
Slowly I Open My Eyes in the Rain (图)

(2005-11-10 17:16:48) 下一个

Slowly I Open My Eyes in the Rain I can hear you now walking gingerly among the nameless trees of autumn touching the wet leaves of memory drinking the colors of remembrance & the longing-in-the-heart Without the rain I think I can still (if I try hard) smell your small happiness, not measured artificially, nor with your own obvious acknowledgement Listening to the rain my soul takes on a voice making me believe everything will be alright from now on, like this quiet falling Nothing is lost Nothing gained ... this other voice : So is life So is death So is love and everything else we want to name :: nov. 2005 [art by Adi Da]
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LTG 回复 悄悄话 yeah....


save first!

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Yes, I do. frustrated. Now have to save first before push "publish".
LTG 回复 悄悄话 according to the Greek, "knowledge" means "to hold attention to" or "to woo" :)

that is, what we want to learn must seduce us, and we it....

this metaphor is not new....i read many times in poetry....

[oh, hey, did you also have problems posting?? sometimes i had to try more than once....]
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 "Knowledge is erotic!"


知凡 回复 悄悄话 "Knowledge is erotic!"



LTG 回复 悄悄话 someone said:

Knowledge is erotic!

知凡 回复 悄悄话 YY: Enjoying joking belongs to Personality, i guess so :)


但是就像我说的,每个人说的话都是对的。因为概念只是概念而已,一个人的Personality最好和NATURE不相抵触为好,是吗?我觉得我们这里每个人都很NATURE,说的话也很NATURE,开的“玩笑”更NATURE :)难道不是吗?


影云 回复 悄悄话 Thanks, zf.

Enjoying joking belongs to Personality, i guess so :)

知凡 回复 悄悄话 水滴,你对"Da Vinci Code"的介绍,让我想起作舟的诗句:

你的“/\”和“\/”很能解释诗歌中男孩女孩的"本性",看样子作舟用 "fighting" 和 "womb" 两词不是偶然:))

At the end of every poem, mother smiles
Once a boy, always a boy!
There is no use in stopping him
From fighting for the worthless prize
Maybe her daughter is somewhat
Wiser, slowly turning
Her gaze from the cesspool
With sugar glaze & content
To open her womb for another
Countryless child
知凡 回复 悄悄话 影云,我总是能从你的文字里感觉到生命的动力,很POWERFUL!!!可以说我不能没有你:))))))))))))))))(我也不能没有水滴和作舟:)

其实我从一个人的文字和诗歌里已强烈感觉到“双重个性”,比如在我们写一些“智慧”的文字时,我确实感觉不到我们性别的分别。。。我想或许诗歌也是,如果一首完全跳出“我”的诗歌,我们便不会去辨别是男性还是女性写的诗歌,感觉的会是很多人的共鸣,比如作舟的一些诗歌,还有影云你介绍的RUMI的诗,Archibald MacLeish的“Ars Poetica”等等都是如此,所以我很同意你所说的“艺术,智慧,灵魂,生命。。。无性别之分 。。。。;)”

一点一点,我更理解了e e cummings所说:

-luckily for us,a mountain is a mammal. The plusorminus movie to end moving,the strictly scientific parlourgame of real unreality,the tyranny conceived in misconception and dedicated to the proposition that every man is a woman and any woman is a king,hasn't a wheel to stand on. What their synthetic not to mention transparent majesty, mrsandmr collective foetus,would improbably call a ghost is walking. He isn't a undream of anaesthetized impersons, or a cosmic comfortstation,or a transcedentally sterilized lookiesoundiefeelietastiesmellie. He is a healthily complex,a naturally homogenous,citizen of immorality. The now of his each pitying free imperfect gesture,his any birth of breathing,insults perfected inframortally milleniums of slavishness. He is a little more than everything,he is democracy;he is alive:he is ourselves.
影云 回复 悄悄话 作舟,

再读这首诗歌,发现诗里的“感觉移位很重”,很喜欢。。。"SMELL YOU

影云 回复 悄悄话 一觉醒来,错过了你们精彩的谈话:)


