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(2012-10-28 20:53:31) 下一个










美国主流媒体都是被自由派(左派)民主党人控制,很多信息都是错误的,误导民众。比如 一贯戴有色眼镜的 CNN,纽约时报,洛杉矶时报,NBC,MSNBC等。

下面有美国2008年到2012年的军费预算,都是公开的数据,大家可以 Google 或去维基上查找。

2008年,小布什当政的最后一年,美国军费开支:$481.4 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_United_States_federal_budget)。

2009年,奥巴马上台的第一年,美国军费开支是 $515 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_United_States_federal_budget)。这一年他“荣获”诺贝尔和平奖。

2010年,奥巴马上台的第二年扩大阿富汗战争,美国军费大幅增长为 $663 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_federal_budget),在他得到诺贝尔和平奖以后,一年之间把军费增长了30%

2011年,奥巴马的军费开支是738 billion(http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/02/01/us/budget.html),达到美国历史最高点,比小布什最后一年的军费开支多 50%!

奥巴马2012年度的预算资料:他提出的军费预算是$737.537 billion,共和党占多数的众议院要求消减到 $712 billion,最后通过的数字是 $716.300 billion。事实是,奥巴马提出了庞大的军费,共和党要求减少军费预算。您自己也可以查证这些数字,google 或维基上都有(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_United_States_federal_budget)。

看清楚了吧,奥巴马当总统,三年就把军费从小布什的 481.4 billion 提高到 2011年的 738 billion。提高了50%!

奥巴马的2011年度预算总额是 3.834 trillion,预算赤字是 1.267 trillion,也就是政府预算有三分之一是借钱花。不仅仅是军费大幅增长,社会福利救济费用也在奥巴马任内大幅增长,而且用于社会福利的费用占政府预算的40%多,是预算当中最大的一块。



奥巴马当政的十个短处,支持者主要来自“无知少女”: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/27715/201210/17222.html

长在红旗下 评论:

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense, when even Hillary only had three; Jackie Kennedy one; Laura Bush one; and prior to Mamie Eisenhower social help came from the President's own pocket.

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe.

First Lady Michelle Obama's Servant List and Pay Scale

The First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants (Thats 22 Attendants to be exact)
1. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
5. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
11. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
14. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary to The First Lady)
16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special-2Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide to The First Lady)
17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
18. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
21. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
22. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
(This is community organizing at it's finest.)


本文引用资料来源,包括五速和九月 5speed,以及长在红旗下。谨此致谢。

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阅读 ()评论 (61)
穿高跟鞋的猫 回复 悄悄话 周老大: good questions!!
bug&bug 回复 悄悄话 所有住在白宫的历届总统及家眷都是这样. 别那奥巴马说话.
看风景 回复 悄悄话 回复riley的评论:

All the data are public from Wiki, NY Times, etc. It not left or right, it is about the real data, not what the media says. You need to find out by yourself.

NY Times is the most left media, not right or conservative media. You must know it, right?
riley 回复 悄悄话 The so-called information is mostly from conservative websites, whose sole mission is to disparage Obama. The more they do it, the more I am determined to vote for Obama!
372101 回复 悄悄话 我认同看风景的观点。
周老大 回复 悄悄话 几个问题:

1. 我一工薪阶层的没时间打GOLF, 美国总统怎么会有那么多时间打GOLF. 如果总统没啥事做, 索性把白宫OUTSOURCE给好来坞好了.
2. 政府开支是要百姓买单的. 不是你就是我, 或是我们的子孙. 所以关键要减少政府开支.
3. 那在白宫里开荒种菜的总统夫人, 怎么会那么舍得花钱去度假?
4. 你我都是小人物, 为什么要支持大政府?
乌不浪口 回复 悄悄话 顶,把败家子08拉下台,赶紧的!义不容辞!
cu29 回复 悄悄话 wonder what went wrong in benghazi? any thoughts Mr. Obama....aug 11 2012 - oct 30, 2012,

