细雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

From garden to kitchen 2009 (1) 2009年从菜园到厨房(1)传统夏天的晚餐

(2009-10-08 21:25:12) 下一个
Summer is over. I felt like this summer is a lot shorter than others. Not sure why. Maybe because I was too busy at work. Feel like the vegies and fruits are matured a lot faster than before. It didn't seem like I had break this summer... Didn't get chance to take a lots of pictures as I used to. But we did enjoy every bit of the garden as we used to. We planted heirloom tomatoes this year instead of "beef steak", "early girl", etc.. It was huge success. They beard fruits early and fit our climate so well. Because they are heirloom, full of surprise and rich flavor. I've decided that I will stick to this variety every year from now on. Below picture is some of heirloom tomatoes I picked in the garden. One the right is a big peach from our peach tree. You can tell that they are different color and different shape. Like I said, it was full of surprise. We love it.
今年家里种的 heirloom 西红柿很成功,各种各样的,充满了惊喜。下图中右面的是家里桃树接的桃。桃子很大,照片中也看不出有多大了。。。

This is one of the heirloom tomatoes. Creamy and rich flavor, it makes great pasta sauce.
下图是其中的一种heirloom 西红柿。比较“起沙”,面面的,鲜味十足,是做意大利面番茄汁的好材料。

This is well known cherry tomatoes. Sweet and tangy flavor, makes great salad and salsa.

Traditional summer BBQ dinner: Grassfed Ribeye steak, cherry tomato and cucumber salad, sweet corn。 Everything from our garden except the steak.

Wondering around in the garden. Picked something in my basket. Ok, I got idea for dinner tonight.

Tomato and cucumber salsa:
Split cherry tomatoes in half. Cut cucumbers and peppers into small chunks. 1 clove of garlic, smashed real good. Add sea salt, fresh grounded pepper, vinegar, sugar, paprika, chilly pepper, and cumin. Mix well and season well. It is tangy and very refreshing.
樱桃西红柿切半,黄瓜拍碎,切小块,辣椒切小块,一瓣大蒜拍碎,加盐,胡椒粉,苹果醋,糖,paprika, 红辣椒粉,cumin. 混合均匀,调味即可。特点是酸辣清香可口。

Main course: Grill grass fed rib eye steak
Dry the steak with paper towel. Season it with sea salt and fresh grounded pepper for over 10 minutes. That's all you need. Grill it on the BBQ to desired doness. Nothing you can compare the grass fed steak...

Here is our sweet corn field. We had good harvest this year. We enjoy a lot.

These are ready. We will have them for dinner tonight.

Side dish: Sweet corn with butter

We like water broiled corn the best. It takes less than 5 minutes after water is broiled. It is quick and easy. It is delicious with a little butter. Taste like heaven...

Here is the salsa again. 再来一张色拉的照片

In my plate: It was pretty good size of steak. I ate more than half of the steak. It was delicious.

Summer is over. However, the joy of the harvest just begin. We will enjoy the taste of our garden for a long time...

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OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复菫的评论:
Wow, 你真的很聪明,看了一次马上就做成功了。。。
回复 悄悄话 谢谢!做成了一定来报信。
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复菫的评论:
谢谢董妹妹的夸奖!好多朋友也向我要chocolate pots de creme 的配方。给我一点时间,我一定写出来。
是的,做homemade scone时,面要先发起来,一次就好,然后切小块,不要擀太薄,不然炸的时候发得小。祝你成功!成功后不要忘了告诉我哦。。。
回复 悄悄话 又看到你的美食了。
等你有空的时候可以写写Chocolate Pots de Creme的作法吗?
还有那款Homemade scones,就是fry bread,是不是要一次发酵之后再炸呢?
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复corn的评论:
corn 回复 悄悄话 oh, BTW, 雨季又到了。估计你的菜园子还没收完,言语一声我可以去帮忙哈,报酬吗....就是我摘下了玉米啊、辣椒、茄子之类,嘿嘿,全归我。:))
corn 回复 悄悄话 看了你的菜园子,看得心痒手痒。慕煞俺了。美国的各种辣椒、青红椒皮又厚又韧,难吃。不知自家的园子种出来的是不是和国内的一样好吃。
万水千山也有情 回复 悄悄话 太想念雨MM家的菜园子了,忍不住先来尝尝:))