可以让一个男/女人SMART,但不是WISE。TIP 不是WISDOM。

的生活环境,SELF-AWARENESS的强度 - - - 这里也不是H

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 According to the saying in "Da Vinci Code", the original icon for male is
/\ known as "blade" representing aggression; the original icon for female is \/ known as "chalice" representing fertility. "Holy Grail" is a symbol represent sacred vessel that gives birth to the life...;)

Well, distrated from the subject. Only because ZF mentioned hermapharodite it reminded me this connection..:)
知凡 回复 悄悄话 "Mona Lisa"的眼睛里就是你想什么就是什么。。。我想这或许就是"Mona Lisa"的魅力。。。
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 All go to sleep? :)

ABout "双重个性", I remembered there is some interesting writing in "Da Vinci Code", that Holy Grail... ALso the paint "Mona Lisa" was said to contain "双重性别". I could be have wrong memory..:))
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Yesterday, I "saw" Da's visual art creature with my splited eyes. After seeing eyes look at the other eyes, ripples cover the other ripples, reflection reflect the other reflection, my eyes really started to split and my head start to spin! I became dizzy and faint.....:))

I started to wondering what I was doing? I am not only living for today, I am more andanced now! I am trying to learn to live for the every changing living instant! My oh my, can I handle this?? :)

Then I had to close my eyes and say "surrender!". Oopes, I meant to say, "let go of all the moments!" :)))
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Sad, all my typing got lost. Will type again, wait...
LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD, are you "spliting" your eye balls now??


see with your mind's eye....
知凡 回复 悄悄话 i am also living for today... :)


所以我认为 a personal "happiness" or "pleasure" is IMPORTANT....

it is "good" or "lucky" for some one.... 我想为了所爱的人也要想法快乐,才对得起自己所爱的人,如果我们每个人都能快快乐乐的,这个世界也就太平了...


You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 "so, we keep an eye on the world, another on the inner universe...." until one day, one of us is unable to tell the difference between the external world and the internal universe anymore and both world become ONE, so that he/her won't need to split his/her eye balls.;))
LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD: I don't know whether there is sexual identity at the "soul" level. . .

i agree....

when we look at those paintings, we know that is what the artists reveal to us...

you missed the "meeting" ... now it's your turn to speak...:)
LTG 回复 悄悄话 didn't mean to be lofty....

i am also living for today... :)

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 I just returned home. A super long day. Hope didn't miss the "meeting":)

I don't know whether there is sexual identity at the "soul" level. But I bet the sexual differention must started at very high level. From 0 to 1 no difference, but from 1 to 2, I bet 2 ("Ying and Yang") inferred sexual difference. A pure guess.:)
知凡 回复 悄悄话 No hurry for 天堂 ... :))

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Above us only sky。。。所以对于凡人来说,智慧或许就是"living for today..."
米勒的智慧也是这样的"living for today..."

in short, a personal "happiness" or "pleasure" is not important....it is "good" or "lucky" for some one....

so, we keep an eye on the world, another on the inner universe....


LTG 回复 悄悄话 No hurry for 天堂 ... :))

"性别之分" should not keep one from getting 智慧....

Lennon's song is about world peace....that is very very very important!!!


in short, a personal "happiness" or "pleasure" is not important....it is "good" or "lucky" for some one....

so, we keep an eye on the world, another on the inner universe....

知凡 回复 悄悄话 艺术,智慧,灵魂,生命。。。无性别之分 。。。。;)





人---灵魂,生命, 无性别之分---(那必定是个天堂!天堂里没有评判和没有辨别没有智慧人人一样何来男女之分别??)
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

人---灵魂,生命, 无性别之分---在慢慢的苏醒...成熟...(!!!!!!!!)

LTG 回复 悄悄话 人---灵魂,生命, 无性别之分---在慢慢的苏醒...成熟...

影云 回复 悄悄话 z.z.:

any good artist possesses something different or unique....

we should not confuse the artist as a person and her/his art...

we must admit that our world has been greatly dominated by patriarchical doctrines ... women in the West has very little freedom until not long ago...

i forgot who said that "artists are medias through whom beautiful things come to life," or something like that....