10/30 no meetings, air force one grounded
10/29 florida campaigning, 1 event orlando
10/28 no meetings
10/27 no meeting scheduled
10/26 no meetings, tapings smerconish,mtv,april ryan
10/25 no meetings, campaigning las vegas,florida,virginia,illinois vote,cleveland
10/24 campaigning iowa, denver,taped interview jay leno, no meetings
10/23 no meetings, campaigning, ohio, 2 stops
10/22 no meetings debates
10/21 no meetings, debates prep
10/20 no meetings, debates prep
10/19 fairfax virginia campaing, camp david, no meetings
10/18 no meetings, campaigning new york, 3 events
10/17 no meetings, ohio campaigning, two stops
10/16 no meetings planned, debate
10/15 no meetings planned, debate prep
10/14 no meetings planned,
10/13 no meetings planned
10/12 no meetings, dinner with contest winners
10/11 campaigning florida 2 events, no meetings
10/10 meeting with hillary
10/09 campaing 2 events columbus ohio, no meetings
10/08 campaigning california, 4 events, no meetings
10/07 la cal, 2 campaign events, no meetings
10/06 no meetings,
10/05 virginia, campaigning, cleveland campaigning, no meetings
10/04 campaigning colorado, madison wisconsin, no meetings
10/03 denver, debates, no meetings planned,
10/02 las vegas, debate prep, visit to hoover dam, agent killed, no meetings
10/01 las vegas, debate prep, no meetings
09/30 no meetings planned, campaigning, desert pines las vegas, 1 event
09/29 no meetings,
09/28 florida campaigning tamarac, washing hotel, 3 events, meets with senior advisors
09/27 virginia beach, campaigning, farm bureau, no meetings
09/26 ohio campaigning bowling green, kent, fundraiser, 3 events, no meetings
09/25 address to un, clinton global speech, no meetings
09/24 new york, the view taped, reception, heads of states, no meetings
09/23 no campaign events, no meetings
09/22 milwaulkee, campaigning, 3 events, no meetings
09/21 campaigning, 2 stops, woodbridge va, no meetings.
09/20 florida campaigning miami, univision, tampa, 2 events, no meetings
09/19 lunch with joe, attends a c c, meeting Burmese Opposition Leader
09/18 ny david letterman, no meetings
09/17 ohio campaigning 2 stops cinninatti, columbus, no meetings
09/16 4 american murdered afghanistan, no meetings
09/15 middle east turmolt, no meetings
09/14 lunch with joe, ambassador remains received, campaign event, vegas, no meetings
09/13 golden colorado campaigning, no meetings
09/12 ambassador murdered, statement, visit state dept, vegas
09/11 911 photo ops, meeting with panetta
09/10 no meetings
09/09 melborne fla, west palm beach, campaigning, no meetings
09/08 frorida 4 stops campaigning, no meetings
09/07 portmouth, nh, cedar rapids iowa, campaigning, no meetings
09/06 charlotte, no meetings
09/05 charlotte, no meetings
09/04 nsu virginia campaigning, no meetings
09/03 detroit, toledo,campaigning, new orleans, hurricane, no meetings
09/02 no meetings
09/01 no meetings
08/31 el paso, iraq war ending speech, no meetings
08/30 no meetings
08/29 charlottsville va campaigning, no meetings
08/28 iowa campaigning i.s.u., fort collins, no meetings
08/27 meetings at the whitehouse, no details
08/26 no meetings
08/25 no meetingscamp david
08/24 no meetings
08/23 no meetings
08/22 nevada, 3 stops, campaigning.n.y, 2 events Lincoln Center, no meetings.
08/21 columbus Capital University campaiging, no meetings,
08/20 no meetings, dinner with campaign contest winner
08/19 no meetings
08/18 Windham High School, n.h. Rochester Commons, campaigning, no meetings
08/17 massachusetts fundraising, meeting with senior advisors
08/16 meeting with hillary, geithner, lunch with joe
08/15 iowa-campaigning, no meetings
08/14 iowa-campaigning, no meetings
08/13 iowa-campaigning, no meetings
08/12 chicago-campaigning, no meetings
08/11 nothing scheduled, no meetings

cu29 回复 悄悄话 This is from the cousin of one those who were was murdered in Libya.. please take the time to read it! Its very telling!

