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Chinese Dumpling (猪肉韭黄饺子)

(2009-07-25 10:13:59) 下一个

Even though Chinese grocery store sell frozen dumplings, there is nothing compare to fresh home made dumplings. You can make dumplings with all kinds of fillings, here is one that I often make.

1. Ingredients:
1 lb ground pork, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup of water, 1 package of Chinese yellow chive (about 4-5 oz), chopped.
1 package of dumpling wrapper (44 wrappers/package).

2. For the filling: mix pork, salt, water together. Water should be added a little bit at a time. Then mix in the chives.

3. Fresh made dumplings.

4. Cook dumplings in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, remove them from water and eat it with you favorite dipping sauce.

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