

(2005-01-06 18:35:08) 下一个
the "formless" Nature!!! thought as water, formless, taking the shape of any vessel, filling the vast ocean the finality of vision --- i have perceived nothing!!! individual vs. collective individual death vs. collective death every human has a soul... individual animal has no soul, but they have "collective soul," i.e. 10,000 buffalo have the "buffalo soul"... what's the difference between humans who cling to a collective soul and the souless animal?
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影云 回复 悄悄话 I agree with your thinking about the poetic forms --- a poem always has its own “destiny”. We cannot fully know ourselves; when we write a poem, the unknown, mystic but beautiful, appears and lead the poem to a perhaps unpredictable destination …. (Just a thought)

Enjoy reading yours
LTG 回复 悄悄话 love the quote from Kundera!!


i was thinking about the poetic forms...let the subject itself take shape rather than following a fixed form...

collective death can also be caused by collective killing, as in wars ... yes, it is complicated though we all seem to know what's right and wrong...

thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!
影云 回复 悄悄话 1. Nature’s form to its formless is as house to home; we want to go home when we are sick and tired;

“The rise of the science propelled man into the tunnels of the specialize disciplines. The more he advanced in knowledge, the less clearly could he see either the world as a whole or his own self, and he plunged further into what Husserl’s pupil Heidegger called, in a beautiful and almost magical phrase, “ the forget of being.”
---Milan Kundera, Art of the Novel

2. I love and do agree with the “flowing thought” which reminds me of the first verse in Tagore’s Gitanjali

3. Vision has no boundary to a wise mind who keeps absorbing from the outside world and inner self growing.

4. Most of the time, individual death just obeys the Law of Nature, unseen and unfelt by people other than relatives; however, the collective death is sort of tragic and fearful, demonstrating the powerless of human beings before Nature and injustice ----- I think it’s much more complicated than what I think.

Cheers, let “the” head be on “the” shoulder.
影云 回复 悄悄话 very interesting:)
time for dinner:) i will write more later:)