Cynthia Lee Myers here is the truth about Obama the family wants the truth told...Heres my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began recieving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days,the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times.Amb.Stevens and his team were given the all clear that The Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards(One being my cousin) and a few Lybians who were not armed.Then the attack and murders occurred.Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video.Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 b4 catching a plane to vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video.He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.Later that day and over the next 2days,the liberal media began saying Amb.Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case. Out of respect for my cousin,Im not going to be specific about his murder.However Amb.Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals were cut off,he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.He was drug thru the streets and left for dead.This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Amb.in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was.The other 3 men,including my cousin,met similar fates.And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE.The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2others to DC to recieve his body. We met with Hillary,Panetta,andSusan Rice.ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next Obama entered with the same story and didnt apologize and wasnt sympathetic.My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away.I tried to get his attention,but didnt. I got upset and yelled liar to him,he kept walking.Then a secret svc agent grabbed my arm and led my to a room where I was held til the preceedings were over. America,I saw first hand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is. Most of you havent a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him.And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make water gate look like,a kid who told his bff's secret to the class. We must stop this man,and please pass this story along if u want to save America.

cu29 回复 悄悄话 Too bad Obama didn't pause his campaign when citizens were pleading for help in Benghazi!

Benghazi: Obama lied, help denied.

- SEALS, ambassador, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith died.
拐子 回复 悄悄话 Obama军费提高是因为:小布什把打两场仗的费用列为另项开支,不算在军费里。而Obama上台以后,把战争的费用计入军费开支,所以看起来军费暴涨。总之,都是小布什和共和党造的孽。
hzgg 回复 悄悄话 回复jialiseng的评论:

I hope that I don't sound offensive. At least, not intentionally being offensive.

Despite you claimed that there were so many typos in your writing in advance, I regret to say that your typos do confuse me quite a bit, as I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.

Perhaps, my English reading comprehension needs to be improved. I'm humbly all for suggestions. Yet I do have a suggestion - no need to be always in a hurry. Nobody here rushes you, nor there is a deadline, as we are just discussing, so take your time and make your point clear.

Unfortunately, running a country is like a macro running a business. In addition, it demands extraordinary insights and superior leadership.

When a business isn't for profits, it is charity, indeed. This world has never been built for absolute fairness, rather balance. I sincerely wish that you do not only put your eyes on the profits those CEOs receive, but the pressure and the responsibilities they carry on.

I do agree that Wars kill innocent people - a true tragedy creator. If you call Bush a killer and a lier, I'm sorry that I disagree. Again no offense, I'm afraid you look at that issue superficially. Bush initiated the war not for the intention to kill innocent children and people. That's a price for any war, unfortunately. I'm also a firm believer in possessing the strongest military force to defend the country.

Because of the war, you think that it is OK for the president's wife spending tax payers' money as she did, I then have a problem with you. And I guess I am not alone about that. It again just confirms my decision on whom I voted for.

Hope you don't mind I'm being fairly straightforward. It's all for discussion.
linna118 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马夫人一看就是那种小人得志,不可一世的人。所以我完全相信她滥用丈夫权利的事。
jialiseng 回复 悄悄话 To 看风景 , you have such a big magnanimity to let me express freely in your blog (place). I respect you. I like your blogs about traveling. We could be good friends if there are no political topics involved.
To readers, I am always in a hurry, many typos in my comments, sorry.
I know how companies are running in these days. The financial funds are just chasing on profits. Through outsourcing, profit is getting higher, but the hiring is getting lower, which is happening in the USA.
It is not O8’s fault; it is businessmen like Romney’s fault. Same size company (same profit), one CEO from the USA’s income is 5 times higher than those from Germany, and 7 times higher then those from Japan. To make sure they earn the most, the CEO's top priority is the profit, profit, and profit, and they do not care if the job opportunities are for American or for Chinese.
From international view, we can not compete with those companies in China with their government backed up. Even small business operated by eBay sellers in these days feel the pressure, same package destination is to the USA, and if the package is shipped from USA will be much more expensive than it is shipped from China (e-packet treaties). How could these reticules happen? the answer is: profit. You should ask General Master of USPS, he might tell you US government did not pay us; we have to look at profit first. I think government should involve in these issues too. I think China Post Office may lost money, but the sellers from China will make profit then turn out the manufacturers make profit, finally the country will use those profit to compensate the China Post Office.
If every one is just take care of their owe business, there will be one day, all companies will lost their business under MR’s lead.
I will stop here, and will not bother you (看风景) again, I will be a good reader.
cu29 回复 悄悄话 The USA national debt is about $16,158,000,000,000 (It goes up faster than anyone can track in real time)

This is unsustainable.

