


(2006-04-20 20:48:00) 下一个


解读 5749-6


这个灵异解读由凯西在Edmonds的位于Pennsylvania Ave., Norfolk, 弗吉尼亚的家里给出。时间193645日,由在场人士提出解读要求。
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Edmonds'' home on Pennsylvania Ave., Norfolk, Va., this 5th day of April, 1936, in accordance with request made by those present.



Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Minnie Barrett, Esther Wynne, Hannah Miller, Florence & Edith Edmonds, Frances Y. Morrow, Hugh Lynn Cayce, Helen Ellington and Ruth LeNoir. Also Margaret Wilkins, Albert White, Alice Harris, Myrtle Demaio, Nellye Twiddy and Elizabeth Perry.



Time of Reading 4:25 to 5:05 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.

1. GC: As we approach this Easter season our thoughts turn naturally toward the Biblical accounts of the resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. We seek at this time through this channel information dealing either with a completion of the historical account or interpretation and explanation of the full meaning of the resurrection which will help us to better understand and appreciate it.

2. EC: Yes. In seeking ye shall find. In the experience of each soul that has named the name of the Christ, this should be a season of rededication of self as being a true messenger of His in and among men.

3. In seeking, then, to know more of that, as to those here, much may be revealed to those that in their inner selves experienced that material period when HE, Jesus, walked in the earth.

4. But for what purpose is this season observed, that caused or called for such a sacrifice that life might be made manifest? Is it not fitting that to those here, to those there in that land, it came at that particular season when life in its manifestations was being demonstrated in the material things about each soul?

5. How, why, was there the need for there to be a resurrection? Why came He into the earth to die the death, even on the Cross? Has it been, then, the fulfillment of promise, the fulfillment of law, the fulfillment of man's estate? Else why did He put on flesh and come into the earth in the form of man, but to be one with the Father; to show to man HIS (man's) divinity, man's relationship to the Maker; to show man that indeed the Father meant it when He said, "If ye call I will hear. Even though ye be far away, even though ye be covered with sin, if ye be washed in the blood of the lamb ye may come back."

6. Then, though He were the first of man, the first of the sons of God in spirit, in flesh, it became necessary that He fulfil ALL those associations, those connections that we re to wipe away in the experience of man that which separates him from his Maker.

7,尽管人类远在荒野、尽管他们漂离流浪,但祂通过经历世间人类同样的困惑、痛苦、欲求和冲动建立起联系使得人们与祂亲近地同行。他来到人间,为自己无有保留---尽管一直有保证(给予)--- 为了那些与神对话、与上帝同行的人们。
7. Though man be far afield, then, though he may have erred, there is established that which makes for a closer, closer walk WITH Him, through that one who experienced all those turmoils, strifes, desires, urges that may be the lot of man in the earth. Yet He put on flesh, made HIMSELF as naught - even as was promised throughout, to those who walked and talked with God.

8,从历史的角度来看,你们部分地记载了复活,可以被解释为现在在场的人中,如Andrew, Martha, Naomi, Loda [?], Elois [?], Phoenix [?], Phoebe [?]当时看到的他经历的痛苦。尽管有来作外部的令人害怕的因素,来自于政治力量的为身心带来恐惧,但是要牢记在心里的他的言语:你可以毁坏这个神殿,但三日后它将再次升起。
8. In the history, then, of the resurrection as ye have recorded in part, may it be so interpreted that those here, now, that experienced (through that period of their advent) His suffering, may - as Andrew, Martha, Naomi, Loda [?], Elois [?], Phoenix [?], Phoebe [?] - again see those days. Though there were fears from the elements without, from the political powers that made for fears of body and mind, there were the rememberings that HE had given, "Though ye destroy this temple, in three days it will rise again."

