
超牛的油漆工 A Super Painter

(2007-11-13 17:57:54) 下一个

Need a good painter? This guy should qualify!

油漆画之前- 典型的混凝土& 灰泥墙面
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Before photo - typical concrete & stucco facade

准备画布 - 水泥墙壁上涂灰泥,墙面已呈现立体感
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Preparing the canvas - by plastering the wall surface. The wall starts to take on a 3-dimensional appearance

埃里克在离地面 30'高处工作。他的大多数艺术品从研究设计到绘画都是自己动手。他的妻子Kathy, 也是艺术家, 担当项目负责人。
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Eric in his element, 30' off the ground. He does most of the artwork by himself & researches, paints and designs each project from scratch. His wife Kathy, also an artist, serves as project manager.

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** Finished product ****************

..........................Here are some more examples of Eric's projects........

伟大的美国交叉路口- Bucyrus, 俄亥俄
Great American Crossroad - Bucyrus, Ohio -

之前 Before
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之后 After
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记住自由 Liberty Remembers

之前 Before ..
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之后 After
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Hard to believe you're looking at a flat 2-dimensional wall

怎么装饰一个土褐色的商城- Niagara, NY
How to dress up a drab Shopping Mall - Niagara , NY

之前 Before
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之后 After. Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com
之后 - 左边和中部特写镜头 After - close-up of left side and middle Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com

之后 (我想知道每天有多少只鸟飞到这墙壁上?)
After (I wonder how many birds fly into this wall on a daily basis??) Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com
室内Murals - 米勒啤酒厂。Indoor Murals - Miller Brewery .

之前的走廊- 米勒发酵房间. Hallway Before - Miller Fermenting Rooms
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之后的相片After Photos

在米勒啤酒厂发酵屋里-过去巧遇现代- 添加的勾子、剪贴板和围裙用来增加壁画的幻觉。 您是在看一面墙啊!
Past meets Present in the Miller Brewery Fermenting Rooms - hooks, clipboards and aprons were added to the surface of the murals to enhance the illusion .???? You're looking at flat walls! Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com
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太牛了, 不是吗? 难以置信!!!
SIMPLY AMAZING, ISN'T IT ? ? ?Unreal!!!!!!!!!!



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剑吼西风 回复 悄悄话 真棒! 我家的墙上也该画
剑吼西风 回复 悄悄话 真棒! 我家的墙上也该画