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Creation Clips

See a range of videos that include full-length presentations by CMI speakers, fascinating animations of the inner workings of the cell, TV commercials, interviews of interest and promotional trailers from of CMI’s most popular DVDs.

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Creation Magazine (1)Creation Magazine (1)
Dinosaurs ARE mentioned in the Bible - BehemothDinosaurs ARE mentioned in the Bible - ...
Why CMI?Why CMI?
Journal of Creation - peer-reviewed cutting edge researchJournal of Creation - peer-reviewed cutting ...
Creation Magazine (1)Creation Magazine (1) - (0:31)
Creation magazine is a 56-page full-colour family magazine that is an essential tool for anyone wanting to 'immunize' their family against the anti-biblical ...

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Dinosaurs ARE mentioned in the Bible - Behemoth
A question people often ask is "Does the Bible mention dinosaurs"? You might expect that the Bible would mention the most impressive land-dwelling beasts of God's creation, since He created them on Day 6 along with people. Indeed, in Job Chapter 40, God directs Job to consider the crowning glory of his creation, "Behemoth", as testimony to his creative power. "Behemoth" is described as a colossal beast, feeding on grass like an ox and living in marshes, with great strength in its loins and power in the muscles of its belly. Its bones are like "tubes of bronze", and it has a tail that "sways like a cedar" — certainly not a hippopotamus or an elephant which have tails like a small piece of rope. The description in Job is consistent with the huge sauropod dinosaurs found in the fossil record, such as Apatosaurus or Brachiosaurus, which now appear to be extinct, but were still alive at the time of Job.
Journal of Creation - peer-reviewed cutting edge researchJournal of Creation - peer-reviewed cutting edge research - (0:31)
For a more in-depth understanding of topics relating to the creation/evolution debate, the Journal of Creation contains ...
Genesis is RevelationGenesis is Revelation - (1:00)
Over three chapters, the book of Genesis vividly describes a worldwide flood that began with the all the fountains of the great deep bursting forth, and the ...
The Creation Answers BookThe Creation Answers Book - (0:32)
The Creation Answers Book is CMI's most popular book because it covers 60 of the most asked questions about Genesis and the creation evolution issue. Questions ...

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Evidence for God
People often ask, "How can you believe in God when there isn't a single shred of evidence—how can you take that leap of faith?" But on the contrary, the Bible tells us that "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." and "... since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." The Bible warns us that, "The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." So the Bible tells us that the evidence for God is everywhere and it's overwhelming, if we just open our eyes to see it. There are many highly qualified scientists today who believe that the Bible's account of creation is true and that the observable scientific evidence testifies to its accuracy.
Skepticism, Probability, and Common SenseSkepticism, Probability, and Common Sense - (1:00)
Imagine hearing that someone has just won the lottery three times in the same year, or a golfer has hit five consecutive holes-in-one! We ...
Peter's prophecy and a global floodPeter's prophecy and a global flood - (1:00)
The Apostle Peter links Jesus' second coming and judgment of the whole world to the historical reality of Noah's flood. In 2 Peter 3 he ...
CMI: Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyoneCMI: Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - (3:51)
Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video challenging parents to restrict their children's education by ...
Jim Cantelon with Dr. Jim Mason 1 of 2Jim Cantelon with Dr. Jim Mason 1 of 2 - (8:22)
CMI's Dr Jim Mason is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Mason's PhD is in Engineering Physics. He currently works as a speaker ...
Jim Cantelon with Dr. Jim Mason 2 of 2Jim Cantelon with Dr. Jim Mason 2 of 2 - (9:16)
CMI's Dr Jim Mason is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Mason's PhD is in Engineering Physics. He currently works as a speaker ...
Jonathan Sarfati Author Jonathan Sarfati Author "The Greatest Hoax on Earth" 1 of 2 - (8:28)
CMI's Dr Jonathan Sarfati is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Sarfati's PhD is in Physical Chemistry. He ...
Jonathan Sarfati Author Jonathan Sarfati Author "The Greatest Hoax on Earth" 2 of 2 - (10:08)
CMI's Dr Jonathan Sarfati is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Sarfati's PhD is in Physical Chemistry. He ...
Dr Emil Silvestru Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 1 of 2 - (14:22)
CMI's Dr Emil Silvestru is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Silverstru's PhD is in Geology. He currently works as a ...
Dr Emil Silvestru Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 2 of 2 - (3:52)
CMI's Dr Emil Silvestru is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Silverstru's PhD is in Geology. He currently works as a ...
