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Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club

    香港游艇会(Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club)是香港现存历史最悠久的一家,拥有150多年的历史。该游艇会曾经只作为英国军人、大商人和驻港英国侨民的游乐之地,能加入其中的中国人少之又 少——只有那些当时的上流名士们才有可能在港督的特批下加入。随着香港回归,众多的昔日英国色彩浓重的会所,如皇家高尔夫球会、皇家赛马会等都纷纷把“皇 家”两字去掉,走入寻常百姓家。香港游艇会也适时地去掉了“皇家”字号,并且完全取消了私人会员入会的限制,从而成为全港航海人士最大的聚集地。虽然该游 艇会把中文名中的“皇家”两个字去掉了,但英文名字仍沿用旧名——“Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club”,尊贵的感觉不减当年,但现在却更多地体现在其为会员提供的优质服务上。

    香港游艇会现共有3个会所,分别位于香港岛北部铜锣湾奇力岛(Kellett Island)、深水湾的Middle Island和新界西贡的Shelter Cove。

    铜锣湾游艇会距离香港会展中心不足500米,密密麻麻地停泊了几百艘船,由于码头大小的限制,停泊在铜锣湾的游艇多为帆船或小型动力艇,艇长40英尺左 右。游艇会的会所建筑独立在码头旁边,为游艇俱乐部所在地,酒吧、咖啡厅、餐厅、壁球馆、台球室、培训学堂等都集中在这栋会所式建筑中,内部装饰保留了浓 郁的英国风情。游艇会对会员采用会籍制管理,不限制私人会员的国籍和身份,会员卡分为公司会员与私人会员两种。公司会员年费大约70万港币,私人会员则是 35万元港币/年。由于近年来购买游艇的消费者越来越多,铜锣湾游艇会已经人满为患,为了保证服务质量,游艇会不再吸纳新会员。


Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC)

Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Kellett Island, viewed from
Hung Hing Road
Formation 1890 as Hong Kong Corinthian Sailing Club
Legal status active
Purpose/focus advocate and public voice, educator and network for Recreational boating, and competitive sailors, coaches, volunteers and events
Location 3- Causeway BayVictoria Harbour; Shelter Cove, Sai Kung; Middle Island in  Hong Kong, China
Official languages English, Chinese
Commodore Joachim Isler
Affiliations Hebe Haven Yacht Club; Aberdeen Boat Club
Website Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Kellett Island.
The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Kellett Island, viewed from the west.
Former headquarters and clubhouse of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, at the corner of Oil Street and Electric Road, North Point.

The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (Chinese: 香港遊艇會) is a Hong Kong sports club for sailing and rowing. Founded as Hong Kong Corinthian Sailing Club in 1890, it became the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club in 1894.[1] It is one of the few local institutions to keep the "Royal" prefix after Hong Kong's handover to the People's Republic of China in 1997, despite support for its removal among many members prior to the handover.[2]

Early members were British only with military personnel on the board. Today, membership is open to all.


The main buildings of the club are located by Victoria Harbour on the former Kellett Island, now part of Causeway Bay following land reclamation, and forming the western boundary of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. The Club moved there in 1938, and the clubhouse was built in International Modern style in 1939[3] on the foundations of the old Naval Powder Magazine.[1] It was designed by architects G.G. Wood and J.E. Potter of Leigh & Orange.[4] The new premises were formally opened on 26 October 1940 by the Acting Governor, Lieutenant General Sir E. F. Norton.[5] The building has been listed as a Grade III historic building since 22 January 2010.[6]

In addition to Kellett Island, the club has two other clubhouses:[7]

Former headquarters in North Point

For 30 years prior to moving to Kellett Island, the main buildings of the Club were located at No. 12 Oil Street, in North Point, then a waterfront location, before reclamation.[8] The former headquarters and clubhouse in Oil Street, built in the Arts and Crafts style, was officially opened on 21 March 1908 by the Governor, Sir Frederick Lugard. The building was subsequently used as a garage, government staff quarters until 1998, as a storehouse of the Antiquities and Monuments Office until late 2007, and is currently vacant. It has been listed as a Grade II historic building since 1995.[9]

See also


  1. ^ a b History of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
  2. ^A Battle Royal Rocks Imperial Yacht Club, Christian Science Monitor, 10 June 1996
  3. ^Antiquities and Monuments Office: Brief Information on Proposed Grade 3 Items. Item #737
  4. ^ Consultancy Agreement No. NEX/2213. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study for Shatin to Central Link – Hung Hom to Admiralty Section. Appendix 4.1 Cultural Heritage Baseline Report, pp.4–10, 78. MTR Corporation Limited
  5. ^ England, Vaudine (1998). The Quest of Noel Croucher: Hong Kong's Quiet Philanthropist. Hong Kong University Press. p. 130. ISBN 978–962–209–473–4.
  6. ^Antiquities and Monuments Office: List of the Historic Buildings in Building Assessment (as at 23 November 2011)
  7. ^One Club, Three Clubhouses
  8. ^Civil Service Newsletter, issue no. 61
  9. ^Brief Information on Proposed Grade II Items. Item #321
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