

Prepare To Receive God’s Amazing Gift For You!

(2012-06-22 02:30:38) 下一个
Joseph Prince- Prepare to receive God's amazing gift for you!

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.   — ACTS 2:4, NKJV

Dear Friend,

I believe that every day we need the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit.
Now, more than ever, we need to live and minister in the same miraculous power that was displayed in the early church.

How can we walk more and more in the power of the Spirit today? We find the answer in the dramatic account of the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-4, where the Holy Spirit showed up in a wonderful and powerful way, and transformed the lives of many.

A mighty wind was heard and felt, as cloven tongues of fire settled over the believers gathered in the Upper Room that day. The Holy Spirit filled everyone in that room, just as Jesus had promised, and they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them expression.

The Bible tells us that the crowds who witnessed this powerful move of the Spirit were amazed and marveled at what they saw and heard! That day, 3,000 people were saved as the apostle Peter stepped into and preached under the power of the Holy Spirit.

The power of the Spirit transformed men of limited education and limited natural ability into pillars of the early church who ministered with miracles and signs following. It gave them supernatural boldness that enabled them to be powerful vessels and witnesses for Jesus Christ.

My friend, you can walk in this 
same power in your life right now!

The same Holy Spirit is still baptizing believers today. God desires to bless us with the same power that touched and filled the disciples, and empowered them to live out their God-given destinies.

To understand how we can walk in this same power, I want to draw your attention to Acts 2:1-4 again. I want you to see how the empowerment of the Holy Spirit came with His enabling the disciples to speak in heavenly tongues. Isn't it interesting that when the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, the first thing they did was to speak in tongues? Why does the Holy Spirit want to give us a new tongue and prayer language?

In James 3:2-8, the Bible tells us that the tongue, though small, is so powerful that it can be compared to the bit on the bridle that directs the horse, or a small spark that can set off a great forest fire.

Beloved, God knows that if He can take hold of your tongue, He can turn your whole life around! If He can touch your tongue, He can touch your whole body and every one of your circumstances. The same way that a ship is directed by its rudder, your life is impacted by how you speak, pray and use your words.

It's my heart's desire for you to receive and experience this beautiful gift of tongues from our Father. It has the power to transform circumstances and will cause you to walk in a greater measure of His wisdom and blessings.

The more you pray in the Spirit, the more you'll tap into the miracle power of the Spirit, and the more you will:

• Pray perfect prayers to your Father in heaven, in harmony with His will. (Romans 8:26-27)

• Keep yourself in God's love that drives all fear from your life. (Jude 1:20-21)

• Walk in the awesome power of God, His amazing love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

• Become a blessing to the people around you, the body of Christ, and the precious people who need to hear the gospel.

I pray you will receive this amazing gift from the Holy Spirit today.

I also want to thank you again for your prayers, love and financial support. You are helping others know the wonderful love of Jesus, and receive this message on the power of speaking in tongues.

I love and appreciate you and am so thankful we're on this journey together to discover and experience more of Jesus!

In His Grace,

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