Dr Robert Carter with Jim CantelonDr Robert Carter with Jim Cantelon - (14:59)
CMI's Dr Robert Carter is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Carter's PhD is in Marine Biology. He currently works as a scientist, ...
Gary Bates Gary Bates "Alien Intrusion- UFO's and the Evolutionary Connection" 1 of 2 - (10:50)
CMI's Gary Bates is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. He currently serves as CEO of CMI-US and ...
Gary Bates Gary Bates "Alien Intrusion- UFO's and the Evolutionary Connection" 2 of 2. - (9:16)
CMI's Gary Bates is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. He currently serves as CEO of CMI-US ...
A Conversation With Jonathan SarfatiA Conversation With Jonathan Sarfati - (10:26)
A Conversation With Jonathan Sarfati: Blindfold Chess, Refuting Evolution, Richard Dawkins, Faith & Practical Science Related articles Don't fall ...
Richard Dawkins: Richard Dawkins: "Theistic evolutionists are deluded" - (0:58)
Many people think that theistic evolution blends faith with scientific credibility, but these comments from Dawkins show that this ...
The Big QuestionsThe Big Questions - (0:37)
The Big Questions. An animation of questions that you can find the answers to on
Question evolution!Question evolution! - (2:27) Question evolution is a grass-roots movement to challenge the anti-Christian dogma of evolution. "Question evolution!" is off ...
Protein synthesis, DNA translation, m-RNA transcriptionProtein synthesis, DNA translation, m-RNA transcription - (2:16)
Animation of protein synthesis; DNA translation, m-RNA transcription in a ribosome, protection of the nascent protein from ...
"The Voyage That Shook The World" HD trailer - (2:49)
Released in 2009 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Darwin On the Origin of Species and the 200th anniversary of his birth, The Voyage ...
About Creation Ministries InternationalAbout Creation Ministries International - (2:45)
Short promotional clip for Creation Ministries International.
CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (English)CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (English) - (6:08)
Mario D, an Indonesian who moved to Australia s a young adult and who now attends an Indonesian church in Brisbane, Australia, shares his testimony ...
CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (Indonesian)CMI Interviews Mario Daenuwy (Indonesian) - (3:22)
Mario D, an Indonesian who moved to Australia s a young adult and who now attends an Indonesian church in Brisbane, Australia, shares his ...
CMI Showreel [Part 1]CMI Showreel [Part 1] - (9:05)
This is a compilation of clips from Creation Ministries International associated productions.
CMI TV AdvertisementCMI TV Advertisement - (0:30)
An advertisement for Creation Ministries International.
Creation 2010 Super Conference - Battle for the BibleCreation 2010 Super Conference - Battle for the Bible - (3:25) 5 fantastic days of learning, leisure, fellowship and fun, with a top line-up of creation speakers from the US ...
Jonathan Sarfati - Does our DNA show that we came from apes?Jonathan Sarfati - Does our DNA show that we came from apes? - (1:05)
Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International explains why our DNA similarity with apes points to a common designer ...
Jonathan Sarfati - What is Science?Jonathan Sarfati - What is Science? - (1:06)
Dr Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International explains why the creation/evolution debate deals with historical (forensic) science and can ...
Plimer's Famous 1988 Electricity StuntPlimer's Famous 1988 Electricity Stunt - (4:54) In 1988, Ian Plimer, then employed by the University of Newcastle, Australia, debated Duane Gish at the University of New South ...
Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists' question (RAW FTGE)Richard Dawkins stumped by creationists' question (RAW FTGE) - (1:56)
**MUST READ!! And for a true timeline of events on the actual day of filming, see here ...
The ATP Synthase EnzymeThe ATP Synthase Enzyme - (1:26) This animated sequence shows the ATP Synthase enzyme in operation. The animation is based on an incredible series of scientific discoveries. ...
The Kinesin Linear MotorThe Kinesin Linear Motor - (1:11) Inside a living cell is an amazing transportation system. Proteins have to be delivered to the correct part of the cell to perform their ...
The Gift Of The Da Vinci CodeThe Gift Of The Da Vinci Code - (58:36)
This excellent hour-long made for TV presentation gently, yet powerfully, refutes the major claims of the controversial book The Da Vinci Code. It asks ...
Alien IntrusionAlien Intrusion - (25:04)
This series features interviews with Gary Bates discussing his best-selling book, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection.
The Genesis DebateThe Genesis Debate - (91:16)
"The Genesis Debate: Skeptic vs Creationist" is a debate between Dr. Paul Willis and Dr. Carl Wieland over the topic of Creation (more specifically, "Does scientific ...