We must reject the notion of running a country on increasing debt. We are putting future generations into debt for our current needs, without any remorse on Washington's part.

Eventually the people lending us money will become concerned about our long-term viability, and at that point they will not lend us any more money.

When that happens, if the government is still unwilling to live within their means, the Treasury WILL start PRINTING MONEY to cover our spending habit.

The unfettered printing of money leads to the devaluation of that currency, which will lead to a worthless dollar and enormous inflation.

When this happens, and it will unless we become fiscally conservative, the United States is DOOMED.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."
jialiseng 回复 悄悄话 to CU29:
Unfortunately, running a company is different from running a country.
I am running a company; I need to think about my investment and profit every day. When the time comes like in 2008, the first thing I did was cutting labors to make sure the profitable running of my company.
But as a president, you can not cut the population (especially kill those who lost their jobs) when the financial storm blew in 2008. That is why a businessman can not be a good president to run a country well. They just do not have the whole picture. So MR may not be a good candidate as you thought he would be.
There are 12 million new jobs from private section to be launched in the next four years according to an article published on TIME last month. It is just the rhythm of the economic and doesn’t matter who is the president. This is the good news for all of us.
I do not think O8 did very good job on American economy on his current term, but at least, he did not make mistakes as Bush did. His major contribution to the country and the world has been approved (or cashed out) by Nobel Prize Committee already.
Bottom of line, I am afraid that Mitt Romney is another war-lover like Bush. Bush is a Christian and tell a lie to him is just as murder (do not know what Bush will say when he met Jesus that day). MR is a Mormon and tell lies is their daily job.
I feel that MR will make mistakes as Bush did and lead this great country down to the hell. I wish I was wrong.
cu29 回复 悄悄话 If you owned a struggling company and were looking to hire a CEO to save it, who would you hire - Romney or Obama? And if you HAD to lend money to both of them, who do you think would be more likely to pay you back - Romney or Obama?
老姐 回复 悄悄话 回复Connie2012的评论:
bybybaby 回复 悄悄话 回复Connie2012的评论:
romony这个商人上台还会是小布什那套,7 trillion的减税,主要针对富人,医疗福利社会基础设施全坎掉,经济危机,富人大捞。这就是共和党的“公平竞争”
jialiseng 回复 悄悄话 Thanks to you, 看风景. I am glad that we can talk peacefully through your blog. I like most of your blogs, although we do not share same view about the election 2012.
Here is my response:
Bush started two wars, especially the war in Iraq which is totally wrong. O8 stopped at least one war (Iraq war) which is a big mistake made by Bush. Romney will start anther war against Iran anyways you can foresee. O8 is the Nobel Prize laureate with nothing did by him. The price is more likely a nay to Bush and Republic who are war sellers then a yea to O8.
I heard that pretty much of O8’s军费开支 went to those veterans wounded in those two wars. What a big mess Bush made. With the growth of the 军费开支, I am pleased that O8 did not wage a new war.
Romney request 2 T budget for the Army which they even did not required. What the 2T USD for? For horses and bayonets or for more warships and bombs? For one or two new wars to kill more babies over the world?
看风景 回复 悄悄话 回复jialiseng的评论:


美国主流媒体都是被自由派(左派)民主党人控制,很多信息都是错误的,误导民众。比如 一贯戴有色眼镜的 CNN,纽约时报,洛杉矶时报,NBC,MSNBC等。

下面有美国2008年到2012年的军费预算,都是公开的数据,大家可以 Google 或去维基上查找。

2008年,小布什当政的最后一年,美国军费开支:$481.4 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_United_States_federal_budget)。

2009年,奥巴马上台的第一年,美国军费开支是 $515 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_United_States_federal_budget)。这一年他“荣获”诺贝尔和平奖。

2010年,奥巴马上台的第二年扩大阿富汗战争,美国军费大幅增长为 $663 billion(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_federal_budget),在他得到诺贝尔和平奖以后,一年之间把军费增长了30%

2011年,奥巴马的军费开支是738 billion(http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/02/01/us/budget.html),达到美国历史最高点,比小布什最后一年的2008年军费开支多50%!