9,在他被钉上十字架时,他对他所爱的人讲不仅要记住他们的灵性目的,也要记住物质生活(目的) 。他的确死于十字架,成为全部、完整的道,这样就有了道、生命、理解以及相信他的人们也将拥有永恒的生命。他相信他的弟兄们不久会关注世界的灵性生活,而且也会关注包含他的血和肉的物质生命。确实是的,他献出自己的血和肉使疑惑和害怕可以远离,他战胜了死亡---不久是物理身体,更是灵体---在复活的早晨与祂合一。
9. And then as He hung upon the Cross, He called to those that He loved and remembered not only their spiritual purposes but their material lives. For He indeed in suffering the death on the Cross became the whole, the entire way; THE way, THE life, THE understanding, that we who believe on Him may, too, have the everlasting life. For He committed unto those of His brethren not only the care of the spiritual life of the world but the material life of those that were of His own flesh, His own blood. Yea, as He gave his physical blood that doubt and fear might be banished, so He overcame death; not only in the physical body but in the SPIRIT body - that it may become as ONE with Him, even as on that resurrection morn - that ye call thy Eastertide.

10,                    破坟墓而出,正如自然界睡眠状态破土而出的树苗,以生命力而成长,并将人类经历的所有方面带给祂的意识---这就是成为完美的法则。

10. It is that breaking forth from the tomb, as exemplified in the bulb of the tree of nature itself breaking forth from the sleep that it may rise as He with healing in its very life, to bring all phases of man's experience to His Consciousness - that indeed became then the fulfilling of the law.

11,                    你会问,这在物质上是如何实现的?他的身体没有死亡,而仅是灵魂与身体分离。地球上人的所有方面得以体现,生理体、心智体和灵魂体每个身体均依赖于他们自己的经历。难道那个人没有在哭喊:我的上帝,我的上帝,为什么你抛弃我?
11. On what wise, then, ye ask, did this happen in materiality? Not only was He dead in body, but the soul was separated from that body. As all phases of man in the earth are made manifest, the physical body, the mental body, the soul body became as each dependent upon their own experience. Is it any wonder that the man cried, "My God, my God, WHY hast thou forsaken me?"

12,                    每一个灵魂象祂一样来到缔造者面前,带着他在身体、思想里的作为,将灵性体奉献在仁慈之皇冠前、在缔造者、创造者、上帝的王座之前。
12. Each soul comes to stand as He before that throne of his Maker, with the deeds that have been done in the body, in the mind, presenting the body-spiritual before that throne of mercy, before that throne of the Maker, the Creator, the God.

13,                    正如祂,天父,已经对每个人讲过的:吾已让天使看顾汝,他们会背负汝,汝必将不腐。
13. Yet as He, the Father, hath given to each of you, "I have given my angels charge concerning thee, and they shall bear thee up, and thou shalt not know corruption."

14,                    祂把这些展示在你的兄弟、你的救赎者、你的耶稣、你的基督身上。而这将来到并驻留在你们所有人的心中和生命里---只要愿意让他进来、只要你愿意邀请祂、只要你愿意敞开心扉,祂会进来,与你同在。
14. This He demonstrated in the experience of thy Brother, thy Savior, thy Jesus, thy Christ; that would come and dwell in the hearts and lives of you all - if you will but let Him, if you will but invite Him, if you will but open thy own heart, each of you, that He may enter and abide with you.

15,                    当他深爱的人他的兄弟们在那个欣然的早晨、将沐浴复活喜悦之潮,那些站岗的士兵听到声音、看到光芒,石头墓门开启了!他们来到墓园,玛丽第一个看到复活了的主。然后他的兄弟们和充满信心的妇人们也来了,包括深爱的圣母亲、那些还充满悲伤陪伴圣母的和那些为法则做准备的人们,他们都看到了天使。
15. Hence when those of His loved ones and those of His brethren came on that glad morning when the tidings had come to them, those that stood guard heard a fearful noise and saw a light, and - "the stone has been rolled away!" Then they entered into the garden, and there Mary first saw her RISEN Lord. Then came they of His brethren with the faithful women, those that loved His mother, those that were her companions in sorrow, those that were making preparations that the law might be kept that even there might be no desecration of the ground about His tomb. They, too, of His friends, His loved ones, His brethren, saw the angels.