Aliens, UFOs and the BibleAliens, UFOs and the Bible - (65:26)
Every day there are hundreds of UFO sightings. Are they alien spacecraft as many people believe? What do we really know about this intriguing phenomenon? In ...
Does the Bible say the Earth is flat?Does the Bible say the Earth is flat? - (1:01)
In an effort to imply that Biblical writers were primitive, many people have said that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat. Even though the ...
Which came first Noah's Flood or the Gilgamesh epic?Which came first Noah's Flood or the Gilgamesh epic? - (0:55)
In 1853, archaeologists found a series of 12 tablets dated to around 650 BC—the story of the hero Gilgamesh. The Gilgamesh Epic ...
Where did diseases come from?Where did diseases come from? - (0:49)
If God created a perfect world, where do diseases come from? In the beginning God made everything 'very good'. But since the Fall of man the entire ...
Is Evolution a Religion?Is Evolution a Religion? - (1:11)
Many have said that creationism is religion based on faith and evolution is science based on facts. However, the word religion has been defined as 'a set of ...
Were humans designed by 'Aliens'?Were humans designed by 'Aliens'? - (1:06)
Biological life's enormous complexity is a serious objection to atheistic evolutionary theory.  Many evolutionists recognize the serious scientific ...
How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun?How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun? - (0:39)
If God didn't create the sun until day 4 how could each of the previous 3 days have been 'real' days? Although we are not told ...
Should evolution be taught in public schools?Should evolution be taught in public schools? - (0:58)
Some Christians believe that evolution should not be taught in public schools. However, Creation Ministries isn't against the teaching of ...
ApologeticsApologetics - (0:43)
The term 'apologetics' comes from the Greek word 'apologia' meaning 'defence'. It refers to the type of defence given in a court of law. Christian apologetics is the ...
Noah's Ark -- judgement on sinNoah's Ark -- judgement on sin - (0:45)
Noah's Flood was sent as a judgment because of the wickedness of man. Noah and his family had to go through a doorway of the Ark to be saved. The Ark is ...
Peter the ApologeticPeter the Apologetic - (0:49)
The Apostle Peter made apologetics a requirement for all Christians when he wrote to 'Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the ...
Should Genesis be taken literally?Should Genesis be taken literally? - (0:51)
Young earth Creationists are sometimes accused of believing that the whole Bible should be taken 'literally'. What we actually encourage is that the ...
Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other?Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other? - (0:59)
In Genesis chapter 2 the order of creation seems to be different to that in chapter 1 with the plants being created after Adam. Does the Bible ...
SupernovasSupernovas - (0:45)
When a massive star explodes it is called it a supernova. This explosion is so bright that it will briefly outshine the rest of its galaxy. According to physical equations the ...
Moon-dust argument no longer usefulMoon-dust argument no longer useful - (0:44)
For years, one popular evidence for a recent creation was to argue that the amount of dust on the moon must have accumulated in less than 10,000 ...
Vestigial OrgansVestigial Organs - (0:39)
Have you ever heard that your appendix is a useless 'vestigial' organ, left over from your evolutionary past? At one time evolutionists believed there were more than ...
Dinosaur skin rapid fossilizationDinosaur skin rapid fossilization - (0:48)
Normally, when an animal dies it decays quickly—the skin decays and the bones fall apart, or disarticulate. Finding fossilized 'soft tissue' such as ...
Humanist Scientists Cannot Allow God!Humanist Scientists Cannot Allow God! - (0:51)
Richard Lewontin, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University once said, [add the quoted text (below) to the screen] It is not that the methods ...
Junk DNAJunk DNA - (0:47)
When sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our ...
Does the Bible say the Earth is flat?Does the Bible say the Earth is flat? - (0:56)
In an effort to imply that Biblical writers were primitive, many people have said that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat. Even though the ...
Jesus the CreatorJesus the Creator - (0:59)
Jesus Christ, who walked the earth 2000 years ago is also the Creator of the universe. Colossians 1:16, refers to Jesus, saying, 'For by him all things were created: ...
Blood in Unfossilized dinosaur boneBlood in Unfossilized dinosaur bone - (0:43)
Dinosaur Fossils Did you know that there are many physical evidences on earth to contradict the "billions of years" that evolution teaches. Like the ...
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?Which came first, the chicken or the egg? - (0:53)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Most evolutionists believe that 2 non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the ...
Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history? - (1:00)
Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history? Based on their evolutionary beliefs, atheists believe most cavemen were primitive brutes on the ...