奥巴马2012年度的预算资料:他提出的军费预算是$737.537 billion,共和党占多数的众议院要求消减到 $712 billion,最后通过的数字是 $716.300 billion。事实是,奥巴马提出了庞大的军费,共和党要求减少军费预算。您自己也可以查证这些数字,google 或维基上都有(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_United_States_federal_budget)。

看清楚了吧,奥巴马当总统,三年就把军费从小布什的 481.4 billion 提高到 2011年的 738 billion。提高了50%!

奥巴马的2011年度预算总额是 3.834 trillion,预算赤字是 1.267 trillion,也就是政府预算有三分之一是借钱花。
jialiseng 回复 悄悄话 As a Christian, I care about life lost in abortion, but I care more about those babies and innocents who were killed in Iraq war. Bush said that he WERE a good Christian, but he lied in from of US house military committee in order to wage a war in Iraq, too many innocents killed in that war, and cost 1.5 billion USD per DAY for USA.
jialiseng 回复 悄悄话 回复老姐的评论:
will vote for Obama. I do not care how much O8 spent for his family's security and vacations, i care my tax money become bombs to kill infants and innocents in Middle-East.
Connie2012 回复 悄悄话 本来想偷懒不打算去投票,反正少我一票也没紧要。但是看了这些文章,决心一定要去投票。有些人不赞成的Obama的polcies, 总想诋毁他. 比如Donald Trump无理取闹Obama的出生证, Sarah Palin accused president of ‘shuck and jive’(words used as a negative assessment of African Americans).... 特别无聊! 感觉Romney就是一个政客,为了竟选可以不断改变立场。
我之所以要投Obama一票因为 he is for people, for the country, for the peace, and for environment!
bybybaby 回复 悄悄话 谁当总统就为免费住个豪宅,穷极奢欲4-8年?什么智商才会信这种人身攻击。
笑薇. 回复 悄悄话 回复看风景的评论:

cu29 回复 悄悄话 Never have I seen such a thin-skinned, egotistical and unaccountable president. Constantly blaming others for his failures. Constantly. This will change Nov. 6th.

看风景 回复 悄悄话 回复笑薇.的评论:



cu29 回复 悄悄话
The worst thing about Obama is that he sets the example for young people that it is O.K. to blame other people , Thinks it is totally acceptable instead of taking responsbility !

十面埋伏 回复 悄悄话 民主党口是心非的多。
笑薇. 回复 悄悄话 只谈方法问题。



长在红旗下 回复 悄悄话 My Fellow Americans,

President Ronald Reagan was called ‘The Great Communicator’.

On October 29, 1980, at Cleveland’s Public Hall, a week before the election, President Jimmy Carter and Governor Ronald Reagan had their only debate.

In his closing statement, Governor Ronald Reagan asked these simple questions,

“It might be well if you ask yourself are you better off than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?

Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe? That we're as strong as we were four years ago?

And if you answer all of those questions yes, why then I think your choice is very obvious as to who you'll vote for.

If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have.”

Governor Reagan won the debate that night. Nobody remembers what Jimmy Carter said. And a week later Ronald Reagan was elected President. And THAT is why Jimmy Carter was a one term President!

So are you better off today than you were four years ago?
Is America better off today than four years ago?

Then are the next four years going to be any different?...and with $6 TRILLION dollars MORE of National Debt dumped 'onto the backs of our children and grandchildren'?

What is the greatest threat to your children and grandchildren... 'that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness'?

Then are:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
And last, but not least Vice President Joe Biden,
Are they leading us in the right direction?

These are NOT stupid or ignorant people. But they are dangerous, deceitful, disrespectful, arrogant, conniving and lying to the American people and they are going to make the ‘Great Depression’ look like the good ol' days when they get through destroying our 'free market economic system'.
cu29 回复 悄悄话 President Barack Obama spent over $1 billion of your money on his family vacations last year. The Daily Caller reports that covers everything from staffing, housing, entertainment and flying.

Author Robert Gray says the Obama's have the biggest staff in Presidential history and Airforce One is frequently used. To put it into perspective, Great Britain only spent $57 million on the entire royal family.
泥巴 回复 悄悄话 犹他,摩门教的大本营,那里最大的一家报纸支持Obama


"In a blow to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Utah's largest newspaper today slammed his candidacy and endorsed President Obama instead.

