
南山松 (热门博主)
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周末一笑: 失眠(转载)

(2015-12-11 17:31:15) 下一个

1 失眠/Insomnia

A man went to the doctor complaining of insomnia. The doctor gave him a thorough examination, found absolutely nothing physically wrong with him, and then told him, "Listen, if you ever expect to cure your insomnia, you just have to stop taking your troubles to bed with you." "I know" said the man, "but I can't. My wife refuses to sleep alone."


2 一封感谢信/A Thank-you Note

  Once I received a thank-you note from a friend whom I had helped. In the envelope were five lottery tickets that had been scratched, revealing the numbers. "Thank you very much for your help," the note read. "As a gift, I bought you some lottery tickets- sorry you didn't win. "


3 兔子的论文/ the Rabbit’s thesis.

It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. Along comes a fox, out for a walk.

Fox: "What are you working on?"

Rabbit: "My thesis."

Fox: "Hmmm. What's it about?"

Rabbit: "Oh, I'm writing about how rabbits eat foxes."

Fox: "That's ridiculous! Any fool knows that rabbits don't eat foxes."

Rabbit: "Sure they do, and I can prove it. Come with me."

They both disappear into the rabbit's burrow. After a few minutes, the rabbit returns, alone, to his typewriter and resumes typing.

Soon, a wolf comes along and stops to watch the hardworking rabbit.

Wolf: "What's that you're writing?"

Rabbit: "I'm doing a thesis on how rabbits eat wolves."

Wolf: "You don't expect to get such rubbish published, do you?"

Rabbit: "No problem. Do you want to see why?"

The rabbit and the wolf go into the burrow, and again the rabbit returns by himself, after a few minutes, and goes back to typing.

Inside the rabbit's burrow: In one corner, there is a pile of fox bones. In another corner, a pile of wolf bones. On the other side of the room, a huge lion is belching and picking his teeth.

It doesn't matter what you choose for a thesis subject.

It doesn't matter what you use for data.

What does matter is who you have for a thesis advisor.



















4 买面包/Buy buns

A little rabbit bounced to the bakery and asked: "Boss, do you have 100 small buns?" Boss: "Ah, I'm sorry, we don’t have so much." "Oh, that’s it." the rabbit walked away crestfallen. The next day, the little rabbit bounced to the bakery, "Boss, are there 100 small buns?" Boss: "Sorry, we still do not have," "Oh, that’s it." the rabbit walked away dejected. On the third day, the little rabbit bounced to the bakery, "Boss, are there 100 small buns?" the boss said happily: "Yes, yes, today we have a hundred small buns!! "the rabbit pulled out money: "Great, I buy two! "

小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,问:“老板,你们有没有一百个小面包啊?” 老板:“啊,真抱歉,没有那么多”“这样啊。。。”小白兔垂头丧气地走了。 第二天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包啊?” 老板:“对不起,还是没有啊”“这样啊。。。”小白兔又垂头丧气地走了。 第三天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包啊?”老板高兴的说:“有了,有了,今天我们有一百个小面包了!!” 小白兔掏出钱:“太好了,我买两个!”

5 他真是一个大人物/He is really somebody

A: My uncle has 1000 men under him.

B: He is really somebody. What does he do?

A: A maintenance man in a cemetery.

A: 我叔叔下面有1000个人。

B: 他真是一个大人物。干什么的?

A: 墓地守墓人。

6 世界上什么最大?/What's the biggest in the world?

Peter dozed off while his teacher was talking.

Teacher: Peter! Tell us, what's the biggest in the world?

Peter: Well, well, eyelids.

Teacher: What? Eyelids?

Peter: Yes, sir. Because as soon as I shut my eyes, the eyelids cover everything of the world.



彼得: 嗯……嗯……眼皮……

老师:什么? 眼皮?


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阅读 ()评论 (29)
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '~叶子~' 的评论 :
I agree with you:)
叶子, have a great holiday season:)
~叶子~ 回复 悄悄话 haha, this insomia is hard to cure.
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '闲闲客' 的评论 :
哈哈, 闲闲客, 你总会正过来的:)
闲闲客, 新周快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '花甲老翁' 的评论 :
嗯, 彼得聪明. 问好花甲老翁, 新周快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'SnowFallingOnWater' 的评论 :
雪花好! 嗯,小兔子太逗乐:)
雪花, 新周快乐!
闲闲客 回复 悄悄话 哈哈失眠,我现在日夜颠倒。
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 真聰明的彼得,真佩服好朋友的笑話,長說長有.
SnowFallingOnWater 回复 悄悄话 哈哈哈。。。。小兔子最搞笑,想着小兔子蹦着跳着的样子就乐坏了
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '波城冬日' 的评论 :
波城冬日 回复 悄悄话 这次的太经典了,哈哈, 论文导师确实重要!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '水沫' 的评论 :
水沫好! 笑话都是转来的, 谢谢你喜欢:)
水沫, 新周快乐!
水沫 回复 悄悄话 看松松的笑话总是有中出其不意的乐趣~~~出其不意才有乐趣,要好好学学~~
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '多伦多橄榄树' 的评论 :
哈哈, 橄榄树, 甜蜜的烦恼:)
喜欢你这样说, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思念青荷' 的评论 :
问好青荷! 周末快乐!
多伦多橄榄树 回复 悄悄话 妻子嘛,都是甜蜜的烦恼哈,松松周末愉快!
思念青荷 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,那个可怜的男人····
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '七色花瓣' 的评论 :
花瓣好! 谢谢你来玩:)
花瓣, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '50后的姥姥' 的评论 :
美眉好! 我也喜欢这两个:)
美眉, 周末快乐!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小声音' 的评论 :
小小好! 嗯, 让人同情的丈夫, 写论文的兔子也有危险啊:)
小小, 周末快乐!
七色花瓣 回复 悄悄话 谢谢松松给我们讲笑话,周末快乐!
50后的姥姥 回复 悄悄话 第一篇好幽默,烦恼竟然是来自他的老婆!第五篇,守墓的人,好大的人物啊!
小声音 回复 悄悄话 第一个笑话,那位男士的烦恼竟然是他的老婆,哈哈,令他到了失眠的地步,同情一哈!:))
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 :
晓青好! 周末快乐!
晓青 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,周末愉快!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'momo_sharon' 的评论 :
默默好! 哈哈,两只兔子的差别怎么这么大~~~
默默, 周末快乐!
momo_sharon 回复 悄悄话 第一篇男人失眠的原因是他老婆啊,哈哈!守墓人的官衔太大了,以后管的“人”还会越来越多。

南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'spot321' 的评论 :
点点好!墓地大,看墓人的官衔也大啊. 估计那只兔子是在故意捣乱:)那个丈夫让人同情~
spot321 回复 悄悄话 这样说来,有的看墓人都可以当团长、师长了。不明白那个小兔子,为什么要问有没有100个面包,估计是想从100个里面挑两个吧。哈哈,可怜的男人啊。谢谢分享好段子!祝周末愉快!
spot321 回复 悄悄话 问好小松!