Does the Bible give clues to how old the earth is?Does the Bible give clues to how old the earth is? - (0:48)
Does the Bible give clues as to how old the earth is? In Mark 10:6 Jesus said, 'But at the beginning of creation God "made them male ...
Do women have one more rib than men?Do women have one more rib than men? - (0:43)
Since Eve was formed out of a rib from Adam some Christians have grown up believing that men have one less rib than women, which they don't. Some ...
GiraffeGiraffe - (0:57)
The giraffe's heart is one of the most powerful among animals today. It needs to produce enormous pressure to get blood all the way up its long neck to its brain. This is ...
Aliens and Life in 'Outer Space'!Aliens and Life in 'Outer Space'! - (0:54)
Some people believe that 'Aliens' from distant planets may hold the key to understanding the mysteries of life. However, belief in life in outer ...
Ape Men?Ape Men? - (0:45)
Belief in evolution has prompted a search for 'missing links' to bolster the idea that man has evolved from ape-like creatures. This has led to some colossal scientific errors, ...
Carbon DatingCarbon Dating - (0:54)
Many people believe that carbon dating has proven the Biblical timeline is not scientifically valid. It supposedly dates some material beyond 6,000 years. Because the ...
Noah's Ark -- the size of the arkNoah's Ark -- the size of the ark - (0:55)
Many people have seen a depiction of Noah's Ark that looks like a big cartoon boat with animals bulging from its hull and giraffes sticking out of the ...
Cain's WifeCain's Wife - (0:52)
The Bible says that Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel and then Cain went somewhere and found a wife. Where did she come from? Genesis 3 verse 20 says that Eve was the mother ...
ButterflyButterfly - (0:46)
Up until recently, conventional laws of aerodynamics could not explain how butterflies could fly at all, let alone manoeuvre so masterfully at low speeds. In the last decade ...
Six Literal Days -- Why question only Genesis?Six Literal Days -- Why question only Genesis? - (0:50)
Many Christians are convinced that scientists have proven that the universe is billions of years old. In Genesis 1 we learn that God ...
How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun?How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun? - (0:39)
If God didn't create the sun until day 4 how could each of the previous 3 days have been 'real' days? Although we are not told ...
Can you marry your relative?Can you marry your relative? - (2:12)
Can you marry your relative? According to the Bible all people on earth go back to Noah's family, and before that, back to Adam and Eve. Since we are all ...
Did Darwin recant?Did Darwin recant? - (0:49)
There's a popular story that Darwin renounced his theory of evolution just before he died. Darwin died in April of 1882 and as early as the following month this story ...
Mount Saint Helens DVD PromoMount Saint Helens DVD Promo - (1:32)
Mount Saint Helens DVD Promo
A Conversation With Jonathan SarfatiA Conversation With Jonathan Sarfati - (10:26)
A Conversation With Jonathan Sarfati: Blindfold Chess, Refuting Evolution, Richard Dawkins, Faith & Practical Science Related articles Don't fall ...
Richard Dawkins: Richard Dawkins: "Theistic evolutionists are deluded" - (0:58)
Many people think that theistic evolution blends faith with scientific credibility, but these comments from Dawkins show that this ...
The Big QuestionsThe Big Questions - (0:37)
The Big Questions. An animation of questions that you can find the answers to on
Close Encounters of the 'Fourth Kind'Close Encounters of the 'Fourth Kind' - (2:49)
As a renowned Christian researcher into the modern cultural phenomenon of UFOs, Gary has met and counseled numerous people who have seen strange ...
Evolution's Fatal FruitEvolution's Fatal Fruit - (2:47)
Darwin gave the world an explanation of life that helped to fuel the ovens at Auschwitz. Tom DeRosa shows the grim applications of evolutionary theory to human ...
Six Days ... Really?Six Days ... Really? - (2:19)
A six-day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age ...
Rafting In The Grand CanyonRafting In The Grand Canyon - (2:16)
Enjoy this 'virtual raft tour' through Grand Canyon stopping along the river to explore evidence in the rocks for the rapid formation of the canyon. This ...
God the Master DesignerGod the Master Designer - (2:06)
Darwin was totally unaware of the amazing machinery in even supposedly simple cells, which is essential for life to exist. And even larger-scale designs are ...
The Ice AgeThe Ice Age - (2:42)
The facts, the fiction and the furore. Naturalistic scientists are constantly challenging creationists to explain a host of observations, such as the Ice Age. Atmospheric ...
