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美国风景画画家Winslow Homer( 24/02/1836–29/09/1910) 的几幅画。

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Winslow Homer 是19世纪著名的美国风景画画家,他是自学成才的,以画海上画而著称,他的一些陆地乡村画更是恬静优美, 看他的画,真是很享受,恨不得自己也在他的画中,因为,风景是那么朴素优美,人物都是那么普通典雅,情调悠闲,都能感受到他生活的那个时代懒洋洋的太阳,听到蟋蟀在在草地里吱吱叫。
Winslow Homer 的母亲是一位很有天才的水彩画业余画家,是他的第一位老师,父亲是一位商人。

目前他的画不少是在美国本土的博物馆里收藏,如波士顿,华盛顿,波特兰等,还有一些被私人收藏, 有机会真想亲眼看看他的画,真是很喜欢, 他的画好看的真是太多了。

Winslow Homer (February 24, 1836September 29, 1910) was an American landscape painter and printmaker, best known for his marine subjects. He is considered one of the foremost painters in 19th century America and a preeminent figure in American art.

Largely self-taught, Homer began his career working as a commercial illustrator.[1] He subsequently took up oil painting and produced major studio works characterized by the weight and density he exploited from the medium. He also worked extensively in watercolor, creating a fluid and prolific oeuvre, primarily chronicling his working vacations ( Wikipedia)

Girl on a Swing, by Winslow Homer.

File:Winslow Homer - Artists Sketching in the White Mountains.jpg

Artists Sketching in the White Mountains ( 1868 )by Winslow Homer

clouds shadows

Summer night

Children on the beach

Mending the nets

Winslow Homer, Shepherdesses Resting
Shepherdesse Resting 1897

Girl and daisy

File:Winslow Homer 003.jpg
Breeze up, 1876, by Winslow Homer

File:Winslow Homer Rowing Home.jpg

Rowing Home, 1890, watercolor by Winslow Homer

From Wikipedia

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