Despite being credited for saving the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and making Utah his home at one time, the Salt Lake City Tribune said that the state's "favorite adopted son," Romney, has become "the party's shape-shifting nominee."

"In considering which candidate to endorse, the Salt Lake Tribune editorial board had hoped that Romney would exhibit the same talents for organization, pragmatic problem-solving and inspired leadership that he displayed here more than a decade ago," the editorial board wrote. "Instead, we have watched him morph into a friend of the far right, then tack toward the center with breathtaking aplomb."

Though the Tribune chose to stiff Romney with its endorsement, Utah remains a solidly red state, as seen on the ABC News political map, and Romney is expected to win all six of its electoral votes. "

长在红旗下 回复 悄悄话 Follow up regarding "The Des Moines Register", the most influential newspaper in the swing state of Iowa, endorsed Mitt Romney's presidential campaign on Saturday night (Oct. 27, 2012).It was the first time in 40 years the influential battleground state paper endorsed a Republican in the general election, dating back to its support of Richard Nixon in the 1972 election. The Register previously backed Romney in the 2012 GOP primary.

"Voters should give Mitt Romney a chance to correct the nation’s fiscal course and to implode the partisan gridlock that has shackled Washington and the rest of America,” wrote the Register’s editorial board.

Of President Obama, who the Register endorsed four years ago, the editorial board wrote: “Barack Obama rocketed to the presidency from relative obscurity with a theme of hope and change. A different reality has marked his presidency. His record on the economy the past four years does not suggest he would lead in the direction the nation must go in the next four years.”
泥巴 回复 悄悄话 我觉得你最好把标题改一下,要不然需要把布什及克林顿的全部花费也放进去,写这种攻击人的文章最好把论据准备好


HCC 回复 悄悄话 Agree with 晨曦 and 刘刘粉.
长在红旗下 回复 悄悄话 Wrote by Washington Insider:

TheWashingtonPost Oct 25, 2012 11:32 AM EDT
Obama couldn't lead Washington to a grand bargain if he wanted to — By Ed Rogers

Americans like a bargain. Therefore, what could be better than a "grand" bargain? So in the 11th hour of the presidential campaign, the president says it is time for a grand bargain to tame the national debt.

If President Obama gets reelected he won't be able to get a grand anything in Washington. Members of Congress — in both parties — don't like, don't trust or don't know President Obama. His congressional outreach has been bad to nonexistent.

And if he is reelected, he will be the weakest president ever. But perhaps the president's ego and his complete lack of understanding of how to lead Washington and make it work prevent him from seeing what is obvious.

After the elections the House will be under strong GOP control, the Senate will be more closely divided and will include more committed conservatives than ever, and the president has only about 18 months in which to do anything before he becomes a very lame duck, as aspirants from both parties begin running for president in 2016.

The race for the White House in 2016 will begin around November 2013 and be in full swing the following spring as the candidates use the 2014 midterms to build their organizations. The president will be mostly ignored after the 2014 midterm elections. All this makes for a reality in Washington that will be very different from what the president is suggesting.

Part of the reason the president wanted his suck-up phone call with the Des Moines Register (expect its endorsement of Obama soon) to be kept secret is because he knows any claims he might make about the big things he will do if reelected will be greeted with howls of laughter from experienced Washington hands. This president hasn't even been able to pass a U.S. budget in three years! He was very powerful after
his election in 2008, but he has squandered that power since then. He peaked on Inauguration Day in 2009.

Note to the president: The only group that will be able to pass anything in Washington next year will be House Republicans. What is your plan — to beg a few Senate Democrats to vote in favor of what the House of Representatives passes? This will be your only role if you
want anything to become law. No one believes you control any Senate Democratic votes. Not one of them voted for your last federal budget.

If you don't work with and listen to House Republicans, nothing will reach your desk for signature. Period. What will you bring to the table? No one will come to your summits, a la health care in 2009.And no one will believe you can hurt them politically if they ignore you.