What The Schools Are TeachingWhat The Schools Are Teaching - (2:23)
Have you ever wondered what textbooks are teaching about living things, as opposed to what the Bible teaches? It should not surprise you that they are ...
Gary Bates Bio VideoGary Bates Bio Video - (16:54)
Gary Bates Bio Video
"The Voyage That Shook The World" HD trailer - (2:49)
Released in 2009 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Darwin On the Origin of Species and the 200th anniversary of his birth, The Voyage ...
Protein synthesis, DNA translation, m-RNA transcriptionProtein synthesis, DNA translation, m-RNA transcription - (2:16)
Animation of protein synthesis; DNA translation, m-RNA transcription in a ribosome, protection of the nascent protein from ...
Question evolution!Question evolution! - (2:27) Question evolution is a grass-roots movement to challenge the anti-Christian dogma of evolution. "Question evolution!" is off ...
The Great Global Warming DebateThe Great Global Warming Debate - (2:21)
Former US Vice President Al Gore, Nature and Science magazines and the news media are all proclaiming that man is responsible for global warming. Their ...
Creatures Do Change--But It's Not EvolutionCreatures Do Change--But It's Not Evolution - (3:49)
God created things in a way that thwarts evolutionary story-telling. See how mutations and natural selection contradict evolution, and how ...
The Evolution of Human EvolutionThe Evolution of Human Evolution - (2:25)
Hoaxes, lies and misinterpretations—evolutionary anthropology is riddled with them. So why is this accepted as science? Human evolution occurred ...
The Dating GameThe Dating Game - (2:45)
Crucial to any worldview, the age of the earth has been a wedge deeply splitting Christianity. The rocks and fossils are a story interpreted by a perso's predetermined ...
Dinosaurs!Dinosaurs! - (2:40)
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? You will be surprised how much! And the realworld evidence fits the Bible's real history of the world from the beginning, and it ...
The Mystery of Our Declining GenesThe Mystery of Our Declining Genes - (2:29)
One of the world's foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to ...
From Atheist to CreationistFrom Atheist to Creationist - (2:05)
Many Christians face a devastating phenomenon when their kids jettison their faith and walk out of the church, despite years of exposure to a Christian ...
The Gift Of The Da Vinci CodeThe Gift Of The Da Vinci Code - (58:36)
This excellent hour-long made for TV presentation gently, yet powerfully, refutes the major claims of the controversial book The Da Vinci Code. It asks ...
Alien IntrusionAlien Intrusion - (25:04)
This series features interviews with Gary Bates discussing his best-selling book, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection.
01. 進化論真的能夠和創世記結合嗎?01. 進化論真的能夠和創世記結合嗎? - (8:45)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
02. 如果神是慈愛和有能力的話,為什麼世界會有這麼多苦難?02. 如果神是慈愛和有能力的話,為什麼世界會有這麼多苦難? - (6:34)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料: ...
03. 耶穌怎樣看創世記?03. 耶穌怎樣看創世記? - (6:25)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
04. 試圖結合進化論和聖經,會加強還是削弱聖經的可信性?04. 試圖結合進化論和聖經,會加強還是削弱聖經的可信性? - (8:36)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料: ...
05. 科學可以解釋生命和一切的來源嗎?05. 科學可以解釋生命和一切的來源嗎? - (11:57)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
06. 恐龍和人類曾經共同生存過嗎? 證據實際指出了甚麼?06. 恐龍和人類曾經共同生存過嗎? 證據實際指出了甚麼? - (16:59)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料: ...
07. 現代科學和聖經有甚麼關係?07. 現代科學和聖經有甚麼關係? - (6:08)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
08. 聖經的普世大洪水有可能發生過嗎?08. 聖經的普世大洪水有可能發生過嗎? - (11:00)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
09. 岩層和化石真的要幾百萬年形成嗎?09. 岩層和化石真的要幾百萬年形成嗎? - (13:48)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
10. 為何這麼多地理現象明顯是快速形成的,但仍然堅持幾百萬年的想法? (1)10. 為何這麼多地理現象明顯是快速形成的,但仍然堅持幾百萬年的想法? (1) - (7:58)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料: ...
11. 為何這麼多地理現象明顯是快速形成的,但仍然堅持幾百萬年的想法? (2)11. 為何這麼多地理現象明顯是快速形成的,但仍然堅持幾百萬年的想法? (2) - (7:01)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料: ...
12. 中介化石不是已經證明進化論嗎?12. 中介化石不是已經證明進化論嗎? - (4:14)
此系列全部影片: 更多資料:, ...
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