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[Artist Portrait]French Pianist:François-Frédéric Guy

(2012-03-06 02:50:59) 下一个

More I attend the concert, the piano recitals, less I felt exciting. This is a bad feeling The young generation pianists couldn't keep me to stick to them for very long time until recently there are more and more remarkable french male pianists embarking in London concert hall. As far as I know: 
François-Frédéric Guy, was so praised by his beethoven playing
Pierre-Laurent Aimard, for his Liszt playing
Alexendre Tharaud, for Bach, Scarlatti,
David Fray, for Mozart
 They have built up a scenary on the piano stage with some french touches. What make them different from other pianists coming  from the russian school, american school, german school, chinese school?  I don't really know the anwser, but i found the french pianist don't really talk about music while the interview, they often go very far and chat the other things. The way they express themself and see the world are very philosophy. France is the only country wher philosophy is a compulsary subjet for everyone at school. Pupils are trained to both learning and thinking. They are encouraged to become themselve, even their opinions far from the main stream's are still welcome, whatever the matters regarding in music or in cooking, in litterature or in fashion.

However french people are very mixture: sometime very avant-garde while keeping a very strong and deep root in the tradition.Maybe that' the humain being need to be.  In France, they have been working hard to keep the maximum hand-made work shop alive.  Maybe that's one of the reason make them different, The landscape, the weather, the food...all influences could be considered. Humain being is a living plant. we need all kind of the food for our mind, heart, stomach, soul...in all our living seasons. Before the future and past we need to find a balance.

Musician is not a sight-reading man, he is a person having his past, his thinking, his emotion, his surrounding visible and invisible( family, firend, culture, travel...) . Music is a just different way/ outil(not scientific way)  to discovery, to reach, to understand the world/even ourselve for composer, performer and those who love music.
My english is very miserable. Thank you for not understanding my english

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