《窈窕淑女》是描述一名上校与一名自大的教授-亨利希金斯(Professor Henry Higgins)打赌他是否有能力将一名来自社会低层、浑身脏兮兮的卖花女-伊莱莎(Eliza Doolittle),训练成一名气质高雅、仪态万千的窈窕淑女,并且足以让每个人都相信她真的是一名来自上流社会的大家闺秀。虽然希金斯教授的态度恶劣,但他专心教导伊莱莎正确的英语发音,以及淑女绅士礼仪等等。经过长期艰苦教导,伊莱莎“总算”学会了。
希金斯教授之后带伊莱莎到雅士谷马场与贵族会面,过程总算顺利,除了赛马时,她因鼓励马只Dover而说了一句"C'mon Dover, move your bloomin' arse!" ,因而大失仪态。
"Overture" "Why Can't the English?" - Higgins "Wouldn't It Be Lovely" - Eliza, Workers "An Ordinary Man" - Higgins "With a Little Bit of Luck" - Alfred Doolittle, Harry & Jamie, Ensemble "Just You Wait" - Eliza "Servants Chorus" - Mrs. Pearce, Servants "The Rain in Spain" - Eliza, Higgins, Pickering(此歌为“窈窕淑女”的经典,而且句子 "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" 还被译为多种语言) "I Could Have Danced All Night" - Eliza, Mrs. Pearce, Maids "Ascot Gavotte" - Ensemble "Ascot Gavotte (重演)" - Ensemble "On the Street Where You Live" - Freddy "Intermission" "Transylvanian March" - Band "Embassy Waltz" - Band "You Did It" - Higgins, Pickering, Mrs. Pearce, Servants "Just You Wait (Reprise)" - Eliza "On the Street Where You Live" (reprise) - Freddy "Show Me" - Eliza & Freddy "Wouldn't It Be Lovely" (重演) - Eliza, Workers "Get Me to the Church on Time" - Alfred Doolittle w/ Harry,Jamie & Ensemble "A Hymn to Him (Why Can't A Woman Be More Like a Man?)" - Higgins, Pickering "Without You" - Eliza, Higgins "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" - Higgins "Finale" - Ensemble