
August- September- October- Nov. 2011

(2011-08-21 16:16:58) 下一个
08/13-08/14. Family camping in stone mountain park

.08/21/ Julia 今天遇到车祸。现在还在医院。 08/25/2011, she is still in hospital.  There are bad pain from bone broken.  May the lord protects her.  

09/07/2011 今天去看Julia, 断了BONE at the chest, three ribs broken.  I can not control my tears.  10/11/2011  I prepare my own and my good friend's tax return. 

11/08/2011 Billy Graham Library tour.  It is nice to see Chinese Bible history.

11/09/2011  Pam has surgery.  We pray for her recovery.

11/17/2011 明天要戴牙套了,不知道会不会很疼

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阅读 ()评论 (3)
learnwisely 回复 悄悄话 我连流水账也慢慢读过。how come?
丽雅 回复 悄悄话 好久没来看望farmersc,过来问声好。

你的朋友康复了吗?Broken bones usually take months to recover. God bless her!
piao11 回复 悄悄话 这是一个坏消息也是好消息。。。

祝福Julia 早日康复~