye common to the day especially around Damascus. Its name was opthalmia and the visible symptom was a stream of pus running out of the eyes and down the face. It was nearly as repugnant as leprosy. The popular interpretation holds that this is the thorn in his flesh Paul was referring to when he asked the Lord for healing three times and was refused.

The “lesson” of this interpretation is that even the great Paul wasn’t healed when he asked and that the Lord had actually given him this disease to help him overcome his pride. We’re to understand that God gives us disease (and misfortune as well) to help us overcome our sins, and that we shouldn’t ask for healing from something the Lord gave us for that purpose. If we do ask and don’t get healed, it’s because the Lord is dealing with us.  All this is wrapped up in the Father’s love, saying that He’s working for our good in spite of our selfish desires.

So what’s wrong with that view? Well, aside from the fact that the Lord handled our sin problem at the cross and now sees us as being with out any imperfection (2 Cor. 5:21), and that it comes perilously close to the Eastern notion of karma, the context makes it ridiculous and the translation is flawed.

What’s The Context?

Just imagine you’re the Creator of the universe. Out of your boundless love, you’ve given the life of your son to redeem your creation from its bondage to sin, and you’ve gone to great lengths to recruit someone to go around telling people about it so they can be saved. You want this person to prove that you’re much greater than all their pagan gods so you bring him right up to your very throne and show him things no other man has ever seen so He can speak with authority. (2 Cor. 12:2-4) And you empower him to heal them from their diseases (Acts 19:11-12) and even raise some of them from the dead (Acts 20:7-12).

But every time he speaks of your wonderful love and miraculous power, he has to stand there with pus running out of both eyes and explain that you gave him this disease and won’t heal him because you’re afraid he’ll become too proud.  Would he have a credibility problem? I’d say so.

Now let’s learn what the passage really says. The word for thorn literally means a pointed stake, and recalls a situation in Judges 2 when the Israelites failed to rid the land of all its previous inhabitants as God had commanded (Deut. 20:16-18).  Because of their failure to obey Him, The Angel of the Lord declared that these people would become perpetual enemies to oppose the Israelites physically and distract them spiritually.  He then coined the phrase “thorn in your sides” to symbolize their physical and spiritual opposition.  From that day to this, these people have inflicted incredible physical abuse upon God’s people.

The word torment actually means to rap with the fist, or buffet. It also comes from a root meaning to physically punish.

In both these words there’s a clear implication of physical attack. So the real story of Paul’s thorn in the flesh goes more like this. Everywhere Paul went he was physically abused. Hear his own account from 2 Cor. 11:23-26:

“I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea. I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers.”

Is He Dead Yet?

I urge you to study these events carefully in Acts. For example, in Philippi Paul and Silas were stripped and severely beaten with rods. The flesh on their backs was bruised and bleeding, and the pain was incredible, but they were taken to prison without medical attention, their hands and feet secured in stocks, forcing them to sit in an upright position, making sleep virtually impossible even if the pain would have allowed it.

But at midnight they were heard singing hymns of praise and the doors of the prison broke open, freeing them. They went to the home of the jailer, who washed and fed them. The miracles he had seen caused his whole family to be saved that night. The next morning when they were officially released, they walked 30 miles to Amphipolis having received no medical treatment and having had no recovery time, not even a night’s sleep. (Acts 16:22-40) The Lord had healed them.

But an earlier incident in Lystra is perhaps the most dramatic  A group of angry Jews from Antioch and Iconium had followed Paul to Lystra. When they caught up with him they took up stones and stoned him. (Acts 14:19-20)  Remember, stoning was the Jewish method of execution. It consisted of immobilizing a person, sometimes by burying him up to his waist, and then hurling rocks at his head and upper body until he died.

Believing they had been successful and that Paul was dead, they dragged his body out side the city and left it there for the wild dogs to eat. But the believers gathered around him and prayed.  Paul got up and went back into the city with them. The next day he walked 25 miles to Derbe.  It’s like walking home from your execution; it just doesn’t happen.

These are incredible examples of God’s miraculous power. Contrary to the popular interpretation, Paul was physically healed by the grace of God over and over again.  He was rescued from the open sea and even raised from the dead.  It was a great testimony of God’s strength perfected in Paul’s weakness.

The idea that God doesn’t heal people any more can’t be supported by this or any other scripture.  The real lesson here is that while God refused to eliminate the resistance to Paul’s ministry, He promised to see him through it successfully if Paul would walk in faith down the path God had set before him.  And can you imagine the faith Paul must have had, going into those towns knowing his enemies were waiting and would try to stop him again.  But each time it happened, and each time God healed him, his faith was strengthened, God’s glory was increased, and the Gospel was spread.

In the conquest of the Promised Land, God could have simply struck all of Israel’s enemies dead, but instead He required Israel to fight, telling them in advance that they would achieve victory.  The only defeat they suffered was when they disobeyed, and as soon as they confessed He gave them that victory too. (Joshua 7-8)

Jesus said that in this world we will have trials, but to take heart because He has overcome the world.  (John 16:33) What He meant by that is He may not choose to deliver you from the trials you face in this world, but He will never leave you or forsake you as you go through them, and given the chance He will miraculously restore you to show forth His glory.   The only reason Paul performed greater miracles than we do is because he had bigger faith.  The only reason he had bigger faith is because he fought bigger battles.  Selah 10-18-08

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