说得很好!成熟 。 。 。


艺术,智慧,灵魂,生命。。。无性别之分 。。。。;)
影云 回复 悄悄话 you bet!:)
LTG 回复 悄悄话 y.y. :

thank you for the beautiful translation!!!

can i buy you a beer?

LTG 回复 悄悄话 ZF: ...很多聪明的女人兼具男人与女人的双重个性。。。

should be:



影云 回复 悄悄话 雨中,我慢慢睁开双眼






= = = = = = =

一切 )
源于 归于

知凡 回复 悄悄话 是呵,其实我们每个人在这里说的都是对的:)


LTG 回复 悄悄话 ZF, you didn't say anything wrong....no worries....just like e.e.'s quote...
知凡 回复 悄悄话 “any good artist possesses something different or unique....“


“we should not confuse the artist as a person and her/his art...“

"artists are medias through whom beautiful things come to life,"


“Art, it has been said, is beauty, and a thing of beauty is a joy for ever”.

LTG 回复 悄悄话 any good artist possesses something different or unique....

we should not confuse the artist as a person and her/his art...

we must admit that our world has been greatly dominated by patriarchical doctrines ... women in the West has very little freedom until not long ago...

i forgot who said that "artists are medias through whom beautiful things come to life," or something like that....

LTG 回复 悄悄话 SD,

i never knew i have 'supernatural power' like spying...:))

well, good for you to have bought his poster!!!!

$25 is still a big sum for me :))

my posters were all under $15....


this poem was written some time ago....it's been raining off and on for days over here....rainy season now....
知凡 回复 悄悄话 水滴,我和你有一些同感,我首先觉得Adi Da 是个人,我没有看很多关于他的资料,但是我能体会一些东西,他是个很独特的人,其实神与魔没有分别。。。我相信他是个很非同寻常的人,受过很多精神痛苦。。。有一些“天才”,我们平凡的人是很难对他们做评价的。。。所以别人对他的评价也不一定是对的,没有对错。。。"nothing proving or sick or partial. Nothing false,nothing difficult or easy or small or colossal. Nothing ordinary or extraordinary,nothing emptied or filled,real or unreal;nothing feeble and known or clumsy and guessed."

李敖说佛教的精髓是男人来生想变佛,女人来生想变成男人。。。Adi Da 读书时很感兴趣Gertrude Stein,而Gertrude Stein在她的有生之年是以男人的感觉生活的,所以Adi Da神乎其神没什么好奇怪的。。。任何一种宗教我以为其实都是对世界的认识。。。所以每个人或多或少都有宗教情怀。。。如果一个人信的是他自己对世界的认识,进入上乘,离“神”也就不远了。。。

我很满意自己很平凡,今生想做个女人,来生也只想做个女人,可见我多么弱智:)) 很多聪明的女人兼具男人与女人的双重个性。。。
知凡 回复 悄悄话 喜欢这首诗!今天好像西海岸都落雨了:)


Listening to the rain
my soul takes on a voice
making me believe
everything will be alright
from now on, like this quiet falling
Nothing is lost
Nothing gained

this other voice

So is life
So is death
So is love
and everything else
we want to name


也喜欢Adi Da的这幅作品,天蝎座不少艺术家的内在视觉很独特,比如毕加索。。。
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 "walking gingerly
among the nameless
trees of autumn
touching the wet
leaves of memory
drinking the colors
of remembrance &
the longing-in-the-heart


Listening to the rain
my soul takes on a voice
making me believe
everything will be alright
from now on, like this quiet falling
Nothing is lost
Nothing gained"

I am wondering whether you "spy" at me and my mind when I walk among the woods. :)


As you can sense, I love Alex's art very much! In fact, I bought one of his post today. Yesterday the price was marked $40 (withoun signiture), today it reduced to $25. What a coincidence! Did they know that I can't afford $40, but can afford $25? :))

I also checked out Adi Da's teaching. I love his teaching. But after reading "Ken Wilber"'s assay, I got a more realistic view of Da as a person.:)