16,                    如何、为什么他们会有形?是因为深刻在心里和灵魂中的为实现那些保证。
16. How, why, took they on form? That there might be implanted into their hearts and souls that FULFILMENT of those promises.

17,                    尽管祂经常以仁爱之手执你的手与你同行、以安慰之音试图让你喜悦,什么会使你无法看到祂的荣耀?祂,你的基督,经常与你同在。
17. What separates ye from seeing the Glory even of Him that walks with thee oft in the touch of a loving hand, in the voice of those that would comfort and cheer? For He, thy Christ, is oft with thee.

18,                    怀疑、害怕、不信---害怕自己不值得!
18. Doubt, fear, unbelief; fear that thou art not worthy!

19,                    开启你的眼帘,握住荣耀,你的基督在这里,现在,在你当中!就象当日出现在他们当中一样!
19. Open thine eyes and behold the Glory, even of thy Christ present here, now, in thy midst! even as He appeared to them on that day!

20,                    如果没有复活的清晨,基督、那位行走在加利列的耶稣的故事,有什么意义?
20. What meaneth the story of the Christ, of His resurrection, of the man Jesus that walked in Galilee, without that resurrection morn?

21,                    很少,你会很少记起那个人,尽管他再次在人间行走!
21. Little, more than that of the man thou thinkest so little of, that though His body-physical touched the bones of Elisha He walked again among men!

22,                    你相信他复活了吗?托玛斯怎么说的?直到我看过,直到我将手指摸到那血水喷出的体侧,直到我握住他的身体,我不会相信。
22. Dost thou believe that He has risen? How spoke Thomas? "Until I see, until I have put my hand in His side where I saw water and blood gush forth, until I have handled His body, I will NOT believe."

23,                    你也经常怀疑、经常害怕。他肯定与你同在。在这个喜悦的时节,再奉献你的生命、你的身体、你的思想,与祂的服务,这样你就会知晓---正如他们一样---祂仍活着,正在上帝的右边为你祈祷---只要你相信,只要你相信他之存在,你将有同样的经历。因为那些奉他之名、那些为了他的弟兄们的作为、那些将他们拉近祂、拉近太一,会知晓---在身体和心灵中---他今天活着!并将会来到你的身边,接纳在祂之中、接纳到祂存在的地方。
23. Ye, too, oft doubt; ye, too, oft fear. Yet He is surely with thee. And when ye at this glad season rededicate thy life, thy body, thy mind to His service, ye - too - may know, as they, that He LIVES - and is at the right hand of God to make intercession for YOU - if ye will believe; if ye will believe that He is, ye may experience. For as many as have named the name, and that do unto their brethren the deeds that bring to them (to you) that closeness, oneness of purpose with Him, may know - ye, too - in body, in mind, that He LIVES TODAY, and will come and receive you unto Himself, that where He is there ye may be also.

24,                    不要在你的思想中、行为中将他上十架。不要被那些地球物质因素所占有。将你的身体、思想披上他作为一个人时的苦难而显示出的想法、行为和权益。
24. Crucify Him not in thy mind nor in thy bodily activities. Be not overcome by those things that are of the earth-earthy. Rather clothe thy body, thy mind, with the thoughts, the deeds, the privileges that His suffering as a man brought to thee, that He indeed might be the first of those that slept, the first of those that came in the flesh, that passed through all those periods of preparation in the flesh, even as thou.

25,                    如果你走他的路,就必须实践同他一样保证。如非在你的认知体系中、你的意识思想里,通过日常的生活实践,完成存在于你心中的他的保证,你如何可以声称走他的路?
25. But if ye would put on Him, ye must claim His promises as thine own. And how canst thou claim them unless ye in thine own knowledge, thine own consciousness, HAVE done - do do from day to day - that thy heart has told and does tell thee is in keeping with what He has promised?

26,                    你的基督、你的主、你的耶稣,现在就在你身旁!
26. For thy Christ, thy Lord, thy Jesus, is nigh unto thee - just now!

27,                    解读完成。
27. We are through.


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