
年华如斯 美景如画 挚友如酒 心语如涓

GHOST---Theme 2008 of Halloween

(2008-10-30 12:20:29) 下一个

Theme 2008 : GHOST !


A white cotton sheet with two holes for eyes floats before you. It is the first and the simplest of masks.

The sheet defines an absence, or rather an invisible presence, made perceptible only by its earthly veil.
Beneath the veil lies the sum of our hopes, fears, and memories.
As it haunts us on the threshold of the visible, the shrouded figure warns us of the transience of the human form,
even as it assures us that the human spirit persists forever.

As New York's Village Halloween Parade celebrates its 35th year, we look back towards first principles,
toward the essence of a festival of All Souls, the one night when our ancestral spirits can return and walk among us.
This year, we celebrate Ghost!

Official Parade puppeteers Superior Concept Monsters will lead the parade,
drawing inspiration from the rich history of spectral images, from the Spiritualist séances of the Gilded Age,
back to the underworld shades of the Golden Age.
We invite you to join our retinue of diaphanous puppets and ephemeral phantom projections
as they float among the windows of a haunted house.
Come and revel with your ancestors,
and celebrate the night when only a cotton sheet separates our world
from the next.

Artistic and Producing Director  :Jeanne Fleming         
Master Puppeteer, Superior Concept Monsters : Alex Kahn
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