So the last-minute campaign revelation that the president will finally solve our big problems soon after he is reelected is desperate,borders on silly and underscores the president's belief that he can fool most of the people one more time.
houstonll 回复 悄悄话 The democrats are the hypocrites. Acccording to the recent Yahoo article, 7 out 10 the richest the congressman are democrats. They have the lavish lifestyle, hanging out those Hollywood stars. Giving poor people some government aids such as food stamps from tax money make them feel less guilty. They have no ideas how to improve the economy.
多哥 回复 悄悄话 这个到也是,现在外头捕风捉影的说法很多,很多都是不靠谱的。至少,白宫使用太阳能结蓄能源,大家路过都是看得见的。文章无视这个事实指责冬天䁔气调得太高,就显得有偏激情緒,其政治上欲抹黑欧八的目的招然若揭。
河滨 回复 悄悄话 浪费或者不浪费是个相对概念。没钱的看有点钱的人干什么都是浪费。生活的要求不一样。以前中国没有休假的概念,也没有退休的概念时,大概看谁休假都是浪费和奢侈。不过还是布什会休假。
刘刘粉 回复 悄悄话 有这种事情,保守派的华尔街日报、华盛顿邮报还不大作文章?博主能不能提供这样大报的文章?建议博主取证找点靠谱的消息来源,免得搞得自个儿像个煞有介事传谣的小脚老太太一样。
笑薇. 回复 悄悄话 回复老姐的评论:

(晨曦) 回复 悄悄话 回复汉至:

(晨曦) 回复 悄悄话 仔细看, 从提供的名单中拿一个做例子,一个职务既任总统特别助理(special assistant)又任第一夫人的交流主任(director of communications for the First Lady)。总统特别助理由很多,每个人都有自己的专长,如果一个人身兼这两职务,该是不可想象的任务。而且他的工资以DC 区域讲并不高。

举个例子,Penn State 大学校长学校配给6架小飞机(该校有36个校园在宾州),光是主校园他工作的办公室就有工作人员9人。再说那位既给总统做特助还要负责夫人的对外交流不知是怎样handle 的。


人们容易用自己的经历去判断不了解的事物,美国第一夫人和中国领导人家属不是一个意义。中国文化比较重视领导人的个人生活俭朴,工作时间的贡献。很多是我们看到有些人用的时间少,却收益很大。另一些人时间用的不少,却收获不大。所以时间不是衡量贡献的唯一尺度。当年新闻里报道布什每天下午一点以后开始工作,上午是他的gym 时间。结果他的communication director 抱怨安排会议的困难。不像其他总统,布什又是一个晚上9点一定要进卧室的人。而安排那些晚间活动在白宫招待社会团体也是个困难。

汉至 回复 悄悄话 回复(晨曦)的评论:
(晨曦) 回复 悄悄话 看来今天是火气很大,结果是的文章处处充满怒气,语言也不好了。静下来讨论不好吗?

事实是美国有法律规定white house 的budget, 钱的用途范畴, 总统和夫人并不直接管理这笔钱。管理钱的委员会控制消费,auditor 委员会进行常规的audit。


适于度假也是西方文化。夏季congress 关门休假也是法律规定,没有人应为他们度假而鞭笞他们奢侈腐化。这是他们的权利,以法律赋予的权力。

说三四句 回复 悄悄话 从平时过日子看,亚洲人是最会过日子的,非裔和拉美裔是最会花钱的,所以他们当政赤字增加多少不奇怪和他们的生活习惯密切相关
长在红旗下 回复 悄悄话 谢了!偶也是从网上铐来的。飓风桑迪袭击美东,今天华盛顿政府和纽交所(27年首次)关闭。这又是一个十月惊险。从天象看要变天了!黑总统的日子指可用手指数了,哈哈哈!
起个破名想半天 回复 悄悄话 穷人乍富,这回可逮到了。
Mister986 回复 悄悄话 第一夫人很重要。
看风景 回复 悄悄话 回复老姐的评论:





xm1982 回复 悄悄话

老姐 回复 悄悄话 From http://politic365.com/2012/05/08/obamas-vacations-of-any-president-bush-racked-up-the-most/
President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation (1020 days).
President Obama has been on vacation 78 days from 2009 to 2011.

From http://www.factcheck.org/2009/08/michelle-obamas-staff/
The combined annual salaries for the 22 staffers we can specifically identify as working for Michelle Obama come to $1.6 million. For the 18 we could identify as working for Laura Bush in 2008, the total is $1.4 million.
cu29 回复 悄悄话
看起来像陈水扁夫妇, 美国的第一“奸夫银妇”.