
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2005-12-05 19:52:46) 下一个

I spend my days now by the hundreds

And I remember the weeks when we lived by the tens

I’d be lying if I tell you I’m not sad


If my sadness is a well

It’d take light-years to crawl out


If not for the strongest stubbornness

resolve of not giving in or giving up I’d be

drowned long time now


I pondered, long and hard

Where it all gone awry


Why the road to hell

Was paved with so many good intentions


Toiling in bed till dawn and

All I could fathom was that


that was nobody’s fault

victims we both were

of the jokes of the crossing-stars

spun by a black moon


And I’d be lying if I tell you that

That’s not sad

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